Management Archives - Along the Boards Wed, 16 Dec 2020 14:46:13 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Management Archives - Along the Boards 32 32 How Do You Streamline Alumni Management Platforms Communication? – 2023 Guide Wed, 16 Dec 2020 14:46:13 +0000 Having an alumni management platform is one of the best ways to engage with graduates from your institution. With such a forum, you can easily keep tabs on alumni and their progress. Additionally, with an effective alumni management platform, individuals can grow their careers and professionals by leveraging existing networks. These are just some of […]

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Having an alumni management platform is one of the best ways to engage with graduates from your institution. With such a forum, you can easily keep tabs on alumni and their progress.

Additionally, with an effective alumni management platform, individuals can grow their careers and professionals by leveraging existing networks. These are just some of the evident benefits of an active platform.

However, in some cases, you may not reap these benefits as the platform struggles with effective communication. Many of these benefits are tied to consistent communication.

For example, if you have an opportunity that could benefit someone on the platform, you can easily update on the platform. If there’s effective communication, even without going to the platform, the opportunity will end up reaching the right audience.

An overly busy online alumni management platform will also prove ineffective when it comes to communication. This is because relevant communication may end up being buried in information that may not be as useful.

As a result, the success of any alumni management platform such as Hivebrite lies in the adequate flow of communication. This applies to both parties – the institution and the alumni.

Is your alumni management platform streamlined? Unfortunately, the answer in most cases is a resounding no. This then begs the question: What can you do to ensure an effective communication flow between the institution and the alumni? Here are a few effective yet practical tips.

Tips to streamline alumni management platforms communication

1. Roll out the welcome wagon

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How do you welcome a new alumnus to the platform? Most institutions have no engagement plan when it comes to new registries. However, the way you welcome new parties to online engagement platforms sets the standard of communication.

You don’t have to overdo the welcome message. In fact, you can have an automated system set to welcome any alumni joining the platform. This can be a short series of emails or information explaining the platform and how communication will happen.

This initial engagement helps the new alumnus reconnect with the institution and feel right at home.

2. Tailor your communication

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The other major mistake that often happens is having generic and uninspiring communication on the platform. Engagement levels drop when the content being shared is out of touch or doesn’t resonate with the target audience.

For example, recent graduates who just joined the platform are most likely looking to build professional networks and possibly get lucrative opportunities. In such a case, they would be more engaging if they see opportunities on the platform.

When there aren’t any opportunities, you can also arrange for older and seasoned professionals to offer recent graduates’ guidance.

In short, to build effective communication on your alumni management platform, you should appeal to the parties’ desires.

3. Nurture a safe space for all

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Have you ever been in a position where you’re trying to say something but the other person won’t let you? This can often be the feeling in many alumni management platforms.

Some parties may feel entitled to the platform, which will likely lock others out. A great way to proceed is by creating a safe space where everything is respectable to the other person’s opinions. Additionally, everyone should feel free to contribute to the platform.

Ultimately, your alumni management platform’s success hinges on the communication and engagement levels of all parties. These tips will help you create a functional and interactive platform where everyone can benefit from.

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Santan Company Owner Aleksandr Palamarchuk: “Competent Management, Team of Professional S and Correct Investment Are the Key to a Successful Business” Thu, 26 Nov 2020 11:23:35 +0000 It is interview with Aleksandr Palamarchuk – the owner of SANTAN, company one of the leading companies among 391 Ukrainian companies that produce and sell sanitary ware – 2023 declared itself almost like an apocalyptic crisis. Uncertain and inconsistent government actions, entrepreneur’s confusion, a sharp reduction in the economic sector, and jobs swept all of […]

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It is interview with Aleksandr Palamarchuk – the owner of SANTAN, company one of the leading companies among 391 Ukrainian companies that produce and sell sanitary ware

– 2023 declared itself almost like an apocalyptic crisis. Uncertain and inconsistent government actions, entrepreneur’s confusion, a sharp reduction in the economic sector, and jobs swept all of the countries and caused panic. Mr.Aleksandr, when you are looking back, can you objectively assess your reaction to the risks caused by the pandemic as a person and a leader?

It was a sharp and unexpected hit to our entire economy, to every enterprise, every employee and every family. I will be wrong if I would say that as a director and as a person I didn’t feel anxiety before coming into uncertainty. But the responsibility to my employees, my company, my family prompted me to look for a way out. The adaptation was not easy, because it is always difficult to abandon the familiar and comfortable conditions, to rebuild on a crisis track.

No wonder my motto is “Never give up!”. We suspended work in the office, closed our retail stores, transferred some of our employees to work remotely, and cut costs. We changed strategy, tried different formats, introduced new products and services. Sales were carried out only through our online store. The pandemic has served as an additional impetus for the development of online commerce.

-So maybe such measures were taken by many leaders in the current situation. But not all enterprises and firms remained “afloat.” Maybe you have some secrets of your own that helped you survive?

