Debt Archives - Along the Boards Fri, 30 Oct 2020 11:37:00 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Debt Archives - Along the Boards 32 32 Low Credit Score – Here Are Your Options Fri, 30 Oct 2020 11:37:00 +0000 Having a good credit score is vital if you want to live life to the full. Without a strong credit score, you will find it much more challenging to get credit cards or borrow money. That will mean you may struggle if you want to launch a new business or even just borrow some money […]

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Having a good credit score is vital if you want to live life to the full. Without a strong credit score, you will find it much more challenging to get credit cards or borrow money. That will mean you may struggle if you want to launch a new business or even just borrow some money to get you through to the end of the month. The problem is that improving an already low credit score can often take time and patience. However, you do have options. Having a low credit score is something that can be resolved, so here’s our guide to the options that are available if your credit score is lower than you’d like.

Will it take a long time to fix my credit score?

There are very few quick solutions to a low credit score. That’s because your credit history is built up over time and takes into account every payment that you make. It also factors in when those payments were due, so late bill payments will start to have a negative impact on your credit score. Those late payments will affect your credit score for years, but ignoring them will not make the problem go away. There are some faster ways to give your credit score a positive boost.

Source: The New York Times

Registering to Vote

When you register to vote in the US, your credit score can get a very quick and natural positive boost. Ensure that all of the details on your voter registration form are correct (a mistake in your address will have the opposite effect). However, by registering to vote, you are declaring those facts to the US government, and that means your credit score will already be a more reliable reflection of you.

Checking for Errors

It’s easy to find out your credit score, and it’s something that you should do several times a year. That’s because it’s very easy for finance companies to make mistakes, and those mistakes could cost you your credit rating. If you’ve spent years building up a high credit score and an error undoes all of that hard work, you need to know about it. Always request an analysis of your credit score and go over it carefully to make sure that everything is correct.

Source: DD214 Direct

Start Paying Your Bills on Time

It’s not a fast solution, but simply paying more attention to your bills can go a long way to improving your credit score. Of course, when money is tight, paying those bills on time can be very challenging. It used to be difficult to get a loan to pay off those bills if you already have a low credit score, but that’s all changing. Now, online loans are safer and more popular than ever, and you can apply on sites like Cashlady to get loans for bad credit score resolution. When you can pay your bills on time, your credit score will always start to show signs of improvement.

Check for Credit Links

Sometimes, your credit score is linked to someone else’s. That could be your husband, wife, or even a family member, but if they have a bad credit score, then you could have debt collectors knocking at your door when you think that your credit score is perfectly fine. Always make sure that you know who’s connected and linked to your credit score, and take the necessary steps to unlink them if they are harming your chances of getting a new credit card or business loan.

Source: Blog – Wise Advice

Manage your Money

Take your time to build it up slowly. It can take patience, but it’s very rewarding to see your credit rating go up every year. Even if money is very tight, you can always manage it more effectively and safely, and in ways that will not only boost your credit score but also allow you to start saving. Never underestimate the amazing feeling of having emergency money in the bank, especially as you watch your credit score grow. There are online tools and resources that will allow you to take more control of your budget, no matter how low that budget might be. This article by Lifehack highlights the best apps for money management. The more that you think about your spending, the more likely that you will be able to pay off what you owe.

Paying off Debts

You might have to take out a loan to do it, but paying off your existing debts is one of the best and fastest ways to improve your credit score. Look at all of your debts and if they seem overwhelming, consider looking at debt consolidation loans. These will allow you to bundle all of our debts into one, and although they at first make your credit score drop, they can quickly improve that score as long as you make your repayments on time. This type of debt process is very useful because it means all of your debts are in one place, so there’s less chance of forgetting to make a repayment.

