Instagram Archives - Along the Boards Fri, 08 May 2020 09:49:43 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Instagram Archives - Along the Boards 32 32 Mende Quote: Those Who Cannot Change Their Minds Cannot Change Anything Sun, 10 May 2020 09:36:51 +0000 There are two things that are certain in life: death and taxes. I would prefer to add a third one: change. People who don’t align with the third factor are likely to have a lot of difficulties navigating the tides of life. As the award-winning innovator, Matthias Mende would say, “those who cannot change their […]

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There are two things that are certain in life: death and taxes. I would prefer to add a third one: change. People who don’t align with the third factor are likely to have a lot of difficulties navigating the tides of life. As the award-winning innovator, Matthias Mende would say, “those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.”

Source: Instagram

Story Of Success

Today, we are witnessing the emergence of many young and successful people who are also very rich. Their success is something to talk about – but there is also a fact that no success comes at all overnight. Sometimes, to be successful, it is necessary to be innovative and have a good sense of business. That’s just the kind of man Matthias Mende is. His success story is not only interesting but also very inspiring.

Mende has always found time to inspire young people.

“Self-discovery is very important in the journey of life. It starts with critical thinking and having the ability to see ideas from various angles to align with things that work and never being afraid to make changes. Make conscious research and be curious to find out why”

How Did It Start?

Mende was born in Germany, where, like most of the late ’70s and early ’80s generation – he was fascinated by the emergence of then-new presented “electronic toys” like the Commodore 64, Sega or Nintendo. This interest later prompted him to explore the field of computing – and move from bare entertainment to business. His love and interest in computers came in handy when he was a teenager.

Namely, at that time Mende started to modify and sell hardware components on eBay. The proof of how much entrepreneurial spirit he still had – was the fact is that he registered his company at the time, under the name 2FastConcepts. He got his inspiration from watching the movie Fast and Furious, and that’s how his business started. In a very short time, his company begins to trade car parts, as well as modifying and adjusting cars.

Source: Instagram

Diverse Interests

Every business is such that it also entails certain risks. When he was 21, Mende decided to take the risk. Specifically, since his company dealt with cars, he decided to move his business to Dubai – a place that is a mecca for luxury cars. Still, he didn’t stop there. He has expanded his interest to other areas, having founded a social media agency MEMMOS, and has become involved in the cryptocurrency business – more specifically blockchain technology.

With the knowledge and experience he gained, he quickly became Block Gemini’s chief strategist – and in 2018 he was named the best influencer in this field in Singapore at the Satoshi United Crypto conference. We can say Mende has taken every opportunity that came his way.

Source: Instagram

Is There A Genius In Every Human?

Mende who anchored multiple years visiting the Burning Man festival believes that such events are geared towards awakening the genius in every human. This is an avenue to rub bright minds together and forge solutions to problems that have eaten deep into the fabrics of the society. Geniuses like the Google Founders, Mark Zuckerberg, Murathan Gunal, Elon Musk and plenty more go there to find inspiration and rediscover their minds. Mende reiterated that every change we ever need to sail through the next phase of life is domiciled within our mind.

Stay inspired always by checking out Sheikh Mende’s Story on Instagram.

The post Mende Quote: Those Who Cannot Change Their Minds Cannot Change Anything appeared first on Along the Boards.

Why has Instagram started to hide likes? Tue, 26 Nov 2019 10:59:16 +0000 Instagram is one of the most popular social media, if not the most popular today. Picture sharing and getting a decent amount of followers can make you famous. However, the recent change in hiding the likes you placed has prompted people to wonder what the reason behind this is? “You can see who liked a […]

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Instagram is one of the most popular social media, if not the most popular today. Picture sharing and getting a decent amount of followers can make you famous. However, the recent change in hiding the likes you placed has prompted people to wonder what the reason behind this is?

“You can see who liked a photo or video, you can tap through to see [the list], and if you have the time you can add them all up yourself,” stated Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook. Many of the Instagram users found this change unnecessary, as they created a way of living based and likes and people who get to see it.

Source: Search Engine Journal

Is Instagram safe?

There were some safety problems found recently regarding Facebook, but what about Instagram? Is Instagram a safe platform for us?

Adam Mosseri, the head of Instagram, stated: “The idea is to depressurize Instagram, make it less of a competition.” He was talking about Instagram users and their focus on maintaining fame with likes. By taking away the possibility to see what every person liked, the main idea is to reduce mental health problems, as people started taking likes seriously. They developed it into some competition, and people began taking the likes severely, and that created a severe problem. By making changes in the likes department, they somewhat changed people’s obsession with likes, and therefore, they took away that issue that made people obsessed with it and things that follow it.

Mosseri and the people around wanted to cut out the competitiveness that was created. That way, Instagram would still maintain the image-posting as the main idea without the contest that slowly developed.

Both Facebook and Instagram users placed hashtags to promote their content, and that developed conflict amongst users. This way, Instagram wanted to remove that competitive side that Instagram users started to be obsessed with. The original idea was lost, and people tried to get it back by hiding the likes section.

Source: YouTube

The backlash

As we mentioned before, many Instagram users started to use the social media as a self-promotion platform, and by removing the likes section, that caused them to lose some of the followers, they initially wanted to attract with that section. Many Instagram influencers realized by eliminating the visibility of the lies section, their influence didn’t grow as much, and their fame and income were somewhat lost.

However, what Instagram developers and craters wanted to do with that move was to encourage Instagram users to be more innovative and creative. While we applaud that idea, the influencers don’t, as they created a way of living based on that corresponding section alone.


Given the recent negativity revolving Facebook, Instagram prepares wanted to build a safer environment. Some deem this as a business move, while others see this as a chance for Instagram not to end up like Facebook the likes comparison amongst users is lost, and therefore, the negativity is lost. Positivity is what seems like the main focus, and their fame and popularity grow by each day. When people see social media being less toxic, they are more likely to stay.

Source: Socialbakers


We started talking about negativity and positivity that happens on social media. We are witnesses of what negative attitude can cause, and being at all-time present on social media can make us horrible people. Contestant negativity can prompt people to do many bad things, and it is terrible for mental health.

When that hidden likes part took action, negativity seemed lost. You can no longer see what other people are commenting on other posts, and what are they liking, and with that out of the picture, you can’t take action into discussing something yourself. You can see what people you follow post and comment on that if you want. If you are following a particular person, that means you are interested in what that person wants to say. You want to encourage the message he or she, or even some organization or company is trying to say.

So far, that hidden likes section seems like a smart move. Negativity is somewhat out of the picture, and people are encouraged to share some new and more exciting posts. We will see how will this further develop, but so far, we like the general idea behind the masterminds of Instagram.

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