Security Archives - Along the Boards Mon, 15 Aug 2022 12:59:28 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Security Archives - Along the Boards 32 32 How To Protect Yourself As A Security Guard? Mon, 15 Aug 2022 12:59:28 +0000 As a security guard, you face various risks in the workplace, and to help protect others to the best of your abilities, you must make sure you feel safe too. While each working environment presents its challenges, there are numerous steps you can follow to perform at the top of your game. Read on to […]

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As a security guard, you face various risks in the workplace, and to help protect others to the best of your abilities, you must make sure you feel safe too. While each working environment presents its challenges, there are numerous steps you can follow to perform at the top of your game. Read on to learn tips you can follow to stay safer in the workplace.

Plan Ahead

While most people dislike thinking about the worst-case scenario in situations, as a security guard, you need to be prepared for any eventuality. If you face a tough challenge, you must know how to handle it. So, plan: take notice of where the exits are and how fast they can be reached from different spots; if you work as part of a security team, be sure you all work on a plan together for all possible risks, so you can all perform as a well-oiled machine when the time comes.

Get To Know Your Environment

To perform at your best, you should learn the ins and outs of your setting. Walk your patrol routes during quieter periods to familiarize yourself with any obstructions, stairways, doors & exits, and safety hazards. All these will affect how you move through the setting in an emergency, and you should keep on top of any structural changes.

Wear Body Armor You May Need


Depending on the setting you work in and the crime rates in the local area, you’ll face different risks. For example, if you work in a mall with many armed robberies, you may be more at risk of encountering gunfire than in a safer center in a more healthful location. Various types of body armor are available, designed to defend against specific threats, from knives & spiked weapons to guns. Each type of armor is rated at different levels based on the protection they offer, so be sure to wear the vest best suited to specific threats. Find here about armed security.

Avoid Faulty Equipment

While your training is crucial to your safety, your equipment also plays a vital role in your everyday work. To be at the top of your game, you should avoid using damaged or unsuitable equipment whenever possible. Should you find yourself asked to carry a radio with erratic functionality, a stab vest with holes or rips, or any other item you believe could pose a risk to your efficiency and security, raise your concerns with a manager.

Check All Vehicles In Your Control

Depending on your type of security work, you may need to drive from time to time. While driving, the vehicle itself is your place of work, and you should ensure it offers a high level of safety at all times. Before you get behind the wheel, check the vehicle inside and out:

Please take note of any damage that may affect its performance, and ensure the headlights and brake lights work as they should.

It would help if you also made sure mirrors and seats could be adjusted safely to accommodate your needs.

Know Your Limits


While people depend on you for safety and security, you should never be in danger unless unavoidable. Though you may be tempted to act the hero and confront dangerous individuals, you must observe and assess situations thoroughly before making a decision. If you can handle a situation without getting close to a risky individual or group, then you should. If you believe people may be in danger – including yourself – call the police or other emergency services as required.

Be Sure You Have Security Accessories Supporting You

As mentioned the importance of using safe, reliable equipment, we’ll look at additional equipment designed to help you stay safe. Regardless of the environment you work in, make sure all the items you need to support you are present: CCTV cameras; radios; alarms; working phones; in-ear radios for plain-clothes patrols; and hidden cameras on your uniform if needed.

While you may not use all of these daily, you should ensure all are in full working order – they can help you perform at optimum efficiency and keep yourself and others as safe as possible.

Know Everything Inside Out

To be at your best, you’ll need to know all the nooks and crannies of the particular environment you are guarding.

You can take personal walks to acquaint yourself with your environment during fewer traffic periods, noticing the stairways, possible obstructions, hazards, doors, available exits, and fire exits.

This will keep you out of the guessing game when facing any security eventualities. Also, you must make an effort to follow up with any new structural modifications in the environment.

Plan To Stay Ahead Of Any Unforeseen Circumstances


Even though so many people find it difficult to imagine the worst-case scenario in any situation, it shouldn’t be the case for you as a security guard.

You need to be constantly prepared for any unforeseen eventuality and ready to face it squarely when it comes.

