Pandemic Archives - Along the Boards Sun, 16 May 2021 18:41:32 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Pandemic Archives - Along the Boards 32 32 4 Best Way To Tackle Cleaning And Sanitizing During A Pandemic Tue, 18 May 2021 07:16:09 +0000 In the ongoing pandemic, many things of our lifestyle have changed. Not only do we require to maintain a certain distance between friends and family members, but also to integrate a few hygiene practices. Cleaning and sanitizing are at the top of the agenda to remain safe from Covid-19, and it includes everything from washing […]

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In the ongoing pandemic, many things of our lifestyle have changed. Not only do we require to maintain a certain distance between friends and family members, but also to integrate a few hygiene practices. Cleaning and sanitizing are at the top of the agenda to remain safe from Covid-19, and it includes everything from washing your hands regularly to sanitizing the surfaces.

While handwashes are now widely available, the best way to tackle cleaning and sanitizing a larger environment remains up for debate. The methods are more complex and expensive. The safety of the cleaners also brings about an additional challenge to the cause. So, how should you approach the task of cleaning and sanitizing during this pandemic and beyond? What tools are there to help you out? It’s time we discuss it out in detail below.

1. How important cleaning and sanitization are?

Source: Martha Stewart

As per the UK government guidelines, cleaning and sanitization are vital to limit the spread of Covid-19. It advises both the households and the business people to increase the frequency of cleaning their surfaces and environments. As research has shown that the virus can remain live on surfaces for days, there is no question about the legitimacy of the advice.

As per CDC in the USA, you don’t need to worry too much about cleaning and sanitizing your home if you don’t have a patient living there. You should be okay with regular cleaning as long as you are not living in a hotspot. Still, you should be extra careful in a pandemic and sanitize the high-touch areas more frequently.

The situation is more complex for the public areas like hospitals, public transports, industrial facilities, etc. They see a lot more traffic than the other areas in a lockdown. More people means more gatherings. It also means more risks of infected droplets remaining in the atmosphere. Hence, their surfaces are also more prone to get infected and spread to others. In these situations, frequent cleaning with the appropriate sanitizing items is the key to limit the transmission.

2. Cleaning and sanitizing the larger surfaces

Source: Scientific American

The larger an area is, the more challenging it is to keep it clean and sanitized. Add to that the increased number of gatherings, and you may as well have the recipe for the pandemic to go out of controls. Covid-19 can also get spread as airborne particles in a public gathering. But how to keep on top of it? How to keep your larger environments sanitized and safe? It is certainly not as straightforward as a private home. If you don’t find an optimum solution to keep your area clean and sanitize, it can also lead to a mammoth expenditure.

You can surely use household cleaning liquids and tools in public areas, but that alone may not be enough to disinfect the virus. So, you would also need to use a dedicated disinfectant on the surfaces after using the cleaners. Increased frequency is also a factor to keep the space sanitized, which eventually may lead you to hire additional cleaning staff.

Even if you follow all the safety protocols, the use of disinfectant repeatedly can cause some other health concerns. Inhaling disinfectant is neither good for the cleaning staff nor the environment. Fortunately, there is another solution to this problem.

3. Steam cleaning for sanitization during a pandemic

Source: ABC News

If you didn’t know already, steam cleaning refers to the use of steams for cleaning and sanitization purposes. Steam cleaners don’t usually require any cleaning liquids. It serves its purpose by taking waters to steam. Then. an operator spray hot steams on the intended surfaces with a nozzle. By the time the steam vapours dry up, surfaces become both clean and disinfected in one go. And it doesn’t take long for vapours to dry up anyway, making it a fast, effective, and efficient solution for public and industrial cleaning.

The process of using a steam cleaner to sanitize surfaces is pretty simple. You fill up the tank with clean water, heat it to create steams, and then spray the steam in the area. As most viruses don’t survive a temperature above 70° Celcius, the cleaner would effectively disinfect the surface. For covid-19 disinfection, you can follow the same process except keeping the nozzle direct and within 10m of the surface. This additional step may be tiresome but guarantees safety in a pandemic.

You can also avoid the time-consuming 10m surface spray system by adding a special disinfectant to your streams. The best disinfectant for a steam cleaner is usually made with saturated steam with stronger properties to fight against germs and infections. Therefore, you no longer have to increase steam strengths by pushing closer to the surface. You can easily spray it in the atmosphere to sanitize larger areas and industrial environments in a quick time. Some manufacturers also offer the option of a compatible hydrogen peroxide liquid for steam cleaners. It is more suited to a deeper disinfection routine or complex surfaces.

4. Different steam cleaners for different needs

Source: Pinterest

In addition to being extra effective in the fight against the Covid-19 pandemic, steam cleaner also comes with different options and varieties. It allows the users to choose a product that is more suitable for their surfaces. It also helps to keep the cost low and near the minimum.

Depending on your needs, you can opt for stationery cleaners or something more mobile and portable. A stationary steam cleaner can not be moved easily but comes with a larger tank. In contrast, a portable cleaner is smaller in size. And so, it is more suitable for tasks like cleaning door knobs, handrails, train seats, industrial machinery and tools, etc. You will also find several accessories that can be useful in cleaning speciality equipment.

