CARS - Along the Boards Thu, 13 Jul 2023 09:07:19 +0000 en-US hourly 1 CARS - Along the Boards 32 32 How to Prepare Your Car for a Cold Climate Move Fri, 16 Jun 2023 07:23:26 +0000 Moving to a cold climate can be exciting but also necessitates a shift in how you care for your car. Common issues like freezing temperatures, icy roads, and heavy snowfall can significantly impact your vehicle. Learn how to prepare your car for the transition so it serves you well in your new chilly destination. Check […]

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Moving to a cold climate can be exciting but also necessitates a shift in how you care for your car. Common issues like freezing temperatures, icy roads, and heavy snowfall can significantly impact your vehicle. Learn how to prepare your car for the transition so it serves you well in your new chilly destination.

Check Your Tires

When moving to a colder climate, you must pay attention to your vehicle’s tires. Proper tire maintenance ensures the safety and optimal performance on slippery, icy roads. Learn the significance of winter tires and the importance of monitoring tire pressure in colder weather conditions.

Winter Tires are a Must

Winter Tires are a Must

One significant change you’ll need to make when moving to a cold place is to switch to winter tires. Unlike standard all-season tires, winter tires are made of a softer rubber compound that remains flexible in freezing temperatures, providing better traction and handling on icy roads.

Tire Pressure

Cold temperatures can significantly affect tire pressure. For every 10-degree drop in temperature, tires can lose up to 1 PSI (pound per square inch). Regularly check and adjust tire pressure to ensure optimal performance and safety.

To check your tire pressure at home, follow these simple steps:

  • Purchase a tire pressure gauge. There are different types available, like digital, dial, and stick gauges,
  • Find the recommended tire pressure. Your vehicle’s ideal tire pressure can be found in the owner’s manual or on a sticker located on the driver’s side doorjamb,
  • Wait for the tires to cool down. Tire pressure should be checked when the tires are cold, as driving heats them and affects the pressure reading,
  • Unscrew the valve cap from the tire and keep it in a safe place to avoid losing it,
  • Attach and press the tire pressure gauge firmly onto the valve stem. You should hear a brief hiss of air as the gauge creates a seal with the valve. Read the tire pressure on the gauge,
  • If the tire pressure is too low, inflate the tire to the recommended PSI using an air compressor. If too high, release enough air by pressing the valve stem with the back of the tire pressure gauge or your fingernail,
  • Once the tire pressure is adjusted, replace and screw the valve cap back on securely.

Engine and Battery Considerations

Engine and Battery Considerations

It’s also vital to consider the impact of low temperatures on your vehicle’s engine and battery, especially if you plan on permanently moving to a colder place. Using the right engine oil, maintaining battery health, and taking necessary precautions to keep your car running smoothly in frigid conditions are essential for engine performance and longevity.

Engine Oil

Your engine’s oil can thicken in colder temperatures, making it harder to start. It’s best to switch to a thinner, lower-viscosity oil that can flow easily in cold weather. Consult the owner’s manual for the recommended oil viscosity and consider using synthetic oil, which generally performs better in extreme temperatures.

Battery Health

car Battery Health

Cold temperatures can reduce the car battery’s capacity, making it more challenging to start the engine. Have the battery checked by a professional to ensure it’s in good condition and can handle the temperature drops.

If your battery is older or showing signs of wear, consider replacing it. Additionally, investing in a portable battery charger or jumper cables can provide an extra layer of security when dealing with cold weather starts.

Exterior and Interior Adjustments

Adapting your vehicle to a colder climate involves making exterior and interior adjustments. Explore the methods for maintaining windshields and wipers and ensuring the proper use of antifreeze to keep your car functioning optimally in freezing temperatures.

Windshield and Wipers

Windshield and Wipers

In a cold climate, a strong, ice-resistant windshield is essential. Additionally, invest in winter wiper blades designed to handle ice and snow buildup more effectively than standard blades. Use a windshield washer fluid with a lower freezing point to keep your windshield clear during winter drives.


Antifreeze prevents the engine from freezing in low temperatures. Ensure your car’s antifreeze is at the correct level and concentration to provide optimal protection. A 50/50 mix of anti-freeze and water is generally recommended for most cold conditions.

Consult your owner’s manual or a professional mechanic for the specific requirements of your vehicle, as some models may require a different ratio or type of antifreeze.

Preparing an Emergency Kit for Colder Climates

Emergency Kit for Colder Climates

Living in a cold climate requires being prepared for unexpected situations, especially when driving. An emergency kit should be well-stocked with essential items to help you stay safe and comfortable during a winter roadside emergency.

Here’s a list of items to include in your cold-weather emergency kit:

  • Blankets: Carry warm blankets or a sleeping bag to keep you warm if you’re stranded in cold weather,
  • Flashlight: A flashlight with extra batteries is essential for visibility during nighttime emergencies,
  • First-Aid Kit: Keep a well-stocked first-aid kit to treat minor injuries or medical emergencies,
  • Jumper Cables: Ensure you have a set of jumper cables to jump-start your car if the battery dies,
  • Snow Brush and Ice Scraper: A snow brush and ice scraper are necessary for removing snow and ice from your vehicle’s windows and windshield,
  • Traction Material: Carry a bag of sand, kitty litter, or tire traction mats to help regain traction if your car gets stuck in snow or on icy surfaces,
  • Shovel: A compact folding shovel can be useful for digging your car out of snow.
  • Non-perishable Food and Water: Pack some non-perishable food items and bottled water to sustain you if you’re stranded for an extended period,
  • Warm Clothing: Include extra warm clothing, gloves, hats, and scarves to protect yourself from the cold,
  • Phone Charger: Keep a fully charged power bank or a car charger for your phone to maintain communication during emergencies,
  • Roadside Flares or Reflective Triangles: These items help alert other drivers to your presence, especially during low visibility conditions.

Safeguarding Your Vehicle for Colder Climates Is Essential

Remember, the key to dealing with cold climates is prevention and preparation; it’s always better to be over-prepared regarding your car’s safety and performance.

If you’re relocating to a colder region, consider hiring long-distance movers that specialize in transporting vehicles and belongings safely in various weather conditions.

They have the expertise and equipment to ensure a hassle-free move, allowing you to focus on settling into your new home and adapting to the colder climate.