Thus, you need to plan by having a comprehensive knowledge of the location you mean. You can do this by; taking note of the various exit points and recognizing the fastest time to reach them from any vantage point in the building.

However, it’s best to plan and work out such strategies as a team if you’re part of the security department.

Bonus Tip – Never Exceed Your Responsibilities!

This is a bonus tip on the house. As much as you want to be a celebrated superhero, you must also recognize your limits and stay off when it’s out of bounds.

For instance, if you’re faced with a gun battle situation, the best thing to do is to call the emergency number (the cops) ASAP, which should be on your speed dial or something, primarily if you’re not licensed to handle guns.

Don’t go playing Super Man; you’re not in the movies, and you don’t have superpowers. Just try as much as possible to get people to safe locations before the cops arrive.

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5 Benefits of Hiring A Limo for Your Next Business Trip Sun, 28 Nov 2021 07:25:50 +0000 In addition to the fact that limousine travel is very glamorous, it is also the most comfortable trip you can choose. That is why this option will be great for all those who plan long-term business trips. Opt for a reliable company that will have all the services you need to travel safely and comfortably. […]

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In addition to the fact that limousine travel is very glamorous, it is also the most comfortable trip you can choose. That is why this option will be great for all those who plan long-term business trips. Opt for a reliable company that will have all the services you need to travel safely and comfortably.

There are several ways you can find the best sedan for yourself. All you need to do is research and come up with as many offers as possible, because that will be a great opportunity to make a comparison. Learn all about the benefits that await you if you opt for the right sedan.


1. Comfortable ride

This is the biggest advantage that many business people choose for a limousine. So, forget about cramped and small spaces where you cannot move freely. You need to have enough space to stretch properly, because otherwise it can be quite uncomfortable and tiring. When you are on a business trip, important meetings and a lot of work await you. That means you have to stay rested to look and feel fresh. With a limousine, you will have enough space, but also time to rest and relieve stress.

Thanks to your inner appearance, you can rest for a while by sleeping. Most business people spend several hours on a plane before arriving at their destination. After that, it is necessary to look for a taxi, and you may change another means of transport to the final destination. All this badly affects your mood as well as your appearance, because you will look exhausted, and that is how you will feel. To regain lost energy, take advantage of this limousine, but also many others.


2. Adherence to deadlines

Deadlines are a very important part of any business. You can’t do the job properly if you don’t meet all the deadlines. Although all the responsibility is on you, there are several factors that also affect this. They can ruin your plans a lot, but there is a solution. In order to get rid of unforeseen situations and avoid unpleasant surprises, it is important to take all precautions. This means that the transport you use on the trip is important, because it only depends on you whether you will arrive at your destination on time. Once you book your limousine you won’t have to worry about traffic, looking for parking spaces, finding locations, etc.

You will not waste time on such and similar things, because this service will enable you to be accurate. Remember that it is operated by experienced drivers who know how to manage in cities. Since time is money in the business world, meeting deadlines is a reflection of your professionalism and willingness to work. This way you will have a better relationship with your co-workers and you will not miss business opportunities. This way you will be ready to impress important people in the business. Think of this as an opportunity to establish your credibility, because you will look confident and professional.


3. Security

The most important thing is to be safe while traveling and that is why you must use a reliable means of transport. Since it is managed by a professional and there is a serious company behind the limousine, you will not have to worry about whether something will happen to you. To them, your safety comes first. This means that during the trip you will have the opportunity to focus as much as possible on your job or other activities while the vehicle is being operated by a professional.

You also don’t have to worry about mechanical failures, punctured tires and other things that can ruin your chances with a potential investor and other important people. Keep in mind that serious companies regularly clean, inspect, and update security features. Their services will take good care of you, as well as your basic luggage that you carry with you. He will respect all traffic regulations and will behave professionally at all times.


4. Work space

We are sure that you cannot work equally well in every means of transport on business trips. A lot of people have to make phone calls, make additional appointments, conduct online meetings, send emails and perform other work tasks while traveling. In such situations, it is necessary to be alone, that is, to be isolated from everything that can disturb your concentration. That is why limousines are a great solution for those who work on trips all the time.