All the secrets of a successful business have long been known. The first is competent management. I learn all my entrepreneurial activities for successful management, I stimulate my team of managers and even ordinary employees to this. Having gone from a turner to a businessman, I made sure that every employee needs a high level of self-government and self-organization… With the onset of the crisis, we quickly developed a strategy for the crisis period, and such that it would be possible to realize all the resources and capabilities of the company, choosing online sales as the general direction.

After some recession caused by the influence of the pandemic on the psyche of people, the sales volume increased significantly, and exceeded the figures of the pre-crisis months by 8 times! We decided to restructure, focusing on trade through the online store, on expanding sales markets in the virtual field. Retail trade in stores is now open, but you need to be prepared for any crisis turns. Therefore, we are recruiting new employees to the sales and marketing department, updating and modifying the management system. Because companies that have been able to leverage digital technology in the current environment have increased revenues.

– Competent management is the basis and pinnacle of business activities. And the fact that underestimation of the importance of governance is fraught with many miscalculations, we see from the actions of the highest echelons of the Ukrainian government. But there are probably other “pillars” that underlie the success of your company, isn’t it?

Yes, there have always been periods of crisis (remember 2008!). In the modern dynamic and changeable world, they have become more frequent, and in order not to get lost in its labyrinths, one must make efforts, work hard and strive for success. The second condition is the presence of a professional team.

We are very careful in the selection of employees. In several stages, but this is the only way we will be able to understand what abilities and capabilities the applicant has. This creates a reliable and professional team. And it is not formed on the day of the coming of the next crisis period, but constantly in accordance with changing requirements. The old motto “Cadres decide everything” does not become obsolete.

That is why, during this difficult period, we did not fire a single employee. The third condition is also important – an economically profitable investment, especially in partnership and technology projects, innovative business models. Therefore, we are actively developing the IT-company “SANTAN DIGITAl”, whose tasks are the creation and promotion of sites and online stores in the global network. Now we are working on a new format for the marketplace – an electronic platform on which different companies can post information about their products.

– Analyzing the experience of the crisis months, what, in your opinion, needs to be changed within our city and country in order to prevent a new regression in the economy and soften the blows from possible next pandemic waves?

Our economy has gone through many crisis moments lately. For 30 years of my entrepreneurial activity, in addition to world crises, we have experienced the collapse of the Soviet country and its economy, have learned to work in a multi-year hybrid war. But we still do not have well-trained and experienced analysts who would be able to calculate the risks of such situations.

Therefore, there is a need for every entrepreneur to think about the development of anti-crisis measures and the search for their own non-standard solutions. Alternatively, to unite, create anti-crisis funds that would provide support to small and medium-sized businesses and the most vulnerable industries. The countries of the European Union, the United States were able to provide financial support to the economic sector. For example, Germany has allocated 500 billion euros to support businesses affected by the coronavirus pandemic.

– We cannot ignore your charitable work. What prompted you to create a charitable foundation and help those who need it?

You are asking a difficult question to which there is no clear answer. Probably helping people is my position in life. First, there was help to those in need separately – those who found themselves in a difficult life situation, then a Charitable Foundation appeared and supported migrants from the ATO zone, we help children’s hospitals, homes, educational institutions. And I continue to do this to the best of my strength and capabilities.

– Mr.Aleksandr, what would you like to wish to novice businessmen, although it is probably very dangerous to start a new business in times of crisis?

There is always risk, but times of crisis open up new opportunities for decisive and proactive people. The main thing is to find your niche. You can start with a small business, for example, I recently read that two displaced sisters are developing their own business, growing ecologically clean microgreens on a rented plot in the suburbs. They started with a small greenhouse, and now they supply their products to supermarkets and famous restaurants in the city. You can start a business and achieve success at any age. For example, you can create a cool digital product and sell it dearly at 20, or you can, like Henry Ford or Ray Kroc, start your own business (like Ford Motor or McDonald’s) at the age of 40 or 52. It is important to believe in yourself! There are very wise words: “If you are afraid – do not do, if you do – do not be afraid, if you already done – than do not regret!” Go for it, and luck will come to you!

Reference. SANTAN was established on 1997. During 23 years of work on the plumbing market SANTAN has taken a leading position in the Ukrainian market and won the recognition of customers. SANTAN works actively on the wholesale market. SANTAN developed its own distribution network all of Ukraine, and also has 8 successful brand stores: 4 are own shops and 4 are partner’s shops. Also SANTAN offers its own business services.

SANTAN’s product range is about 10 thousand items. It is varied by the prices levels, solutions of design and functionality. Only high quality is invariable. Own warehouses allow maintaining a constant assortment, which is available online.