The post How to Prepare Your Car for a Cold Climate Move appeared first on Along the Boards.

10 Winter Driving Safety Tips Mon, 08 Aug 2022 12:17:48 +0000 Driving in bad winter weather is scary and dangerous. Often, the roads are slick and it’s hard to see where you’re going. This is why over 1,000 people are killed every year on slushy, icy, or snowy roads. But sometimes you can’t avoid driving in winter weather. Maybe you have to get to work, travel […]

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Driving in bad winter weather is scary and dangerous. Often, the roads are slick and it’s hard to see where you’re going.

This is why over 1,000 people are killed every year on slushy, icy, or snowy roads.

But sometimes you can’t avoid driving in winter weather. Maybe you have to get to work, travel to visit family for the holidays, or just get from point A to point B.

When driving is unavoidable, there are things you can do to prevent getting hurt or killed in a car accident.

In this article, we’ll go over some safety tips for you to do just that, but if you ever do get in a car wreck, be sure to consult an experienced auto accident attorney like Berman & Russo. They’ll help you file your insurance claim and resolve any legal disputes.

So without further ado, here are 10 safety tips for driving in the winter:

1. Plan your route

Don’t drive without a plan. You should know exactly where you’re going and how to get there. If you don’t, you risk getting lost and taking unnecessary detours, which could get you into serious trouble if the weather is bad.

Always check the weather forecast. If the weather looks especially bad or a winter storm is coming, it might be best to stay home and postpone your drive for later. After all, it’s better to be safe than sorry.

2. Check under the hood


Look under the hood of your car to make sure everything is in good order. Car batteries tend to lose power in low temperatures, so be sure to check them. Also check your car’s oil level. If it’s time for an oil change, get one.

The same goes for the car engine. If your engine light is on, take your car to a mechanic or at least connect a code reader to see what it says. That way, you know how serious the issue is and what kind of maintenance the engine needs.

3. Check your tires

Having good tires in the winter months is crucial. The roads are slick and you want to have as much traction as possible. To this end, you should get snow tires (aka winter tires), which have larger gaps in their tread to increase traction on snow and ice.

Also, check that the tread on your tires isn’t balding. If it is, replace your tires as soon as possible.

Lastly, fill your tires to the recommended pressure level, which you can find in the car’s owner’s manual or on a label located on the side of the driver’s door.

4. Use winter windshield wiper fluid

Regular windshield wiper fluid will freeze if it gets too cold. So you want to replace it with winter windshield wiper fluid that contains de-icer. It can clean your windshield even if the temperature dips to -40° F.

Make sure you have plenty on hand, too. Keep an extra gallon in your car trunk just in case you run out. If you’re out of wiper fluid and your windshield frosts over, you won’t be able to see to drive.

5. Keep your gas tank full


On a similar note, you should keep your gas tank full. This lowers the risk of you running out of gas in a bad snow storm or traffic jam. A good rule of thumb is to always have your gas tank at least half full. That way, you have enough gas to get home if needed.

6. Stock your vehicle

Stock your vehicle with plenty of emergency and maintenance supplies. These include an ice scraper and broom, jumper cables, extra car oil, a flashlight, flare sticks, blankets, a hazard sign, bottled water, non-perishable food, a first aid kit, medicine, your cell phone and charger, warm clothing like coats and gloves, and more.

You never know when you’ll get stuck in a bad snow storm for an extended amount of time, so it’s important to be prepared.

7. Slow down

When it comes to actually driving, the number one safety rule is to slow down. Icy and snowy roads are slick and give your car less traction, so it’s important to drive cautiously. The faster you go, the more chance there is that your car will slide or skid.

Also, keep plenty of space between you and the car ahead. You’ll need extra room to brake if they stop.

Lastly, don’t rush. The holiday season can be hectic, and many rush to get off work, go shopping, or visit family. But this isn’t an excuse to drive faster. Driving too fast in ice or snow is a recipe for disaster.

8. Watch for black ice


Black ice (aka clear ice) is a thin coating of ice on a road’s surface that is hard to see. It gets its name for blending in with the black color of the concrete. Sometimes black ice makes the pavement look like it’s wet when it’s actually covered in ice.

The cold temperatures in winter mean you’ll be much more at risk of running into black ice. So stay alert and drive cautiously even if the roads don’t look bad.

9. Don’t stop on hills

Driving up inclines takes more traction than normal since your car is working against gravity. If you come to a hill while driving, be sure to get enough momentum so you don’t get stuck. Any snow or ice will make it extremely hard, if not impossible, to start moving from a standstill.

If you do get stuck on a hill, try clearing the snow from the front of your tires or laying something down in front of your tires so their tread has something to grab.

10. Don’t use cruise control

Finally, don’t use cruise control. You never know if road conditions will change, and if you’re on cruise control, you’ll need more time to react. It’s better to have your foot ready to slow down gradually than to trust in a constant speed. You want your reaction time to be as fast as possible.

Driving is inherently dangerous, so there’s no guarantee that you can always avoid a car crash. But following these tips will dramatically reduce your risk of getting into one. So start driving more safely today!

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What You Need To Know About Getting In A Truck Accident In Clearwater Fri, 29 Jul 2022 09:04:14 +0000 Car accidents are incredibly common. You might be surprised to learn, however, that almost 7,000 truck accidents occurred in 2020. In Clearwater, Florida, severe weather conditions, such as heavy rain or hurricanes, are primary reasons these accidents occur. If you’ve been involved in a truck accident in Clearwater, Florida as a driver, bicyclist, or pedestrian, […]

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Car accidents are incredibly common. You might be surprised to learn, however, that almost 7,000 truck accidents occurred in 2020. In Clearwater, Florida, severe weather conditions, such as heavy rain or hurricanes, are primary reasons these accidents occur.

If you’ve been involved in a truck accident in Clearwater, Florida as a driver, bicyclist, or pedestrian, here’s a general overview of what you need to know.

1. Make Sure Everyone Is Safe

After the initial accident occurs, make sure you check to ensure you’re no t injured and that everyone else in the vehicle is safe. Immediately exit the vehicle and check on the other people involved in the accident.

If someone is too injured to be moved and isn’t in immediate danger, wait until first responders arrive. Moving someone could potentially cause more harm if not done by a medical professional.