All the people around you can be very annoying, especially if you are doing business conversations with colleagues. That kind of noise would simply be too much for you, and even if you could agree with colleagues, you would be exposed to great stress. However, the limousine provides you with enough space, but also perfect working conditions. This means that you will be able to do a lot of work tasks before you arrive at your location. If you opt for pro services like Toronto Limousines, you will have plenty of workspace, as you can see at


5. Positive first impression

Your colleagues will not only be happy that you respect their time, but they will also have a much better opinion of you if you come in a limousine. This means that the choice of transportation also affects your reputation, and we are sure that the opinion of your clients is of great importance to you. Although corporate events can be short, it is an opportunity to establish lasting connections with colleagues. In that case, the first impression is crucial, because you will not have enough time to correct your opinion of yourself. So try to leave a flawless first impression, and coming in an elegant and luxurious limousine is definitely an opportunity for that.


If you are often absent due to business trips, it is important to find a means of transport that will suit you. Although you are used to changing several types of transportation until you reach a certain location, you no longer have to do that. All you need is to rent a limo.

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How the Security of Mobile Applications Can Be Easily Insured All the Time? Fri, 25 Dec 2020 13:31:27 +0000 From the past few years the mobile applications have taken the control of the whole world and nowadays everything associated with the daily life operations of humans is possible with the help of the usage of mobile phones and Smartphone’s with the help of smart applications. Everything is becoming very much affordable which is one […]

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From the past few years the mobile applications have taken the control of the whole world and nowadays everything associated with the daily life operations of humans is possible with the help of the usage of mobile phones and Smartphone’s with the help of smart applications. Everything is becoming very much affordable which is one of the most important reasons behind the success of these kinds of applications. But on the other hand of the whole thing, this particular concept also comes with various kinds of vulnerabilities and increasing cybercrime-related incidents which is the main reason that they must be protected all the time and for this purpose, the organisations must go with the option of implementing the best possible mobile application security practises which come from the house of AppSealing. This particular company always makes sure to implement the best in industry practices so that mobile application is always safe and secure and consumer information both types which are personal and financial is protected all the time.

Following are some of the tips which the organisations can implement to increase their security of mobile applications:

Source: Hacker Noon

It is very much important to make sure that the application code is secure:

The security of the core foundation of the application which means the code should be the basic top-notch priority of each of the organisation. Each of the web publication is based upon several kinds of highly complex servers and browsers along with a proper interface. Hence, these kinds of vulnerabilities will always arise because of the human errors into coding and developing which is the main reason several kinds of practices like proper encryption should be implemented to make sure that applications are very hard to read and there is no issue throughout the process. The testing of the application should be done properly which will further make sure that vulnerabilities are reduced and this particular code should be very well agile so that data breach-related systems can be eliminated from the whole process. The code of the application should be very much portable across different kinds of devices and operating systems. Everything should be easy to implement as well as update.

There should be a secure back end all the time:

It is very much important for the organisation to make sure that their back end is secure with the help of a proper application programming interface which is very easily accessible with the help of robust security features and measures. It will help in preventing data breaches and other unauthorised access related issues which is the main reason that creation of encrypted containers is very important to store the data and hiring the network security specialist should be the basic responsibility of every organisation to make sure that extra layers of security are perfectly implemented. These kinds of systems will always make sure that there will be minimum loss in the cases of higher level breaches and everything will be perfectly implemented throughout the process.

Source: Hacker Noon

The organisations must follow a solid application programming interface strategy:

It is very much important for the organisation to make sure that there is a solid application programming interface strategy between the server applications, cloud servers and the multiple users so that authorisation and verification can be perfectly done. The main channel for content, data, Content and functionality is the application programming interface which is the main reason that its strategy should be very much solid for the organisations. The rectification, authentication and authorisation are considered to be the most important security measures to be implemented by the organisations so that they can always have a well-engineered application programming interface.