All in all, there is no better solution to cleaning and sanitizing in a pandemic than steam cleaners. Want to learn about the options in detail? To get more information, please visit

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8 Online Casino Trends Amid the Pandemic Wed, 23 Sep 2020 12:02:03 +0000 The COVID-19 virus has had an economic impact on most industries, including the gaming industry. Its impact is immeasurable and continues to grow, suspending the gaming industry throughout the world. However, an increasing number of people are now turning to online casino games to kill time and get more excitement. For many people who are […]

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The COVID-19 virus has had an economic impact on most industries, including the gaming industry. Its impact is immeasurable and continues to grow, suspending the gaming industry throughout the world.

However, an increasing number of people are now turning to online casino games to kill time and get more excitement. For many people who are increasingly getting bored sitting at home, online casino games are a great way to not only kill time but also make some extra cash.

As a result, there has been a surge in the increase of new players registering on online platforms during the pandemic. This has brought about a lot of changes and trends that are set to continue even after the pandemic is over.

Below are some of the trends in the online casino industry to expect amidst the pandemic.

Source: Pay N Play Casinos

1. Increase in Online Poker Activity

Since the lockdown, there has been a massive increase in online poker activity. The average number of online pokers has increased by 43% as some companies experienced a double increase in the number of poker players.

Research also shows that most of these poker players had a history of sports betting before shifting gears. Therefore, this increase is expected to continue even as people continue to stay indoors and lack access to sports betting.

2. The Emergence of New Technology

In the wake of COVID-19, something that has constantly progressed is innovation. Both small and large companies are reimagining and rethinking new ways to reach their audience and meet their needs at the comfort of their homes.

The online gambling industry is no exception as online casinos are implementing new forms of technology. For instance, most companies are now shifting to cashless payments, allowing customers to make digital and mobile transactions.

Although it has not yet fully been incorporated, it is, without a doubt, a trend to monitor. As casinos begin to reopen, they are expected to shift towards the digitization of payments. This way, gambling enthusiasts who want to gamble online can do so with ease.


3. Fascinating Casino Themes

Something else that is expected to continue is the fascinating themes and contents introduced by companies during the pandemic. To woo gamers to their platforms, online casinos are developing action-packed and unique games that are interesting and relevant today.

This is important because users are looking for a new experience and fascinating content that would add adrenaline. Operators are now renouncing the classical approach and adopting new slot themes like bacteria, viruses, apocalypse, and many more.

4. Increase in Promotions and Tournaments

There is no denying that interest in gambling has significantly gone up due to the pandemic. As a result, competition among operators has skyrocketed as they seek to attract new players and retain the existing ones.

Some operators offer a wide range of promotions and tournaments to lure more new players. Others offer interesting opportunities for betting while other increase their bonus program.

Source: YouTube

5. New Operating Standards

Another online casino trend to monitor is new operating standards. As casinos continue to open their doors, operators are putting in place health and safety initiatives to keep up with the government’s measures.

For instance, customers are expected to check in through mobile devices, make payless payments and load reward cards online. These measures continue to be implemented to ensure the safety of everyone. Hence, this trend is expected to continue in the foreseeable future and customers should watch out for the new operating standards.

6. Implementation of Digital Disbursement

Amidst the pandemic, online platforms are finding the need to provide instant disbursement options. Customers who receive their winning immediately are more likely to bet than those who do not. However, the COVID-19 pandemic has made operators turn to digital disbursement like debit and credit transfer to pay customers.

This means that they will need to wait for about 3 to 5 days to receive their funds. This is discouraging for many players especially at this time when they need quick money. As a result, they may look for other platforms that have instant payment processes, and this can slow normal gambling flows for some operators.

Therefore, online betting services are now focusing on ways to deposit funds directly into the digital wallet applications of their customer’s mobile devices. This way, gamers can withdraw the funds quickly and effortlessly. Otherwise, platforms that don’t offer instant disbursement options can lose out on customers.

Source: Oregon Sports News

7. Increase in Virtual Sport

Something else that seems to be taking shape is the increase in Virtual Sports activity. Virtual Sports is a casino and online sport betting combo that has won the hearts of many during the lockdown. This hybrid and fictional products give casino enthusiasts the feel of real sports events at the comfort of their home.

8. Authorization of Online Gaming

While a few states in the US have not yet legalized online casino games and sports betting, there is a high likelihood that they may legalize them during this period. COVID-19 has had a great hit on the economy of many countries, and there is a sense of urgency to close the budget gaps. For many, online casino is a new form of revenue.

Therefore, most states and countries are expected to legalize online gaming in the near future. This trend will allow them to reopen their economies and bounce back.

Source: Pinterest


As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to pose a threat in many industries, the online casino industry is adopting new ways to bounce back and thrive. There have been irreversible changes as companies embrace new trends to attract new customers.

These are just some of the trends to expect in the online gaming industry as people who are stranded at home look for new stimulation.

If you are looking for the best platform to bet during the lockdown months, consider registering with EkstraPoint. This is a user-friendly online casino game platform that provides free casino games and slots for online gamers. The platform offers reliable bonuses to give gaming enthusiasts both entertainment and security.

