Ola Grier, Author at Along the Boards https://alongtheboards.com/author/ola-grier/ Wed, 17 Jun 2020 12:19:17 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.3.1 https://alongtheboards.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/cropped-Favicon-1-32x32.png Ola Grier, Author at Along the Boards https://alongtheboards.com/author/ola-grier/ 32 32 Massive Impact of Sports on the United States https://alongtheboards.com/2020/06/17/massive-impact-of-sports-on-us/ Wed, 17 Jun 2020 12:19:17 +0000 https://alongtheboards.com/?p=24582 The invention of sports is one of the supreme achievements of humankind. Nowadays we cannot imagine the world without tennis, football, basketball, cricket, baseball. For some countries, it is the embodiment of culture. Can you think of England or Brazil without football? Kids are growing up on football. The same we can say about the […]

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The invention of sports is one of the supreme achievements of humankind. Nowadays we cannot imagine the world without tennis, football, basketball, cricket, baseball. For some countries, it is the embodiment of culture.

Can you think of England or Brazil without football? Kids are growing up on football. The same we can say about the United States, where basketball and American football are the most prominent types of sports. In this article, we will talk about the significant impact of sports culture in the United States.

Source: Painting with Diamonds Kits

When you win, you are born again

Sports for Americans is a unique phenomenon. This is from their ancestors, who once first stepped on the mainland and began to explore new territories. It was necessary to fight for a place in the sun, to compete. And sport tells people to be the first. Americans are convinced that sport helps to build faith in one’s strengths and capabilities and the ability to use them. A well-known basketball coach in the USA, J. Wooden, said that whoever knows how to play in a sports team will be able to act with great benefit for himself and society in other areas of life.

General Douglas MacArthur, the former president of the US NOC in the late 1920s, repeatedly emphasized that the seeds of victory in the World War were sown in the fields of friendly sports rivalry. Achieving victory in sports in the United States is a cult.

Source: National Geographic

Sports and gambling

Sports are more just entertainment in the United States. Citizens not only watch various sports but nowadays it has become the main source of placing bets. In the United States, if we listen to the founders of Spinia, top gambling sites are incredibly popular among ordinary citizens. They offer unique possibilities on NBA, NFL, MLB – the leagues that enjoy the most popularity in the country.

One may think that the gambling industry is not a necessary prerequisite to emphasize the meaning of sports in the United States. Still, it is an additional factor in the development of prominence in the North American country.

Sports and mentality

Vince Lombardi, who was one of the most popular football coaches of the 1960s, declared: “Winning is not everything, it is the only thing!” In this model of values, every American athlete is guided by the principle that in the USA is called “self-made calculation,” and achieving success depends primarily on personal, individual qualities, ambition, determination, initiative, and only to some extent, from cooperation and team spirit.

Since childhood, Americans are already convinced that the real value of sports is to prepare for life, material success. This is largely facilitated by such motto slogans preached in sports, hanging in the vast majority of school locker rooms: “You are nobody until you are number 1”, “In this country, if you finish second, no one knows your name”, “The greatest goal in life is to succeed!” Americans want to be winners anywhere: in school, business, politics.

Sport is a concentrated expression of this. You can talk about it as a manifestation of social Darwinism. Most American students are drawn to three native American sports – American football, basketball, and baseball. Moreover, as a rule, in schools, priority belongs to American football, one of the toughest sports in the world. Using the examples of football ethics, the younger generation of America is brought up. “Punish the attacker!” “Make the enemy afraid, break his spirit!” – Such pious parents give such advice to their children.

Special mention should be made of the media (especially television), without which sports would not have become so popular in the United States. A schoolchild between the ages of 6 and 18 spends an average of more than 15 thousand hours on TV, that is, 2 thousand more than at school. And TV in America is a source of ​​sport. The coverage of sporting events in American newspapers is approximately 15%. This topic takes up more space in them and is of more interest to many readers than domestic and foreign policies combined. Besides, in the United States, 1,100–1200 books on sports are published annually, most of which are explicitly devoted to professional sports and the life of sports superstars.