Mobile encryption should be perfectly done:

One of the most important benefits associated with the native applications is the adjustable performance because of the variety of applications and devices. But this particular advantage comes with several kinds of vulnerabilities as well because the variety will always pose the application to several kinds of threats which is the main reason it should be based upon good mobile encryption and for all these kinds of things file-level encryption should be taken into consideration. After all, it is the only thing that will help in making sure that data is encrypted all the time and with the help of local databases everything should be perfectly implemented so that everything is locally safe. Key management should be given a priority with the help of strong algorithms and it should be dealt very well and in the cases of sensitive private information. The users must go with the option of utilising the important passwords and banking details to prevent any kind of miss-used by hackers.

Source: Puffin Security

There should be higher-level device protection:

It is very much important for the organisations to make sure that there is a higher level of device protection all the time so that accessibility on the application is increased and there are least chances of a security breach and information theft. Jailbroken or iOS route devices should be avoided to be used and everything should be made properly in terms of implementation of several kinds of protocols throughout the process so that everything is well implemented. The applications must always be downloaded from only the trusted sources by reading the reviews and it is also very much important for the people to install a good antivirus in the phone so that scanning of every individual application is done.

The organisations must also implement multiple application testing:

Testing multiple times is considered to be the most crucial component of the overall application development process because development will be done at the most rapid rates. Testing should be done to detect any kind of vulnerabilities into the code or error and penetration testing along with authorisation and authentication should be done so that secure functioning can be insured all the time.

Source: Solutions Review

Hence, even after implementing several kinds of security measures, it is very much important for the organisations to implement several kinds of practices and remain aware all the time so that they can deal with security-related threats in the best possible manner and organisations should always focus on creating the culture of responsibility as well as security to ensure safety.

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6 Tips to Achieve Financial Security in 2023 Thu, 26 Nov 2020 12:15:08 +0000 Are you tired of living paycheck to paycheck and want to build a better financial future for yourself? You’ve come to the right place to find out just how to get smarter with managing your money and achieve financial security for the future. Keep reading our guide if your finances need help, and you’re not […]

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Are you tired of living paycheck to paycheck and want to build a better financial future for yourself? You’ve come to the right place to find out just how to get smarter with managing your money and achieve financial security for the future. Keep reading our guide if your finances need help, and you’re not sure how to tackle money problems.

Finding financial security doesn’t just happen overnight, no matter what some Hollywood movies might wrongfully make you believe. In fact, achieving real financial security is a process that, for some, may take most of their lives. So, the sooner you start investing in building a comfortable financial plan for the future, the sooner you’ll achieve it.

Feeling financially secure means more than having just the right amount of money to pay for all your expenses monthly and live a decent life. Financial security also means knowing that in case of an emergency, you are prepared and know that you can achieve all your life goals without allowing money problems to stop you.

Ready to find out how to build financial security for the future? Keep reading below!

1. Start with getting better at budgeting

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First things first, if you want to get better at managing your money, you need to have a clear idea of where your money goes every month. Plus, if you don’t know where you are now, financially speaking, it’s difficult to have a clear path to follow going forward.

So, the very first step in getting control over your finances is to start tracking your earning and spending. By doing so, you’ll learn your spending habits and find the areas that you need to improve.

How do you create a budget? Well, it’s not that difficult to create and stick to a budget these days, especially since there are plenty of apps for that.
Download a budgeting app and use it to track your financial situation. Add your monthly net income and then separate your expenses into categories such as debt, utility bills, food, clothes, education, etc. Most budgeting apps allow you to split your costs into such categories and determine a certain amount of money you want to pay for each category.

What’s more, most of these apps also offer the ability to sync your bank accounts, allowing you to collect income and consumer spending data right into the app.

Budgeting tip: Have you ever heard of the 50/30/20 budgeting rule? If not, let us tell you what it means: you spend 50% of your income on your needs (living expenses, utility bills, debt, etc.), 30% of your income on your wants (clothes, trips, gadgets), and 20% of your income for savings.

2. Optimize your expenses

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Once you have a clear idea of what your monthly budget, income, and expenses look like, it’s time to work on those areas that need improvement.