2. Call 911

All people involved in the accident are required to stay at the scene until the authorities arrive. Immediately call 911 to inform them of the accident so they can send the appropriate people to respond to the scene.

If it’s safe to do so, they may ask you to move your vehicle out of traffic. This is to alleviate any further accidents from occurring.

3. Exchange Information With The Other Parties Involved

While you’re waiting for the police and medical team to arrive, you’ll want to exchange contact and insurance information with the other parties involved. Make sure to obtain the following from other drivers:

  • Full name
  • Phone number
  • Insurance company name and telephone number
  • Insurance policy number
  • Driver’s license number

4. Document The Scene

You must collect as much evidence as possible from the accident. The insurance company will need this information when processing your claim. If you need to hire a Clearwater truck accident lawyer like, they’ll also need this documentation as well.

Take photos and videos of the vehicles involved from multiple angles. Make sure to capture footage of any property damage that may have occurred, as well as personal injuries that might be visible.

Documenting the scene of the accident can also include taking written statements from any witnesses who are willing to share their testimonies. You’ll want to ensure that you get their full name and contact information as well when presenting these details to your lawyer.


5. Get A Copy Of The Police Report

Always make sure that you get a copy of the police report before the authorities leave. This will have the report number on it as well as the information of the responding officer. If there are any discrepancies in the report, your lawyer will need to know who to contact.

6. Don’t Sign Anything

When a truck is involved in an accident, the trucking company may ask you to sign something. This is the company’s way of alleviating itself from any long-term lawsuits that could be financially detrimental.

It’s strongly recommended that you don’t sign anything until you speak with a lawyer. Legal documents are binding and could potentially make it nearly impossible to receive appropriate compensation for the accident.

7. Have Your Vehicle Towed

If the truck accident has made it so that you’re unable to drive your vehicle to be repaired, you’ll need to have it towed. You may need to discuss the potential of getting a rental car, which may be a part of your insurance policy. 


8. Seek Medical Attention

It’s always recommended that you seek medical attention following any type of vehicle accident. While there may be no visible injuries, there could be something serious happening below the surface.

Things like damage to internal organs, spinal injuries, or other soft tissue injuries don’t always make themselves apparent right away. The only way to know the full extent of any injuries you’ve sustained is through a medical diagnosis from a doctor.

9. Contact Your Insurance Company

In the state of Florida, the statute of limitations for filing an insurance claim against an at-fault driver is four years. However, it’s recommended not to wait more than thirty days after the accident to file the claim.

If you don’t feel comfortable contacting your insurance company due to a complicated situation, make sure to get in touch with a lawyer first. They can be your best option for representation and can talk to the insurance company directly.

10. Don’t Try To Blame Someone Else

As easy as it might seem to want to point fingers and blame someone for the accident, it’s best to let the right people be in charge of this. Determining fault is a tricky situation that is different from state to state.

In Florida, fault is usually determined by a judge. This is why you’ll absolutely want to have legal representation. The judge collects all of the information including accident documentation, details from the insurance claim adjusters, and the authorities who responded to the accident.

Florida also follows the rule known as “pure comparative fault.” This is when both parties are at fault for the accident. The outcome of this again will be decided in court.

Source: Money Crashers

10. Hire A Lawyer

Truck accidents can result in substantial physical, emotional, and financial hardship. You may be out of work for a while, have extensive medical bills, or even have emotional damages such as PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder).

If you haven’t yet found yourself a lawyer, you’ll want to do so as soon as possible. Find someone who specializes in truck accident law who can assist with personal injury claims. They’re going to be your best bet in being able to receive the highest amount of compensation possible.

Plus, if you come into a circumstance where your insurance company refuses to pay, you’re going to need someone who knows your legal rights in this situation.

11. Play The Waiting Game

Unfortunately, the process of handling all of the pieces after a car accident takes time. You’ll have to wait while the insurance company and your lawyer handle the logistics of the accident.

This is an opportune time to take care of yourself both physically and mentally. Make sure to follow any of the suggestions the doctor gave you in terms of any injuries you may have had. You also may want to seek additional help from a therapist or counselor.

Car accidents can have a dramatic impact on a person’s mental health. If you’re experiencing any type of distress, know that you don’t have to do it alone.

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5 Reasons Why It Is Better To Reserve A Rental Car In Advance Mon, 28 Feb 2022 09:56:00 +0000 There are many benefits of renting a car when you are on your vacation. First of all, when you are tacking a plane ticket, it will provide you with convenience since you can avoid public transport and expensive taxi services. Also, it is always recommended for people with small kids to choose this option because […]

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There are many benefits of renting a car when you are on your vacation. First of all, when you are tacking a plane ticket, it will provide you with convenience since you can avoid public transport and expensive taxi services. Also, it is always recommended for people with small kids to choose this option because you will need to carry a lot of stuff with you all the time.

Therefore, it is not a surprise that car-rental services are especially popular in attractive tourist destinations. Still, it is crucial to check more details before you choose a company to be sure that they are safe and reliable.

The best way to determine the best option is to compare the available services. The advantage is that you can do that online, and most of them are offering a solution where you can reserve a vehicle in advance. If you are planning to travel to Netherland, and you need to rent a car there, check this website.

Car rental services are using different strategies to attract more customers, such as new vehicles, a wide selection of cars, and the ability to reserve a car. In this article, we are going to introduce you to some of the main benefits of making a reservation for a vehicle.

1. Convenience

The main advantage is that you won’t need to worry about whether you will find a car when you arrive at someplace. If you choose to start looking for service upon your arrival, it could be challenging and frustrating since it will require some effort and time.

On the other hand, a much better solution is to start looking for online services before traveling. After you find an option you find attractive and secure, you can contact the agency and book the vehicle. The benefit is also that the car will wait you at the airport, which means that you will spend a lot of time that way.

2. It is Cheaper

The common misconception is that this type of service represents a trick of many agencies to motivate people to spend more money only to get the convenience of booking a car and start driving only immediately upon arrival.

The reality is quite different, and you will actually get a much better price when you choose this option. The reason for that is that companies that are renting vehicles use this ability to secure more clients. Also, the fact is that people who are interested in this option often choose to rent a car for a longer period than those who are using it when they already arrived.