Source: NerdWallet

Have some Debt

It might seem like the opposite of what you want, but having some debts might actually improve your credit score! That’s because credit history needs to see activity, and if you’ve never taken out a loan, then potential lenders will have less of an idea of how well you’ll pay one back. They will want to see evidence that you can pay back what you borrow and pay it back on time. So the fewer financial records you have, the lower your credit score can be. Start by taking out small loans to start building up your credit history, and your credit score will quickly grow.

You have plenty of options to consider if your current credit score is lower than you’d like. Look through and research all of those options, and fixing your credit score might be easier to achieve than you think. It can take time, but there’s nothing quite like the security of knowing that your credit score isn’t going to set off an alarm every time you walk into a bank.

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It’s A Trap: The Dangers Of Keeping Your Debt In Foreign Currency Thu, 24 Sep 2020 14:50:56 +0000 Despite many experts and financial institutions consistently advising against keeping debt in foreign currencies, many individuals worldwide choose to take themselves on this risky, and murky financial adventure. However, although unnecessarily risky at first sight, borrowing loans in foreign currencies might actually work for some – but the amount of energy, time, and resources that […]

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Despite many experts and financial institutions consistently advising against keeping debt in foreign currencies, many individuals worldwide choose to take themselves on this risky, and murky financial adventure. However, although unnecessarily risky at first sight, borrowing loans in foreign currencies might actually work for some – but the amount of energy, time, and resources that will have to go into it still makes it a questionable financial decision. In this article, we will explore how the foreign currency debt works, what are the risks associated with it, and how one can attempt to reduce them.

How Does The Foreign Currency Debt Work?

In theory, foreign currency loan is easy – you take it out in a foreign currency and pay it back in the same currency that your original debt was in. However, in practice, it is way more complicated. What you might be faced with is a bank that will operate your loan, will first obtain it in the foreign currency of your choice ( and the one that is available for the loan), then convert it into your domestic currency and give it out to you. You will then repay your foreign currency debt in your domestic currency which will have to be the total sum in the foreign currency that you originally took out, plus the interest rate. The main attraction of keeping debt in foreign currencies is the hopes for the low-interest rates that vary between different currencies, and, in theory, might make your loan cheaper than the one in your domestic currency. However, that’s merely a theory, and more often than not, the reality is drastically different.

Source: Givesunlight

Main Risks Of Keeping Your Debt In Foreign Currency

So what would be the main risks of taking out a loan in foreign currency? Well, there are plentiful. To begin with, the foreign exchange rate is constantly fluctuating, which could mean two things for you – either a reduced or an increased debt and consequently, low or high interest. Let’s put it this way: imagine that you took out a loan in a foreign currency, GBP, for example, and, all of a sudden, your domestic currency, say a euro, strengthened against it. Should such a miraculous and happy turn of events occur, you are the lucky borrower, whose debt will be reduced significantly. On the other hand, a less rosy scenario would have your euros weaken against the GBP, and now, not only have your debt increased rapidly, and the interest rate advantage has vanished into the horizon. Now, if that representation of the high risks associated with debt kept in foreign currencies has not discouraged you, and you are still eager to spend your time anxiously checking out the exchange rates at the Bank of England here, we have prepared some tips to help you navigate through loans in foreign currencies.

Source: The Motley Fool

Some Tips To Reduce The Risks

Before deciding to take out a loan in a foreign currency, one should remember that it is almost impossible to make your loan less costly and more profitable, not only because the fees and extra charges associated with it are quite high, but also because the loan itself will be subjected to the regulations that derive from the interest rate. The bank that will be providing you with the loan will determine the interest rate based on the key rate of the Central Bank of the country issuing foreign currency, combined with a variety of macroeconomic factors, and the bank’s own risks of issuing such loans. If you are an average consumer with no extensive background in currency exchange rates, it is almost impossible for you to profit from foreign currency exchange rate speculations.

Nevertheless, if you are a hundred percent determined that you can pull off keeping your debt in foreign currency, there are some tips that you can use to more or less secure yourself.