Are you spending too much money on things that aren’t really that necessary? Or maybe you’re not saving enough? Figure out the exact mistakes you make in your spending habits and fix them so that you don’t waste money on things you could live without. These mistakes might be holding you back from achieving your long-term goal of finding financial stability.

3. Set financial goals

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Like it or not, “I want to be rich” isn’t a good enough financial goal. We all want to be rich, but you need to be a bit more specific with what “rich” means to you. What’s more, you need to have a clear idea of what steps you have on the way before you can consider yourself rich. Without defining your financial goals, you won’t know what you want to achieve and what path to follow.

Defining your financial goal is the fun part of achieving financial stability. The work that follows is the difficult part of this process. Yet, this part is particularly important as it will keep you motivated to attain financial security.

So, what do you want to achieve with your finances? Want to pay off debt? Want to be able to afford to buy your own home? Or maybe you want to save a nice amount of money for your retirement? No matter what you want your finances to look like in the future, make sure you have a clear idea of the goals you want to accomplish.

4. View savings deposits as bills

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Saving on a regular basis can be really challenging, especially when you’re already struggling with paycheck to paycheck living. However, saving is a major step in building a secure financial future for yourself.

Your savings account can be your safety net in case something happens, and you need a huge amount of money overnight. What’s more, your savings can also help you grab an opportunity when it arises because you’ll afford it. Say, for example, that you stumble upon a great property deal. If you have enough money in your savings account, you can grab that opportunity immediately.

So, taking saving money really seriously. So seriously that you see monthly savings deposits as bills that you must pay every month.

5. Plan for the unplanned

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Another important step in building a secure financial future for you and your family is to plan for the unplanned. As the experts from SmarterLoans explain, “Unfortunately, unplanned things like injuries, accidents, or even death can happen to all of us. And the best way to make sure such events don’t make you go bankrupt is to be financially prepared for them.”

Did you know that, statistically, we’re all one serious injury apart from going bankrupt? Well, that’s true, and if you want to have a secure financial future, you need to be prepared if anything happens. How to be prepared? Get yourself an injury and disability insurance.

What’s more, if you have a spouse and kids, particularly if you are the only breadwinner in the house, you should also get life insurance to financially protect your family in case you die unexpectedly.

Plus, if you own a home, you should also get homeowner’s insurance to protect your asset in case of a fire or a natural disaster that may wreak your property.

6. Increase your net worth

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As obvious as it may sound, it’s worth mentioning because even if you may just not realize it right now, you may be able to increase your net income. Earning more money is and will always be the quickest and most straightforward way to achieve financial security.

How do you increase your net worth? There are various ways from getting a side hustle to starting your own business from your hobby, asking for a promotion, or simply changing your job for a better paid one. Another way to increase your net worth is by selling your life insurance for a cash payout through wwwharborlifesettlements.comwhich can help support your family and pay for living expenses.

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How to Fix the Professional Security for Ourselves – 2023 Guide Thu, 26 Nov 2020 08:50:59 +0000 One of the primary duties of the owner of the house is to give security and protection to the family members as it is one of the imperative aspects of our lives. Here security is directed towards the personal safety of the members from criminal activities, catastrophes, intruders, etc. The security conditions have worsened around […]

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One of the primary duties of the owner of the house is to give security and protection to the family members as it is one of the imperative aspects of our lives. Here security is directed towards the personal safety of the members from criminal activities, catastrophes, intruders, etc. The security conditions have worsened around the globe and there are extensive risks of robberies. The strategy is to protect ourselves as well as our homes from such people. We earn our entire life, working day and night for the sake of family, not for the intruders to take away our assets and lead us to loss and crisis. Keeping in view the scenario and advancements, securing the house has become an easy task. Alarm companies offer security systems that can be controlled from worldwide places even in private jets.

The safety and protection measures for securing property and family are important but the advent of technology has evolved big changes immensely in the last decades. It has improved the functionality and capabilities of a security system. The early security systems based on guards, moats, and drawbridges failed and are replaced with 24/7 mobile monitoring systems which offer a lot of enhancements and advancements.