It is also important to know that you can get at least 10% discount when you use this feature. Besides that, a lot of them will offer a lower price for a day when you reserve a car for a longer time. For instance, renting it only for one day may cost you around $30, while the same vehicle for a period of one week might cost you under $20 per day.


3. You Will Avoid Some Issues

Keep in mind that rental services are very popular during the vacation season. Depending on the time of the year when you are traveling, and the place where you are going, make sure to check how many available services are there.

For instance, you are planning a vacation on some popular exotic place, but there are only a couple of rental services available. Therefore, chances are great that many people will use the option to book a car before they arrive there.

If you rely on thinking that it will be easy to find a car after you get there, there is a chance to miss a chance to use this option, which can have a negative effect on your vacation, especially if you are traveling with kids.

4. You Will Secure the Right Model

It is common for bigger families to rent vans, while couples often look for some attractive models. Keep in mind that there is always a chance that some specific model is not available because it is already reserved.

Therefore, you should check the available cars in advance and be sure to contact the agency on time so you can make an upfront payment and secure that the specific model will wait for you at the airport. There are places where paying for a taxi from the airport to the hotel can be more expensive than the price of renting car for several days.


5. You Will Avoid Scams

Besides that, fact that you will avoid the need to use public transport and taxi services, that could especially represent a problem in exotic destinations since they are targeting tourists to get more money from them, you will avoid potential problems with rental services as well.

For example, when you are in a rush, and you didn’t use an option to reserve any model, there is a risk that you will choose the first service you find, and get a vehicle for a much bigger price, with some hidden terms, or in a poor condition.

Be sure to check the terms every time you are using this option. It could be a big problem if the car gets broken while you are driving since there could be hidden terms where you are responsible for repairing it. Also, beware of hidden fees.

The Bottom Line

The first day of vacation is always challenging since you need to get to the hotel, unpack, watch out for the kids, check where you can sleep, eat, rest, and more. Therefore, spending more time by searching for car renting can be even more difficult.

In that matter, you should use this option and secure a much more pleasant experience when you are going on vacation. Most of them are using online platforms, which means that you can easily check the available cars, along with the terms so you can avoid unpleasant surprises.

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5 Benefits of Hiring A Limo for Your Next Business Trip Sun, 28 Nov 2021 07:25:50 +0000 In addition to the fact that limousine travel is very glamorous, it is also the most comfortable trip you can choose. That is why this option will be great for all those who plan long-term business trips. Opt for a reliable company that will have all the services you need to travel safely and comfortably. […]

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In addition to the fact that limousine travel is very glamorous, it is also the most comfortable trip you can choose. That is why this option will be great for all those who plan long-term business trips. Opt for a reliable company that will have all the services you need to travel safely and comfortably.

There are several ways you can find the best sedan for yourself. All you need to do is research and come up with as many offers as possible, because that will be a great opportunity to make a comparison. Learn all about the benefits that await you if you opt for the right sedan.


1. Comfortable ride

This is the biggest advantage that many business people choose for a limousine. So, forget about cramped and small spaces where you cannot move freely. You need to have enough space to stretch properly, because otherwise it can be quite uncomfortable and tiring. When you are on a business trip, important meetings and a lot of work await you. That means you have to stay rested to look and feel fresh. With a limousine, you will have enough space, but also time to rest and relieve stress.

Thanks to your inner appearance, you can rest for a while by sleeping. Most business people spend several hours on a plane before arriving at their destination. After that, it is necessary to look for a taxi, and you may change another means of transport to the final destination. All this badly affects your mood as well as your appearance, because you will look exhausted, and that is how you will feel. To regain lost energy, take advantage of this limousine, but also many others.


2. Adherence to deadlines

Deadlines are a very important part of any business. You can’t do the job properly if you don’t meet all the deadlines. Although all the responsibility is on you, there are several factors that also affect this. They can ruin your plans a lot, but there is a solution. In order to get rid of unforeseen situations and avoid unpleasant surprises, it is important to take all precautions. This means that the transport you use on the trip is important, because it only depends on you whether you will arrive at your destination on time. Once you book your limousine you won’t have to worry about traffic, looking for parking spaces, finding locations, etc.

You will not waste time on such and similar things, because this service will enable you to be accurate. Remember that it is operated by experienced drivers who know how to manage in cities. Since time is money in the business world, meeting deadlines is a reflection of your professionalism and willingness to work. This way you will have a better relationship with your co-workers and you will not miss business opportunities. This way you will be ready to impress important people in the business. Think of this as an opportunity to establish your credibility, because you will look confident and professional.


3. Security

The most important thing is to be safe while traveling and that is why you must use a reliable means of transport. Since it is managed by a professional and there is a serious company behind the limousine, you will not have to worry about whether something will happen to you. To them, your safety comes first. This means that during the trip you will have the opportunity to focus as much as possible on your job or other activities while the vehicle is being operated by a professional.

You also don’t have to worry about mechanical failures, punctured tires and other things that can ruin your chances with a potential investor and other important people. Keep in mind that serious companies regularly clean, inspect, and update security features. Their services will take good care of you, as well as your basic luggage that you carry with you. He will respect all traffic regulations and will behave professionally at all times.


4. Work space

We are sure that you cannot work equally well in every means of transport on business trips. A lot of people have to make phone calls, make additional appointments, conduct online meetings, send emails and perform other work tasks while traveling. In such situations, it is necessary to be alone, that is, to be isolated from everything that can disturb your concentration. That is why limousines are a great solution for those who work on trips all the time.

All the people around you can be very annoying, especially if you are doing business conversations with colleagues. That kind of noise would simply be too much for you, and even if you could agree with colleagues, you would be exposed to great stress. However, the limousine provides you with enough space, but also perfect working conditions. This means that you will be able to do a lot of work tasks before you arrive at your location. If you opt for pro services like Toronto Limousines, you will have plenty of workspace, as you can see at


5. Positive first impression

Your colleagues will not only be happy that you respect their time, but they will also have a much better opinion of you if you come in a limousine. This means that the choice of transportation also affects your reputation, and we are sure that the opinion of your clients is of great importance to you. Although corporate events can be short, it is an opportunity to establish lasting connections with colleagues. In that case, the first impression is crucial, because you will not have enough time to correct your opinion of yourself. So try to leave a flawless first impression, and coming in an elegant and luxurious limousine is definitely an opportunity for that.