First and foremost, do your research. Before taking out a loan in a foreign currency you will have to dedicate a good amount of time researching how strong the currency options available to you are against your domestic currency, how well did they perform recently, and what is the common pattern in their performance. We really wish that we could recommend a certain tool that will help you analyze the aforementioned issues and make accurate predictions, but unfortunately, to this day, there are none. Foreign currency exchange rates are subjected to a variety of factors and developments around the world, and just like it is impossible to predict what will happen in the world tomorrow – it is equally impossible to predict their behavior.

Secondly, you can hire a specialist to manage your loan, and yes, those people do really exist. A good manager will move your loan to the currency weaker than the base one, and thus, significantly reduce the debt. On top of that, if the manager is truly successful, they will also look for currencies with lower interest rates and allow you to make further savings. Bright and promising as it seems, even if you hire the best manager, you should be prepared for your debt to increase, even if the increase will be relatively small. Unfortunately, as previously mentioned, such as the unpredictable nature of the foreign exchange rates, where the accurate prognosis is often unavailable even to the most profound experts of the field.

Source: The Intercept

Finally, in order to protect yourself against the exchange rate fluctuations, you can resort to the various payment services that allow you to fix both the payment date and the exchange rate at which you will be repaying your debt. Unfortunately, yet again, such a method might have a 50/50 rate of success, as the exchange rate can both become lower or higher than the rate that you fixed with your payment provider. Furthermore, such providers often charge an additional fee, which, in the long run, makes your debt even more costly then it already is.

All things considered, it is safe to say that it is preferable not to get yourself involved with the debt in foreign currency, so much so, that even the governments in some countries have been imposing additional regulations to make it less accessible and less attractive to the general public. However, should you choose to proceed with the loan in foreign currency, make sure to do your research well, and minimize your risks where possible.

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Tackling Your Debt Head On: What You Need to Do Fri, 27 Mar 2020 13:48:53 +0000 It is not uncommon to be in some type of debt. Many people around the world carry some form of debt on their shoulders every single day. Whether you have credit cards, loans or you are just obligated to paying something else on a regular basis, the amount that you owe can become quite a […]

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It is not uncommon to be in some type of debt. Many people around the world carry some form of debt on their shoulders every single day. Whether you have credit cards, loans or you are just obligated to paying something else on a regular basis, the amount that you owe can become quite a burden. The more that you wind up owing, the less money you have for other things that are necessary in life. You may find that it is difficult to save up for emergencies, which in turn causes you to rely on more credit cards to pay for these types of expenses.

Thankfully, there are ways for you to tackle your financial problems and eliminate them entirely. It is important that you work on getting rid of balances as soon as possible so that you can experience financial freedom. Financial freedom enables you to put money away for other, more important things and prevents having to deal with creditors and loan sharks who are constantly hounding you down for what is due. If you are having a real problem with managing money, it is important to associate with a financial adviser who can help you out further.


Source: Next Avenue

Refinancing simply means that you will work on each balance to extend its term length and get a better interest rate. One of the most problematic issues that many people face involves the high interest rates associated with the debts they have. You may be paying more in interest the longer that your balance is active, which simply gives more money to your creditors than you would like. Unfortunately, a lot of what you pay towards the balance is going to go towards interest rather than any leftover principal. This simply extends how much you spend over the course of the account’s life. If you have older student loans, refinancing them is a smart idea because you can get a lower interest rate with a company like Earnest, as well as an extended term. This brings down your payments each month so that they are a lot more affordable for you and your family.



Consolidation refers to lumping all of your balances onto one account. For example, you might currently have five credit card accounts out with a balance on every one of them. Paying all five bills each month has become confusing and you’ve missed a few because you either forgot or didn’t have the money. Now, you are saddled with late fees, high interest rates and a never-ending pile of bills that constantly come in the mail. Consolidation often involves taking out a personal loan or low-interest, high-balance credit card and lumping all of your debts onto just one simple payment. In doing so, you are making bill paying less confusing and you will find that it is actually cheaper for you to make one payment a month rather than four, five, six or more. In order to consolidate properly, you need to find an account, like a personal loan, that has a low rate and offers you the money necessary to pay off all of the other companies and lenders.