Wonder Role of video cameras

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Video cameras are an essential part of a home security system. The earliest model of a video security system just allowed the view of the exterior of the house. The camera quality was so poor that it only offered a grainy view of the scene. The camera itself was attached to intercom or alarm buttons. Now, we have automated systems that are spread all over the garage, every corner of the house, or wherever you want. The total cost of this system is extremely pocket friendly and very economical for all types of families.

How to choose the best security system for you?

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Now we are done with knowing the importance of these systems, but many people get confused over some questions like how we can make the best decision? What things we should keep in mind while choosing a security system. The first step is to ask yourself what you are protecting. Decide your cause and aim behind setting up a security system. Is it for your office, home, or any building? Secondly, think about how you want to install it. Either you can set it up on your own or hire any technician to set it up for you. Thirdly, decide on your security system by keeping the size of your home in your mind. You don’t need too many gadgets for a tiny flat or house. Also, if your home covers a wide area, you will need to cover up the maximum corners of your houses with wide-view cameras.

Your doors and windows must contain motion sensors so that intruders can’t break-in. Fourth, keep the schedule of your family members in your mind while making a decision. Intruders follow you for some days or ask about you and your family member’s routines from others before breaking in. They attack when there is a minimum number of people in the house. In this way, you will know that this is high time for protecting the house, so concentrate on the security notification at such time through your gadgets to get rid of dangerous situations. Plan your schedule accordingly as it saves you from burglaries. Last but not the least; the budget is the main consent. If your house is a small one you can have basic gadgets and it will work perfectly fine for you. Companies have made three types of plans according to their needs and budgets. They limit the facilities in initial plans which are also a good option to choose.

Trusted System; Every day and everywhere

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People think about securing their vehicles and houses through insurance, but they fail to think that the protection of expensive things and other assets is important as well. Their savings are the future of their family and need to be secured. We do insurance for the home and car but what about our partner, parents, and children? Don’t we need their safety and protection? They are more important than valuable things. With security systems, not only the assets will be secured, also, our family members will be in safe hands. This system is the one on which we can rely every day and from anywhere. The special characteristic of these systems is the remote monitoring from remote locations.

The safe system at your service for securing

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A security company offers a wide range of gadgets under one roof. You can live in contentment by securing your world with us. Home is not just a place to live. It is a tiny world where we spend quality time with our friends and family, where we enjoy get-togethers, family parties, or sit on the couch while having a cup of coffee with a good book to relax our minds. A home is a place that gives us moments to cherish. Every corner of the house has special memories. To save this world with good memories, we need to make it safe with security systems offered by well-known companies. They will help you out in knowing which plan will be suitable for you.

Being a homeowner, it is one of the biggest achievements and happiness to give your family a secure roof and confidence in living in a safe place. It helps you and your family to focus on other important things. Your sleep will be without any worry. There will be no fear if you’re alone at home. The sensors attached to the doors and windows will provide you enough time to get up and take precautionary measures. The detectors will help you if there is any gas leakage or burning possibility. For more info, click here.

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Crime Down During Pandemic – Don’t Be Less Diligent Sun, 19 Apr 2020 07:38:05 +0000 It helps in situations like the COVID-19 pandemic to look for a silver lining. There are some here if you know where to look. For example, crime rates have taken a nosedive since coronavirus took hold in the U.S. That is good news. Nonetheless, we shouldn’t be any less diligent about fighting crime. It is […]

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It helps in situations like the COVID-19 pandemic to look for a silver lining. There are some here if you know where to look. For example, crime rates have taken a nosedive since coronavirus took hold in the U.S. That is good news. Nonetheless, we shouldn’t be any less diligent about fighting crime.

It is highly recommended to stick to the same security strategy – assuming one was in place – you were following prior to the pandemic’s onset. Homeowners without a security strategy can always take advantage of the time stuck at home to come up with one.

Source: EIU Perspectives

Crime by the Numbers

An April 6, 2023 report from USA Today says that crime rates plunged in cities and counties across the U.S. over the second half of March.” The story credits the COVID-19 pandemic inasmuch as it has caused millions of people to remain inside their homes for the last several weeks.