If you are often absent due to business trips, it is important to find a means of transport that will suit you. Although you are used to changing several types of transportation until you reach a certain location, you no longer have to do that. All you need is to rent a limo.

The post 5 Benefits of Hiring A Limo for Your Next Business Trip appeared first on Along the Boards.

5 Tips When a Car Insurance Company Refuses to Pay Wed, 27 Jan 2021 13:27:26 +0000 Car insurance commercials make it seem like the company is always on the client’s side. Stories of odd claims paid by an insurance company as described by a nice man or a friendly agent on the telephone telling a customer not to worry because they are covered, make insurance companies out to be like a […]

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Car insurance commercials make it seem like the company is always on the client’s side. Stories of odd claims paid by an insurance company as described by a nice man or a friendly agent on the telephone telling a customer not to worry because they are covered, make insurance companies out to be like a good friend.

The fact is that insurance companies are in the business to save money, not spend it. This means that they are more likely to deny your claim or refuse to pay than they are to approve your damages.

These tips can help you work with the insurance company and get your claims paid.

Source: Car Insurance Go

1. Insurance Adjuster is Not A Friend

The insurance adjuster will be very friendly, acting as if they are looking out for your needs. They will ask how you are doing and express concern for you, but it is important to remember that their loyalty is with the company.

It is their job to get a statement from you that they can use as part of your claim process. If you say the wrong thing, the adjuster could find a reason to deny your claim. So be very careful what you declare in such situations. Try to be objective and clear.

Although you will eventually have to make a statement to the insurance company, you may want to talk to an attorney before that, to ensure you don’t say the wrong things. You can work on your statement together to make sure that nothing you say will backfire.


2. Don’t Sign Documents Right Away

One common way that an insurance company will avoid paying your claim is by offering to cover your medical bills and an additional lump sum upfront. They will then send you documents to sign to get the initial payment. But this usually amounts only to a few thousand dollars. The company will then tell you that they need you to sign some forms to receive money.

What you may not realize when you sign those papers is that you have signed a release agreeing that this would be your only compensation. And that amount might not be enough to cover all of your medical expenses. Maybe treatment will be needed for a longer time, or the doctor will discover some other problems that he previously missed, but the insurance company can then deny any additional claims you file.

It is always best to talk to a specialized lawyer who will help you get familiar with all the documents you might receive from the insurance company. As you see, there are many hidden traps into which you can fall.

Source: American Express

3. Provide Documentation

One of the best ways to fight a denied claim is to use records you kept before you filed it to push the insurance company to pay. Keeping good records is one of the best ways to dispute a claim denial with an insurance company. If you are filing a claim for damage after a car accident here is a list of what information you can add to your file:

  • Photographs and videos
  • Any documentation offered by your doctor and/or a mental health care specialist
  • Medical bills
  • Bills for fixing your car

Photos and videos can be particularly helpful for your case. If you managed to take the photos you need right after the accident, that is great. If not, go back to where the accident took place and snap a couple of shots with visible property damages, marks on the road, and anything else that might be linked to the accident. So, here are a few things that you can photograph:

  • Damages occurred to all vehicles involved in the crash
  • Property damage
  • Weather conditions (a screenshot with a weather report will also do)
  • Skid marks on the road

If there were any witnesses at the scene and you managed to get their contact details, do not hesitate to get in touch with them. Go over the events together and new details might come to light. Talking about the accident with your friends and family might also jog your memory.

Source: CareerBuilder

4. File a Claim with the State

Each state has a department designed to regulate the insurance industry. This department also accepts complaints against companies who are not acting in good faith. So each state has its own State Insurance Commissioner, a public official who oversees insurance-related affairs. They will listen to your case and try to help resolve any injustice that might have occurred.

The most common issues they resolve are disputes with insurance companies, poor handling of an insurance claim, sale or service related problems. If you have a concern of a different nature, do not worry, they might still be able to help you. Sometimes, it only takes a call from the regulating agency to clear up the matter.

Although the first step should be to work with the insurance company, you may need to contact your state insurance regulation office and file a claim. Go to their website to learn more about the process and how to file a complaint with them. In some states, the forms can be accessed and submitted online.

Source: Heslin Law Firm

5. Talk to an Attorney

Even if you file a claim with your state insurance regulation agency, it is still important that you hire an attorney if your insurance company refuses to pay. An attorney will investigate the issue and help you get the compensation you deserve.

When you are dealing with an insurance company refusing to pay medical bills or other damages, it can be stressful. An attorney will focus on getting the claims paid, reducing your stress so you can concentrate on recovery. Click here to learn more about how a lawyer can help you.

Stand Your Ground

Dealing with your car insurance company following an accident might drag out into a lengthy process. But you must stand your ground. Take the time you need to build a solid case that supports your claim. Also, consider contacting a lawyer to help maximize your chances of reaching a favorable outcome.

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5 Pros and Cons of Being a One Car-Family Tue, 05 Jan 2021 12:14:15 +0000 Having a car is a necessity for a growing family. It is one of the most significant expenses for most families. It gives you the convenience of having your own mode of transportation. A working individual must have the convenience of going to and from work. Vehicles can also provide the comfort of traveling without […]

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Having a car is a necessity for a growing family. It is one of the most significant expenses for most families. It gives you the convenience of having your own mode of transportation. A working individual must have the convenience of going to and from work. Vehicles can also provide the comfort of traveling without commuting with a lot of people, which can be stressful. It is a common dilemma for a family in deciding on getting their family vehicle. Budgeting, maintenance, finance, and repairs of the car is one thing to take into consideration. There may come a time that you will decide if you should get another one if the necessity comes. Used cars can be a good option, click here to find out more.

Here is a list of what you may consider if you are planning to have only one car as first-time car owners or deciding to let go of your other ones to be a one-car family.

