COVID 19 - Along the Boards Fri, 23 Oct 2020 10:29:53 +0000 en-US hourly 1 COVID 19 - Along the Boards 32 32 7 Pro Tips for Parents with Kids at Home in Quarantine Fri, 23 Oct 2020 10:29:53 +0000 Living through quarantine can seem insufferable at times, especially if you’ve got a full house. Being cramped up with people for long periods just wasn’t how we were meant to live. That’s why we’ve got to find creative ways to pass the time, so we don’t kill each other before the lockdown is completely lifted. […]

The post 7 Pro Tips for Parents with Kids at Home in Quarantine appeared first on Along the Boards.

Living through quarantine can seem insufferable at times, especially if you’ve got a full house. Being cramped up with people for long periods just wasn’t how we were meant to live. That’s why we’ve got to find creative ways to pass the time, so we don’t kill each other before the lockdown is completely lifted. If you’re looking for a few ideas, here are some to get you started.

1. Get them Some Games

If you haven’t figured it out already, gaming is on the rise thanks to quarantine. Since everyone’s stuck inside, people are gaming more than ever, and your kids are likely no exception. Games like 2k21, Fortnite, Roblox, and Minecraft have all exploded in popularity for older kids. Younger kids have fun with games like Super Mario 3D World, Nintendo Labo, and Untitled Goose Game.

Games can help keep your kids occupied when they’re not doing schoolwork so you can get your work and household chores done. Ensure your modem and router capabilities are sufficient to support your household’s online gaming. That means choosing a gaming device with a high-bandwidth range and Ethernet ports and ensuring that you have the best router for gaming. Click here to learn more.

Source: Chicago Sun-Times

2. Get them Outside

While it’s still reasonably warm, get your kids moving. Consider investing in some outside toys so they can burn off some of that pent up energy. There are tons of things you can buy to keep your kids occupied throughout the fall months outdoors, including:

  • Basketball
  • Baseball
  • Football
  • Badminton
  • Soccer
  • Volleyball
  • Frisbee
  • Bean bag toss
  • Mini golf
  • Bouncy houses
  • Jump rope
  • Bubbles
  • Scooters & bikes
  • Sandboxes
  • Swings
  • Trampoline

These are just some ideas you can start with when considering buying new outdoor toys for kids during the quarantine.

Getting them to play in your backyard can also solve many of your problems. First of all, it’ll give you some time off, so you can relax for a while. Secondly, their body will be in constant physical activity, ensuring that their physical well being is taken care of.

Source: Kidadl

3. Get them On a Schedule

If you have young kids that attend school, you would want to ensure that their studies aren’t hindered due to the COVID outbreak.

We know that it can also be challenging. However, by keeping your kids on a schedule, you can teach them the value of discipline, even helping them keep up with their academics at the same time.

If you’re a parent working from home during quarantine, getting your children on a schedule (especially the younger ones) can help you get things back to a somewhat regular routine. While it won’t be the same as before the quarantine, you can create a schedule that frames the day in a way that’s productive for both you and the kids. Since they’re starting to head back to school online and in-person, now’s the perfect time to create a schedule that works for everyone. You can schedule meal breaks and snacks throughout the day to keep everyone on track.


4. Get them All Together as Family

Consider learning a new recipe or a new skill together. Ask your family for some ideas about what things they’d like to learn and start going down the list of images together. Take turns doing each person’s thoughts so that everyone feels like their opinions matter, and you all get to experience something you might not have otherwise. If you’re stuck and can’t seem to come up with any ideas, here are a few to think about:

  • Scavenger hunt
  • Your Olympic games
  • Contests
  • Races
  • Arts and crafts projects
  • Fashion shows
  • Baking
  • Puppet shows
  • Family game nights

The possibilities are endless when it comes to the number of things you can do at home with your family. It just takes a bit of research and a little creativity.

Also, if some ideas don’t seem significant to you, you can amalgamate others into them. For example, if you don’t want a family game night, you can have a family movie night where you and your family watch the movies that your kids love. After all, this article is about them.

Source: Community Impact Newspaper

5. Keep them Safe

According to WHO’s guidelines, young children and older people are prone to falling prey to COVID. Indeed, there’s a dire need to keep your kids safe, and that can’t happen until you educate them about the dangers from COVID and the right safety measures that they must practice.

From washing hands regularly to properly wearing a mask whenever outside, it’s all-important, and it is your responsibility to look after. Apart from this, if any of the house members show any symptoms or seem to be falling ill, maintain social distance, and keep children away to avoid the spread of the infection.

Source: Yale Medicine

6. Workout with them

The COVID-19 virus has a lot to do with human immunity. Individuals with a more robust immune system may not contract the virus or may be able to recover quickly from it. However, people with weaker immunities must work towards enhancing their immunity.

Indulging in a regular workout routine is a straightforward way of doing so.

And the best thing is that your kids will also remain healthy with this. Just note that this workout routine shouldn’t be like an outdoor game that they play.

Include a series of stretching exercises, work towards building stamina, do breathing exercises, and keep a healthily breathable environment inside the house. The lung capacity is one crucial factor that we must pay attention to.

You can also encourage your kids to do Yoga for a better immune system.

Source: Boston University

7. Keeping Them Occupied

Being stuck in quarantine doesn’t necessarily have to be a bad thing. You can use this time to find ways to get closer to your family. Whether you decide to do activities together, buy them toys to play outside, get the video games to keep them occupied during the colder months, or call them on a schedule to keep everyone on track (and sane). Good luck!

The post 7 Pro Tips for Parents with Kids at Home in Quarantine appeared first on Along the Boards.