The post 8 Online Casino Trends Amid the Pandemic appeared first on Along the Boards.

Crime Down During Pandemic – Don’t Be Less Diligent Sun, 19 Apr 2020 07:38:05 +0000 It helps in situations like the COVID-19 pandemic to look for a silver lining. There are some here if you know where to look. For example, crime rates have taken a nosedive since coronavirus took hold in the U.S. That is good news. Nonetheless, we shouldn’t be any less diligent about fighting crime. It is […]

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It helps in situations like the COVID-19 pandemic to look for a silver lining. There are some here if you know where to look. For example, crime rates have taken a nosedive since coronavirus took hold in the U.S. That is good news. Nonetheless, we shouldn’t be any less diligent about fighting crime.

It is highly recommended to stick to the same security strategy – assuming one was in place – you were following prior to the pandemic’s onset. Homeowners without a security strategy can always take advantage of the time stuck at home to come up with one.

Source: EIU Perspectives

Crime by the Numbers

An April 6, 2023 report from USA Today says that crime rates plunged in cities and counties across the U.S. over the second half of March.” The story credits the COVID-19 pandemic inasmuch as it has caused millions of people to remain inside their homes for the last several weeks.

Data cited by USA Today shows that both traffic and in-person stops have declined as much as 92% in some places. This has led to a significant decrease in DUIs and drug arrests. At the same time, many reporting police agencies dealt with fewer assaults, robberies, and both residential and store burglaries. Thefts were also down.

Despite the encouraging numbers, there were some unpleasant numbers as well. For example, domestic disturbances and violence rose by 10% in some jurisdictions. Others noted increases in public nuisance complaints.

Source:Science News for Students

What It All Means

Note that the USA Today numbers are by no means scientific. They come from 53 law enforcement agencies regularly reporting their numbers to the FBI. With all that said, let us discuss what the data means. There are some lessons to be learned here.

It stands to reason that fewer people leaving their homes would mean fewer drivers on the roads. Any time you decrease traffic you also cut down on people driving under the influence. People staying put are also less likely to go out partying with their friends. This means less drug and alcohol use across the board.

DUI and drug statistics are simple enough. But what about the burglary statistics? Well, the fact is that most burglaries occur during normal working hours. Homes are typically hit when people are at work and their kids are in school. Now everyone’s home.

Burglars are cowards who do what they do with the intention of not getting caught. That is why they prefer empty homes. Not only are they less likely to burglarize occupied homes, but they are less likely to canvass neighborhoods during the COVID-19 pandemic. People are home. The burglars know it.

Business burglaries being down is a bit more complicated. Businesses are vacant now that they have been shuttered. This would seem to indicate an increase in store burglaries. But that is not the case. Maybe burglars are just as afraid of contracting coronavirus. Perhaps they are staying home from work, too.

Source: Empower Mississippi

Maintaining Security Diligence

We know that crime has plummeted over the last few weeks. That’s good. However, maintaining security diligence is as important today as it was two months ago. There are several reasons for this. First and foremost, the COVID-19 pandemic will pass at some point. Life will return to normal. That means criminals will resume their criminal activity.

Being lackadaisical about security procedures now could lead to the same behavior once life returns to normal. That would be an open door to criminals to take advantage of people who, weary from being stuck at home, are paying less attention to security.

The other thing to consider is that criminals might change their tune if the country continues to be locked down for several months. Criminals have no other source of income other than their criminal activity. They may be forced to take more chances and commit more crimes even though their chances of getting caught are higher.

That means homes could be burglarized even though they are occupied. Two months from now, we could be seeing an increase in home invasions. We might also see more car burglaries, more armed robberies, and so forth. This is why we cannot be any less diligent.

Source: Web design and IT tutorials

Making Your Home Safe

For the time being, the best we can do is work on keeping our own homes safe. That starts with basic principles like keeping doors locked 24/7 and keeping the shades drawn. It also means getting outside and making sure that your home can be clearly seen from the street. It means checking exterior lights to make sure they are working.

Homeowners without security systems would do well to get one. According to Vivint, a DIY home security system with a couple of outdoor video cameras, window and door sensors for the first floor, and smoke and CO detectors is the minimum. Extra cameras and sensors for second-floor windows can be added if a homeowner thinks them necessary.

To make the home as safe as possible, a security system should be monitored. It can be monitored by a professional service provider who keeps an eye on things 24/7. If that is not an option, homeowners should at least monitor their systems themselves. A good DIY system can send text and e-mail alerts and give homeowners access to their video cameras in real time.

Last but not least is the issue of door locks. Now more than ever, heavy-duty deadbolt locks are the way to go. Factory-installed door and window locks do not necessarily offer maximum protection. If your locks are not heavy-duty, take the time to replace them now.

Hearing that crime has plummeted over the last several weeks is good news. At least that is one positive thing we can say about being stuck at home due to coronavirus. Just the same, now is not the time to slack off and become lackadaisical. Now is the time to be as diligent as ever about maintaining a secure home in defense against those who would attempt to breach it.

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