Source: Philkotse

Pros of a One-Car Family

  1. SAVE MONEY – already owning a car is expensive. What more if you add another one or two to an hour house. If it is not necessary, you can stick to being a one-car family. By owning one less vehicles, you will surely save money on fuel. However, vehicles are also expensive in maintenance, such as repair, oil changes, tire rotations, wheel alignment, and mechanical labor. Depending on your place, you will also save on tag fees and taxes. Parking fees can be kept as well. Putting these things into mind, you will save thousands of dollars a year if you own only one car.
  2. PAY OFF OTHER MORTGAGES – if you are currently paying your mortgage dues, you have already saved a lot just by owning one vehicle. If you have two vehicles, you can consider selling one of your vehicles to pay off some of your debt to ease your financial burden. The money you would use for your other car can instead be used for other essential matters like house mortgage, house repairs, leisure, investment, or savings. Visit for some selling advice and other car tips.
  3. ECO-FRIENDLY – by owning only one vehicle, you reduce your carbon footprint by being one less vehicle driven on the road. You also contribute to less waste in the environment because you only have one car contributing to CO2 emission. You will also save on fuel. Having one car will mean that you won’t burn twice the fuel if your husband/wife uses another one. Remember, you are just doing your part in contributing less waste to the environment if you decide to stick to being a one-car family.
  4. EXERCISE – if your spouse left the house with the vehicle, you will be obliged to find your mode of transportation just going around town. You can go jogging, running, biking and it will be good for your body. This will give you the chance to burn some calories and getting in shape. It could be a good workout for you if you could be active. Just look at the positive side of things when you only have one car, and one of your family members uses it.
  5. CONVENIENCE – if you have little kids or babies in your family, you would set up a toddler seat in the vehicle that takes up time. If you only use one car, you don’t have to oblige yourself to transfer toddler seats to another one. Having one also means that you save on car maintenance expenses. If you don’t go to the carwash and do the cleaning yourself, you save time and effort. We all know how hard it is to clean one vehicle; what more if you add more to your garage.

Cons of Being a One-Car Family

  • EMERGENCY USE – there are times that you may have to use the car for an emergency at home, but it is with your spouse at work. It is totally inconvenient during an emergency trying to get transportation when you need it the most. This is dangerous if you are racing against time in an emergency. Depending on our area, a taxi or an Uber is not always available, the vehicle of your neighbor may not be present also. This is one of the downsides of having only one car at your disposal.
  • CARPOOL – some people are not comfortable in a car with other people. If you don’t like to commute, you should get your car if it is essential. Sharing can be a challenge as an adult, especially if it is with strangers. Sometimes you just need to learn to compromise.
  • SCHEDULE – you need to have clear communication with the family to know who gets to use the vehicle and when. It can also be a cause of conflict between a husband and wife. If they are both working individuals and need the vehicle for a special event at work and there was a miscommunication, things can get out of hand.
  • TIME – if you are the one who gets to commute at work while your spouse is the one to use the car, you will have less time at home. Why? If you calculate the waiting time for public transport for you to get home, it can be a significant amount of time you are wasting outside. Having your car can save you time going to and from work. You can immediately go home to your family if you have your car instead of commuting to work.
  • LOSS OF FREEDOM – you cannot go anywhere to the place you want or just drive around the town during your day off if your partner has work to do in his/her job. When you decided to build a family and only have the budget to have one car, this could be the scenario you will often be facing. You just have to adjust and communicate with your family if you are having a hard time having only one vehicle at your disposal.
Source: Red and Honey

If you don’t know what decision to make regarding vehicle use, try living or using just one car for the family for more than a week. If you have two or more cars, use only one for this time period. You can communicate with your family and come up with a decision on what you think is best for all. Stick to being a one-car family or add more for convenience?

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5 Smart Ways to Reduce Your Car Maintenance Costs – 2023 Guide Sun, 03 Jan 2021 12:42:31 +0000 The car is something we need nowadays in order to be able to perform all the tasks we have, both business ones and those related to our private lives. Also, owning a car and maintaining it, as well as upgrading it is a hobby for many. They don’t look at the car as exclusively something […]

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The car is something we need nowadays in order to be able to perform all the tasks we have, both business ones and those related to our private lives. Also, owning a car and maintaining it, as well as upgrading it is a hobby for many. They don’t look at the car as exclusively something we need, but enjoy taking care of it. And we believe that most men treat their car exactly like that. However, it is generally very expensive.

Whether you have the latest car model or an older and cheaper one, you definitely need to constantly spend money on its maintenance in order to keep it in running order. If you fail to do so, you may fail the test that is necessary to be able to drive a car legally. One example of this is the MOT test in the United Kingdom which is mandatory for every vehicle older than 3 years. Since you have to regularly maintain every part of your vehicle, and you also have a limited budget, you need to know what are the smart ways to reduce your car maintenance costs to make the right balance between the money spent and keeping your car in top shape.

1. Drive smart

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Our first piece of advice is something that directly affects the cost of maintenance. The smarter and more responsible you drive, the longer your vehicle will last. If you drive fast, do not slow down enough when crossing holes or other types of obstacles on the roads, it is certain that various parts of your car will be damaged very quickly. This will then lead to expensive repairs, even if nothing breaks, maintenance will certainly be incomparably more expensive because you will have to change various parts such as brakes more often. Another bad thing that many drivers do is not to brake slowly but to wait for the last minute and then press too hard to break the pedal which will significantly reduce its service life. So drive smart and safe to save your life and the lives of others, and also to save money.

2. Never skip regular service

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Regular service aims to reduce your maintenance costs in the long run. There they will perform an inspection of the whole car and the oil will be replaced and a few more necessary things. People are often skipping regular service, especially if they have a new car because then they feel they don’t need it. This is a big mistake, because no matter if you have a new one or an old one, you must not skip the service, it is equally important.

Then the professionals will immediately notice the first signs of a malfunction and then it will be very easy to repair it, while in a few months it would be a major breakdown, whose repair would be very expensive. What is also very important is that you choose respectable places where you will do regular service. It must be a place with a good reputation and all the necessary licenses. It would also be ideal if they are specialized for the manufacturer whose car you own. This can be crucial, as they are then able to recognize certain signs earlier than someone working on all types of cars.

3. Buy used parts

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No matter how regularly you maintain your car, it is normal that you will need to replace certain parts from time to time. Sometimes it will be due to failures that are inevitable and sometimes the replacement will be part of routine maintenance, so as not to experience a breakdown in the middle of the road. In any case, new parts are always very expensive. And often you don’t need them at all, because the market for used parts is very large. You will very easily find used parts that are almost like new and are incomparably cheaper.