Source: Messenger News

Heroization and sports

The heroization of sports winners is one of the activities of the American media. The halo of fairy-tale heroes and the psychological moment of competition in sports have such a significant impact on American society that every American, from childhood, cannot help but think about sports and somehow not participate in sports. American culture is characterized by the desire to materialize its ideals in people of a particular type – supermen, superstars.

The winning athletes fit perfectly into this cohort. Equalization to the champion is embedded in the psyche of almost all American schoolchildren. Not so long ago, a curious study was conducted in several schools in New York. To the only question in the questionnaire: “How would you like to distinguish yourself?” – 44% of students answered that they would like to become superstar athletes, 31% wished to become excellent students, and 25% said they would like to be simply popular, without specifying in which area. It is interesting to note that American sociologists conducted a similar study in the late 1950s, and the results of the survey were practically the same. It is no coincidence that many in the USA call sports the second religion.

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10 Facts You Need to Know About CBD Flower https://alongtheboards.com/2020/05/28/facts-you-need-to-know-about-cbd-flower/ Thu, 28 May 2020 12:44:17 +0000 https://alongtheboards.com/?p=24451 CBD products became very popular in recent years when many countries legalized marijuana and hemp. The CBD flower is similar to the marijuana plant, and it is mostly used for the extraction of oil in it. Also, we can see a high demand for this product containing a high amount of cannabinoid. The main reason […]

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CBD products became very popular in recent years when many countries legalized marijuana and hemp. The CBD flower is similar to the marijuana plant, and it is mostly used for the extraction of oil in it. Also, we can see a high demand for this product containing a high amount of cannabinoid. The main reason people are looking for this flower instead of standard marijuana is that you don’t get high at the same level, but still feel relaxed.

There are various uses of hemp flower except for oil extraction. It can be smoked, mixed with food, or vaped. Also, it has the same smell like marijuana, but much less amount of THC. You can visit CBDFlower USA if you are interested in buying flowers and many other CBD products. Here are the most important facts you need to know about the CBD flower.

1. Most of the Names Are Just for Marketing

Source: Oil Well CBD of Houston, TX

Since we have a huge market already, and various online stores where we can choose hundreds of different products, we can see that there are many names added to standard CBD flower. However, in most cases, you should know that these names are added only in marketing purposes, while most of the plants are the same.

2. It Could Help You to Quit Smoking

Source: Medium

According to many analyses and experiences of people, there is only a minor chance of getting addicted to smoking CBD flowers. On the other side, many people saying how smoking CBD can play a great role in getting rid of the need to smoke cigarettes. Moreover, using CBD is far better than marijuana because it only has THC traces and won’t make you feel high. Furthermore, it can also help with other bad habits such as alcohol and drugs.

3. There are Different Types Based on Quality

Source: Rogue Origin

The main reason why some flowers might have different taste or amount of CBD is the area and way of treatment. For example, flowers from California might be different from ones planted in Netherland. Also, we have various sorts of hemp, and their products will have a different amount of THC, CBD, and aroma. It is very important to avoid hemp products that were not grown on organic farms because they might be full of chemicals and pesticides that some people are using for improved results, but the product has bad quality, and can even cause side-effects.

4. It Can Help with Depression

Source: Healthline

While many people are smoking weed to decrease anxiety and depression, it is much better to use CBD flower as a much better alternative. According to many types of research, CBD could significantly reduce anxiety, and act as a long-term solution. Moreover, our body contains cannabinoid receptors, and there are many other benefits from using it that just as a relaxation. For example, it can improve your mood, confidence, and make you feel much better.

5. It Can Help with Various Conditions

Source: Harvard Gazette – Harvard University

While it is excellent for depression, CBD flowers can also be beneficial for many other health issues. For example, it is used as part of Epidiolex, a drug for people with epilepsy. It could also help people suffering from chronic pain, glaucoma, Parkinson’s disease, insomnia, and many other problems. Scientists are actively doing research looking for new possible benefits of CBD.