Create a Savings Account


Creating a savings account doesn’t necessarily help to pay off debts at first, but the account can help when it comes to preventing more from piling up. Emergencies happen and they often occur when we least expect them. Your car breaks down, your fridge stops working or your plumbing pipes burst randomly one morning. If you don’t have any cash in savings, you’re left having to pay for any and all of these things on your own. Unfortunately, this is when it’s likely that you’ll pay using a credit card, further putting you in debt. To prevent this from happening, you should work on building a savings account that can be used during emergency situations. Aim to save up at least $1,000, which provides you with a relatively large sum if you need quick access to cash. Automating your savings takes the guesswork out of doing this yourself, since you’ll be able to have money put into the account each week automatically.

Establish a Budget

Source: Payoff

One reason so many people are in so much debt is because they overspend. In fact, you might be overspending without even being aware of it. You might eat out a lot more than you cook at home, you belong to subscription and streaming services that aren’t necessarily needed or you spend a lot on the weekends when out with the family. All of these things can prevent you from saving up in the way that you want. Likewise, by spending too much each day, you’re less likely to have extra cash available to pay off existing debts. It is important that you establish a budget for yourself. Take your income to debt ratio into consideration and then decide how much you can or want to spend after paying all of your bills.

Work with Creditors


Creditors and collections agencies all have a bad name but in reality, they’re simply doing their jobs. These are normal, everyday people who are tasked with collecting money from individuals who owe larger companies and corporations. Likewise, these companies and corporations want to get paid, so they will sometimes settle for a smaller amount in terms of owed balance just because it guarantees some type of short-term reimbursement. If you’re struggling to pay your monthly bills and are finding that you’re consistently late and dealing with overwhelming fees, you need to speak with the collection’s agents. Tell them that you’re having a hard time and they will typically work with you to come up with a repayment solution that works both for you and for their company. You may find that they reduce debts, take away late fees or waiver entire balances in order to help you out. If you’re not getting anywhere, a financial adviser can help and will work with these creditors for you so that you don’t have to worry about doing all of the work on your own.

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What Can A Personal Loan Be Used For Fri, 20 Dec 2019 17:24:41 +0000 Personal loans are extremely flexible financial products, suitable for so many fiscal demands and times you may just need a little additional help or things are a bit tight. A personal loan is commonplace in the lending market and easy to access with direct online lenders. The flexibility it affords means that borrowers can use […]

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Personal loans are extremely flexible financial products, suitable for so many fiscal demands and times you may just need a little additional help or things are a bit tight. A personal loan is commonplace in the lending market and easy to access with direct online lenders. The flexibility it affords means that borrowers can use it for almost whatever they need, with lending remits usually ranging from £1500 and £25000.

It’s a bit vague to say that once accepted, you can use a personal loan on anything you want. Our guide is here to talk you through the parameters for spending a personal loan, including inappropriate uses.

Financial Emergencies

Source: Kiplinger

Sometimes you may just need a small cash injection or little financial boost to cope with an unexpected bill or emergency that has cropped up. It could be anything from a leaky roof, a car breakdown and repairs or a family member has been robbed abroad and needs quick money to return home safely. In these events, many people might be tempted to turn to short term credit because they market themselves as quick-access or same-day funds. In reality, a personal loan may be even more suitable.

A personal loan is available from sums as low as £1000, but this could differ depending on the lender. This could be an ideal figure for that small cash injection that gets you through to payday without over committing or over-borrowing.

Over borrowing is a term that is typically used for indulgent overspending or harmful consumer behavior, but it can be applied to loans as well. It is the instance in which an individual borrows more than they really require just for frivolous spending.