Especially today, in the age of the internet, you have no excuse not to buy used parts. If before you didn’t want to spend hours on a junkyard until you find what suited you, we understand you because that is really boring task. But now there are so many reliable websites like, where you just choose your car model and the part you need and that’s all you need to do. So take advantage of that option and save.

4. Learn a few things

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Of course, our recommendation is to always go to a professional for more serious things. But one who knows how to do the basic things around his car will save significant money. No special equipment or tools are required for this. You just need to learn a few things and have the will to do it. For example, replacing engine oil, replacing spark plugs and similar jobs are not something you should spend money on by paying a professional. You can do all this yourself in less than an hour. So don’t be lazy, but include basic maintenance of your car in the DIY projects you are already working on at your house.

5. Empty your trunk

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When we tell you to empty your trunk, we don’t mean it matters if you wear spare sneakers and a tennis racket constantly in your trunk. The problem is that many people keep heavy things, weighing several tens of kilograms, and even hundreds constantly in their trunk. This usually applies to people who do jobs like welding. Then they carry a welding machine with them everywhere, which is very heavy. And there are many such examples. Even if you don’t pay attention to it, it is a constant burden for your car and it will greatly affect the service life of suspension and tires above all, as well as the chassis. So empty your trunk to save on maintenance long term.


All of these are smart and very simple ways to make maintaining your car much more affordable than it currently is. There are many other things you can do for the benefit of your cars, such as using quality fuel and the like.

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Top 8 Best Caravan Covers For Your Caravan 2023 Fri, 21 Aug 2020 10:05:10 +0000 If you have a camper trailer, you know that it is one of the most important assets you bought for yourself. It is a great escape – a home away from home. Certainly, you want to protect your important investment at all costs. And to keep your joy and pride of owning a camper trailer […]

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If you have a camper trailer, you know that it is one of the most important assets you bought for yourself. It is a great escape – a home away from home. Certainly, you want to protect your important investment at all costs. And to keep your joy and pride of owning a camper trailer in perfect condition for the upcoming years, you need a good sturdy cover.

But, how do you know that the caravan cover is up to the job? Apparently,  there is a growing list of features to look for when buying a high-quality caravan cover. But we want to help you avoid all those miscellaneous tasks because we know the peace of mind is very important. And you get that when you have the list of the top ten brands for caravan supplies and covers in your hand – all you need to do is check

So, in this post, we have rounded up the top nine best caravan covers in terms of quality and features. We will then zoom in and know about the buyer’s confrontations with the individual caravan brands more closely and the pros and cons of each cover. Without any further ado, here is the list of best nine caravan covers for your caravan-

  1. Kampa PrestigeCaravan Cover
  2. Crusader CoverPRO Caravan Cover
  3. Maypole Caravan Covers
  4. Andes Breathable Caravan Covers
  5. Defender Universal Tower Cover
  6. ADCO Caravan Covers
  7. Camec Pop-Top Caravan Cover
  8. Aldi Caravan Cover

The above nine brands are our picks of the best manufacturers offering high-quality and reasonable covers for caravans. Let’s get to know in detail about them.

1. Kampa Prestige Caravan Cover

Source: penrosetouring

The Prestige caravan cover from the brand Kampa is among the best caravan covers on the market. In fact, Kampa is the most preferred brand choice among regular caravaners for their bespoke lines of caravan covers and comes with the most reasonable price.


The Prestige caravan cover models are weatherproof, breathable, and constructed with non-abrasive material that prevents wears and tears. On top of that, the cover provides superior protection from harsh weather, bird droppings, airborne pollutants, and harmful UV rays.


There are various sizes available for the Prestige Caravan cover. But on the flip side, the covers are precisely the size of the caravan, which makes it difficult to zip and fit into the van.

2. Crusader CoverPRO Premium Caravan Cover

Source: Medium

The Cover PRO caravan cover from the brand Crusader is designed with four-ply layers of construction, which provides top-notch protection to your caravan during the harshest of the weather.


The CoverPro premium cover comes with heavy-duty waterproof material construction, making it a practical choice to protect your van. From 17-19 feet to 14-17feet, the brand offers numerous sizes, and you can get the perfect fit for your caravan.


The only complaint regarding the CoverPRO caravan cover is that the instruction for installation is not much detailed and precise.

3. Maypole Caravan Covers

Source: Pinterest

Mostly, all the cover models from the Birmingham-based manufacturer Maypole are some of the best covers on the market today. But, currently, the Maypole 9533 and 9534Caravan covers are the two models that are the talk of the town. The cover is very nice, protective, and sturdy enough and fits very well when appropriately strapped. However, if you have decided to choose the Maypole brand for getting your covers, consider the Mp9435 and 9266 caravan top cover models.


The Maypole gray covers are durable, breathable, and good quality. But note that both the Maypole 9533 and 9534 covers are green in color while the 9266 top cover is white. Along with excellent water resistance feature, the covers are perfect for protecting your tourer during any harsh climate.


Apparently, the Maypole covers have only one critical issue: these covers do not come with any warranty. And, yes, the models are bit pricier covers than the ones in general.

4. Andes Breathable Caravan Covers

Source: teccoversonline

The deluxe grey breathable caravan cover from brand Andes is available in several sizes. This full-size caravan cover comes with a triple-layer of a protective inner layer that means your van is fully protected during the adverse climate.


The Deluxe Breathable Caravan Cover from the Andes is a heavy-duty cover and extra kit for passionate caravanners. The 14 to 17ft Green Andes cover is waterproof and also very easy to install.

5. Defender Tower and Defender Trailer

Both Defender Tower and Defender Trailer are considerably two of the best models and come with four protective layers. Defender Universal Caravan Towing Covers are front types while Defender Caravan Hitch Covers gives hitch coverage.


The Universal caravan cover is the best option for you as it gives full front coverage to your vehicle. Being constructed with thick and breathable material, the cover is easy to use and install. The best feature of these caravan cover includes four reflective straps and 2 LED battery powered lights for extra visibility.

The Hitch caravan cover from the brand Defender offers universal fit and is easy to attach. The covers are 100% waterproof and also comes with reflective trim.