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Called by a Debt Collector? Here Are 5 Settlement Options You Can Consider 2023 Thu, 12 Mar 2020 11:54:12 +0000 Many of us have this habit of spending extravagantly beyond our means, which puts us in serious financial trouble. Getting out of this debt becomes even more difficult if you have more than one creditor. If you are stuck in a situation where you are unable to manage your different accounts and payments, it is […]

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Many of us have this habit of spending extravagantly beyond our means, which puts us in serious financial trouble. Getting out of this debt becomes even more difficult if you have more than one creditor. If you are stuck in a situation where you are unable to manage your different accounts and payments, it is time for you to consider debt consolidation.

Debt consolidation is an approach in which all your debts are integrated into a single debt which you can pay off through single monthly payments. This helps in saving some interest amount and helps in paying off your debts faster. This method significantly simplifies your finances and also relieves you from some stress.

Here are a few different ways to consolidate your debt.

1. Personal Loan

A personal loan with a low interest rate can be a smart way to cover your debts.  It presents a comfortable repayment method. When you opt for a personal loan, you don’t need to use any of your assets to qualify, such as your house or car.

The interest rates are fixed and are lower as compared to those in credit card loans. The monthly payment is also fixed so you can have an idea how much you have to pay and easily budget it out. You can borrow any amount from $1000 to $100,000 depending upon your credit profile and the creditor. Personal loans can be taken from traditional banks, online banks, credit unions, peer-to-peer lenders and many other sources.

A large amount needs an extraordinary credit rating. The interest rates applicable on personal loans are higher than that of home equity loans. Not having a good credit profile would make a personal loan even more costlier than a credit card. Customers with a poor credit rating are often exploited by lenders who charge very high interest from them. Many of the personal loans have penalty fees for late payment.

2. Balance Transfer Credit Card

A balance transfer credit card will be required which has a limit high enough to manage all your balances with a low annual percentage rate. The most effective balance transfer cards are ones which have a zero-interest rate for an introductory period of 18 months.

If you pay off the card before the introductory period ends, then a balance transfer credit card can be a good consolidation option as you won’t accumulate any new debt. This card is easier to acquire and it lets you transfer as much money as you want until your total balance is within the card’s limit.

When the introductory period ends, the annual percentage rate is considerably high. Also, these credit cards do not allow you to transfer balances to a card of the same bank.

3. Home Equity Loans & Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOC)

Home equity is the difference between the appraised value of your house and your mortgage. If your house has a good enough equity, you can borrow it at some applicable rate in order to consolidate your debts. The home equity borrowers use their money to pay off the debt that carries a high rate of interest, for example, credit cards.

The interest rates are lower and the borrowing amount is higher for home equity loans as compared to personal loans or credit card limits. The monthly payment is fixed which makes it easier to maintain a proper budget and the term period usually ranges from 5 to 30 years which gives the borrowers ample time to repay the debt.

Since it is a home equity loan your house serves the purpose of collateral. So, in case you are unable to make loan payments, the lender can seize your house. The long payment tenure may make it more comfortable but it ends up being costlier. Also, the interest is not tax-deductible unless the loan is used for the improvement of the property itself. It takes much more time to qualify for a home loan than for other credit options.

4. Peer-to-Peer Loans

There are many peer-to-peer lending platforms such as Prosper and Upstart which lend high amount loans to consolidate your debts. These are unsecured loans so your credit history comes into the scene. The more your credit rating, the lesser the interest rates and vice versa. The approval process of P2P loans is quick as everything is done online. In fact, you can obtain funding the very same day you apply.

Borrowers with poor credit rating have a greater chance to get a loan from peer to peer lending platforms than the traditional financial institutions. A peer to peer loan has to be repaid in a very short span of time, lesser than credit cards or home equity loans.

If your credit score is not so good, the interest rate can go to 35%. A penalty may also be charged in case of late payments.

5. Debt Management plans

A debt management plan can help you consolidate without taking any loans or credits. In this approach you work with a non-profit credit counselling agency to negotiate with your creditors and make a systematic plan for paying off the debts.

You only have to close all your credit card accounts and make a monthly payment to the agency, which will then be paid to the creditors. But you still receive the records of payment from the creditors which allows you to know how the debt is being paid off. The loan rates obtained are relatively low and this method also helps to improve your credit score in the long term. When you go for a debt management plan, you won’t be able to accumulate more debt as you would have closed all your accounts.

But don’t confuse the term “debt management” with “debt settlement” or “debt collection”. Debt collection companies offer to settle your debt in exchange for pennies, for more details check CedarFinancial. They collect your money, put it in a trust and when they think that there is enough money they propose a settlement to your creditors. All records of payment goes to the debt settlement company and the customer has no clue about what is going on.

If you keep on falling deeper and deeper into debt, it’s high time to take a look at your spending habits. You also need to take certain steps to avoid falling into a debt trap. Set a budget for yourself and manage within the budget, avoid unnecessary purchases, go for the lowest price, keep a close watch on your bank accounts, stay away from credit purchase schemes and most importantly save money, even if it is a small amount.

Though, these settlement options can help you clear your debt, the main difference will come only if you bring about a change in your lifestyle and spending habits.

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