Data cited by USA Today shows that both traffic and in-person stops have declined as much as 92% in some places. This has led to a significant decrease in DUIs and drug arrests. At the same time, many reporting police agencies dealt with fewer assaults, robberies, and both residential and store burglaries. Thefts were also down.

Despite the encouraging numbers, there were some unpleasant numbers as well. For example, domestic disturbances and violence rose by 10% in some jurisdictions. Others noted increases in public nuisance complaints.

Source:Science News for Students

What It All Means

Note that the USA Today numbers are by no means scientific. They come from 53 law enforcement agencies regularly reporting their numbers to the FBI. With all that said, let us discuss what the data means. There are some lessons to be learned here.

It stands to reason that fewer people leaving their homes would mean fewer drivers on the roads. Any time you decrease traffic you also cut down on people driving under the influence. People staying put are also less likely to go out partying with their friends. This means less drug and alcohol use across the board.

DUI and drug statistics are simple enough. But what about the burglary statistics? Well, the fact is that most burglaries occur during normal working hours. Homes are typically hit when people are at work and their kids are in school. Now everyone’s home.

Burglars are cowards who do what they do with the intention of not getting caught. That is why they prefer empty homes. Not only are they less likely to burglarize occupied homes, but they are less likely to canvass neighborhoods during the COVID-19 pandemic. People are home. The burglars know it.

Business burglaries being down is a bit more complicated. Businesses are vacant now that they have been shuttered. This would seem to indicate an increase in store burglaries. But that is not the case. Maybe burglars are just as afraid of contracting coronavirus. Perhaps they are staying home from work, too.

Source: Empower Mississippi

Maintaining Security Diligence

We know that crime has plummeted over the last few weeks. That’s good. However, maintaining security diligence is as important today as it was two months ago. There are several reasons for this. First and foremost, the COVID-19 pandemic will pass at some point. Life will return to normal. That means criminals will resume their criminal activity.

Being lackadaisical about security procedures now could lead to the same behavior once life returns to normal. That would be an open door to criminals to take advantage of people who, weary from being stuck at home, are paying less attention to security.

The other thing to consider is that criminals might change their tune if the country continues to be locked down for several months. Criminals have no other source of income other than their criminal activity. They may be forced to take more chances and commit more crimes even though their chances of getting caught are higher.

That means homes could be burglarized even though they are occupied. Two months from now, we could be seeing an increase in home invasions. We might also see more car burglaries, more armed robberies, and so forth. This is why we cannot be any less diligent.

Source: Web design and IT tutorials

Making Your Home Safe

For the time being, the best we can do is work on keeping our own homes safe. That starts with basic principles like keeping doors locked 24/7 and keeping the shades drawn. It also means getting outside and making sure that your home can be clearly seen from the street. It means checking exterior lights to make sure they are working.

Homeowners without security systems would do well to get one. According to Vivint, a DIY home security system with a couple of outdoor video cameras, window and door sensors for the first floor, and smoke and CO detectors is the minimum. Extra cameras and sensors for second-floor windows can be added if a homeowner thinks them necessary.

To make the home as safe as possible, a security system should be monitored. It can be monitored by a professional service provider who keeps an eye on things 24/7. If that is not an option, homeowners should at least monitor their systems themselves. A good DIY system can send text and e-mail alerts and give homeowners access to their video cameras in real time.

Last but not least is the issue of door locks. Now more than ever, heavy-duty deadbolt locks are the way to go. Factory-installed door and window locks do not necessarily offer maximum protection. If your locks are not heavy-duty, take the time to replace them now.

Hearing that crime has plummeted over the last several weeks is good news. At least that is one positive thing we can say about being stuck at home due to coronavirus. Just the same, now is not the time to slack off and become lackadaisical. Now is the time to be as diligent as ever about maintaining a secure home in defense against those who would attempt to breach it.

The post Crime Down During Pandemic – Don’t Be Less Diligent appeared first on Along the Boards.