The only downside of the Defender Universal Tower cover is that although tits mark-free buckle system, the cover is a bit difficult to clean off.

6. Adco Caravan Covers

Source: rvautoparts

Founded in 1955, ADCO has the most extensive range of trailer RV and caravan covers. The brand Adco is one of the most popular choices among the caravaners forums. Although more expensive than others, these covers are top quality and known to be the most long-lasting caravan covers.


The Adco covers are straightforward to install and takes about a minute to pop the lid. The additional equipment that comes with it makes also makes the installation process much easier and faster. Another notable feature is that the cover-top is white, which keeps the inside of the caravan cooler, especially during summer.


Some of the Adco caravan cover models are a bit pricey compared to the pop-up trailer covers. Also, there are few buyer’s complaints stating that the covers tearing and ripping. Upon further investigation, we found out that the cover holds up well if installed correctly.

7. Camec Pop-Top Cover

Source: awardrv

The Pop-Top Cover from Camec is undoubtedly a popular choice among regular caravanners. The new range of caravan covers from the brand, Camec, is a high-quality premium model. These covers are constructed with sturdy weather-resistant material, breathable, and offer excellent protection to any van. The best thing about the Camec Premium Caravan Covers is that they come with a massive three-year warranty!

8. ALDI Caravan Covers

Source: escape

Next to our list is the Aldi caravan cover, one of the most sought-after covers for its competitive price.  The cover is of good value and worth considering. If you want to get an insight into what reviewers are saying regarding the Aldi covers in forums, you must know that there’s only one complaint. From the very-popular Caravan forum website, one reviewer stated that the cover is too thin while, on the other hand, another user assured that the cover is durable for more than 18 months.

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GPS Tracking in The Auto Transport Industry Wed, 05 Aug 2020 13:42:39 +0000 Technology has been making life easier for everyone for several years now. We marvel over the advances that allow cars to drive for us while we nap, even though not approved, it is still something we never thought we would see happen. Even now, our locations can be pinpointed with 95% accuracy through GPS satellites. […]

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Technology has been making life easier for everyone for several years now. We marvel over the advances that allow cars to drive for us while we nap, even though not approved, it is still something we never thought we would see happen.

Even now, our locations can be pinpointed with 95% accuracy through GPS satellites. These locations can be shared through actual GPS units or through sharing the location on our smartphones. Families can even link to one another through Google Maps, knowing where each person is at any given time, with the ability to get directions to their location.

Source: NASA

What is GPS?

GPS is a system that uses 30 or more satellites that orbit the Earth for navigational purposes. If your phone has the location services on, these satellites send out signals regularly. When your phone is pinged by four or more GPS satellites, your location can be determined.

GPS is made up of three components. These components are ground stations, satellites, and receivers. The satellites in the sky are always positioned in a specific spot, and the ground receivers are used to make sure they are where they are supposed to be. Receivers are always listening to these signals from the satellites, which is how your position’s coordinates are formed.


Why Use GPS in Auto Transport?

Auto transporters are carrying expensive cargo. Cars, for the most part, cost tens of thousands of dollars, especially brand new. The companies that transport these vehicles for customers are responsible for the drivers who drive the trailers that take the cars where they need to go. Before the use of GPS and technology, auto transport companies relied on their drivers to ensure that deliveries were made on time and in good condition.

When it comes to shipping vehicles, the incorporation of GPS tracking has been beneficial to the industry and has used it for a while. Most of all, customer satisfaction rates have skyrocketed. Much like tracking a package coming from a parcel carrier or the United States Postal Service, tracking a vehicle shipment is just as pleasing to the customers waiting for them.

One of the biggest benefits of using this technology is that the whole shipping process is cut in half. No matter if we are trying to get from one place to another for personal reasons, or we want to offer the best service to our customers, delays are a big no-no. When you use GPS you will have no issue to get to the right location on the first try, and the system will give you the information in case there are traffic jams or other delays.


How GPS Improves the Auto Transport Industry

Improving customer satisfaction is not the only way that using GPS can improve the efficiency of the auto transport industry. When a person is trying to handle a move, they are often stressed. The last thing customers want is to worry about their vehicles.

By using GPS tracking, auto transport companies can ensure that vehicles being transported are safe.  The company can monitor things such as location, rate of speed, and the safety of the transport vehicle. It is also possible to give customers a unique code for them to track their vehicles as well.

The goods that the company is transporting will always reach the destination on time, and the customers will have a better experience with said business. If you are interested in improving your customer satisfaction, you should think about getting these devices.

Source: Peerbits

Should An Auto Transport You Choose Offer GPS Tracking?

The easy answer is yes. There are many different types of GPS setups and companies available that can make GPS tracking for a fleet affordable. Companies can also offset their GPS tracking costs within their quotes. Most customers are willing to pay $5.00 if they can see where their shipment is. After all, they pay up to $20 when mailing a certified letter.

Before choosing the right transport company for you, talk to them and see what they are offering. Most businesses will let you know if they have GPS in their vehicles, and if they don’t mention that right away, make sure to ask them. In case they don’t offer this service, maybe it is better to look for another place. These units will allow you to track your goods at all times, and in case something happens, you will be able to find the last location. In most cases, insurance companies cover the fees for products that were lost during transport. In the worst-case scenario, you will be able to win the case and get some type of settlement when you choose a company that has GPS setups.

In the grand scheme of auto transport, utilizing the technology that can streamline processes and make fleet vehicles more efficient just makes sense. If you are looking to ship your vehicle, make sure the company you are considering offers multiple options for tracking your vehicle. Options should include online, mobile, email, or phone call tracking functions. You should have full access to where your vehicle is when you are paying for transport.


Final Words

In the modern world, we are introduced to different types of technology that make our lives safer and easier. You should utilize these devices and invest in them any time you have the chance. When you invest in this tech, you won’t be spending money in the long run, but you will actually be saving some. Customers are more likely to trust businesses that use the latest devices, and insurance companies are more likely to offer you better package deals when you take care of your company, the goods you are transporting, and your customers.

When choosing the right system for you, make sure you do a lot of research, see what the available features are, and make your decision depending on your needs and on your budget. The navigation systems are helping us get one step closer to the future, so don’t let you and your company stay in the past while your competitors are taking your customers.

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