Taking out a personal loan for an emergency also affords you the flexibility with how much you need to borrow, unlike a payday loan or short term credit, which is capped at a maximum of £2,500. Lenders, such as help consumers avoid this kind of dangerous and high cost, unsustainable source of credit altogether.

High cost, short term credit does allow consumers to pay back the money they have borrowed in under a year, by definition. Typically, a short term loan will be paid back via monthly installments and a payday loan will need to be paid in one lump sum to the creditor on the borrower’s next pay date. This can seem really appealing to consumers as it seems like a quick and clean way to manage a situation at hand, however, being in a time-sensitive situation and needing access to money as soon as possible could lead to reckless financial decisions. It is important that consumers understand all they need to about financial products before committing to them.

Personal loans can be paid out on the same day, too. This means they are just as convenient as payday loans. By definition, a payday loan has an APR of over 1000%, although regulations now limit how much a consumer will repay, this is still an expensive way to borrow a small amount of money. Although over-borrowing is not encouraged, and a personal loan may have a higher minimum lend than is actually required, it is worth working out the costs of both types of financing.

Personal loans could give you a little breathing room to manage a financial emergency and ensure that whatever has gone wrong, is rectified properly. In the long run, it could be so much more expensive to opt for quick fixes!

Home Improvements

Source: At Home with The A Team

Home improvements can be extremely costly ventures, and although they may seem like a frivolous expense, they can sometimes be mandatory. There is a lot of crossover between financial emergencies and home improvements. For example, the Home Owners Association compiled a list of typical home improvements and their subsequent price tags:

  • A new roof – this could be a real home emergency following adverse weather is expected to cost anywhere from £4,500 – £12,000
  • A new bathroom – this could be mandatory following a burst pipe or a severe leak and is expected to cost, on average, £6,000.
  • Fixing rot and damp – this is a home improvement that varies in cost and could set homeowners back anything from £1,000 – £16,000 depending on the severity of the situation.

The cost of these home improvements highlights just how much money would have to be saved in order to pay for them without using credit. It is completely appropriate to use a personal loan in these situations. Furthermore, it is completely impossible to budget for every little thing and we all rely on credit at some point in our lives, but more poignantly, it’s even harder to get a contractor or builder to stick to a budget. Homeowners are often quoted a price for home improvements and the works go way over budget, through no fault of their own. Considering the discrepancies between the lower and higher ends of these home improvement costs, it’s no surprise that personal loans are often used for this kind of expense.

As personal loans can be paid into a recipient’s account on the same day the application is processed, allowing borrowers to start organizing necessary repairs and works without too much delay.

It should be noted that taking out a personal loan to make home improvements with the intention of flipping a property or increasing the value of it is considered an investment risk. This is because individuals will have agreed to the investment with the expectation of making a profit. If this is how a borrower intends to make money to meet repayments, it could be an extremely risky game. This is because repayments would then depend on the sale price, as well as if the property sells, the market value of the property and the stability of that market.

Furthermore, some home improvement investments are actually more expensive to install and maintain than you may initially think. For example, a house with a pool may seem extremely appealing but the work required for installation may outweigh any cost-benefit seen at the time of re-sale. The Home Owners Association calculates that a new pool will cost £35,000, but only adds an additional £2,000 to the total property value.

Debt Consolidation


Although it is possible to apply for a dedicated debt consolidation loan, more often than not, they are just standard personal loans available at a favorable rate.

Debt consolidation provides consumers with convenience; those juggling multiple debts and struggling to keep on top of organizing different repayment dates can take out a loan large enough to pay off all existing debts. This means that the money owed will still total the same amount, but it will all be in one place. This makes it easier to manage debt and could minimize the risk of defaulting or making a late payment as there is only one to worry about.

All debts will need to be paid off as soon as possible for a debt consolidation loan to be most effective. It is worth noting that there may be early repayment penalties, which can really add up, especially if there are several creditors asking for fees. Debt consolidation loans will not eradicate your debts.

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