6. It Smells Like Weed

Source: Ladymary cannabis legale

Depending on the type of hemp flowers you are using, some of them can have almost the same smell and taste as marijuana, but with a lack of THC, which can be beneficial to many consumers. There are positive effects of weed as well, but the fact that it makes you high and you are not capable of working, driving, and many other functions, consuming CBD, is considered much better.

7. It Has the Same Effects Like Oil

Oil and flower are from the same plant, which means that there are the same benefits from both. Besides some of the benefits that we already mentioned, CBD can also help in the treatment of Multiple Sclerosis, Fibromyalgia, Inflammation, Acne, Arthritis, and Bipolar Disorder.

8. It is a Cheaper Alternative to Marijuana

Source: Healthline

While it has some advantages over marijuana, most people would still choose the other because the most considerable number of people is using cannabis and similar products only for entertainment and the irreplaceable relaxed feel that we get from them. However, marijuana can be quite expensive, while most of the CBD flowers are much more affordable. One ounce of marijuana in the United States costs between 200$ and 600$, while the average price of CBD flower is less than 200$.

9. It is Legal and Much Healthier


While some states have legalized marijuana, most of them only consider CBD in various forms to be legal. You can avoid messing up with law and order marijuana on the black market when you can get an alternative with much better effects. Also, federal law says that hemp is legal, while marijuana is still illegal in most states, which means that smoking CBD is much safer.

Moreover, cannabis can also cause some level of addiction, unlike hemp, which is why experts recommend it to everyone. The benefits such as relaxation, better mood, and happiness are acquired from both, but CBD flowers won’t make you dizzy, sleepy, high like you can feel from smoking marijuana.

10. Are There Any Side Effects?

Source: mjgeeks

Most people are only talking about benefits, and there are many of them. However, you should know about some possible side effects that could occur if you smoke too much of CBD. There is only a minor change, but you should know that smoking too much of this flower can cause heart disease, dry mouth, tooth decay, pulmonary disease, vomiting, and some other side effects. In case you get any of these problems, you should consider lowering your doses, or swapping to another CBD sort or product. If you don’t like to smoke, try some other products like pills, oil, edibles, and many more.

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Penile Lengthening – Pros and Cons https://alongtheboards.com/2020/05/27/penile-lengthening/ Wed, 27 May 2020 14:57:42 +0000 https://alongtheboards.com/?p=24429 Many males today are struggling because they are not satisfied with the size of their penis. We can see that there are lots of various commercials about procedures and products that could help. You can choose between enlargement pills, creams, surgery, extenders, pumps, and implants. And all of these methods have different effects, but also […]

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Many males today are struggling because they are not satisfied with the size of their penis. We can see that there are lots of various commercials about procedures and products that could help. You can choose between enlargement pills, creams, surgery, extenders, pumps, and implants. And all of these methods have different effects, but also some downsides as well. If you are interested in finding out more about the penile lengthening procedure, visit Dr. Elist, who has a private practice in California.

There are many problems that a small penis can cause and that not connected with the sexual function. The main problems are anxiety and low self-esteem. According to some statistics, around 20 percent of all men are not satisfied with their size. Also, in most cases, their problem is more mental than functional.

Furthermore, if you are not satisfied with the size of your penis and have a problem with both mental and functional, various ways could help you. For a long time, the penile enlargement procedure was the only way to get a bigger penis.

However, we can see that there are many other products and procedures today, that might also help. On the other hand, you need to be aware of some downsides, and the percentage of success for all of these methods. Here are the most important pros and cons of penile lengthening.

Advantages of Penile Lengthening

Penile Lengthening
Source: Dating

With the advancement of medical equipment and science overall, the first thing that you should know is that this type of surgery is safe, just like any other type of procedure. The main benefits of penile lengthening surgery are improved self-esteem and higher libido, better sexual life, and increased size of your penis. During the procedure, the doctors are not technically enlarging your organ, since they are only pulling out part of the penis and providing it a bigger appearance.

If you choose products like cream, lotion, patches, or pills for your penile lengthening, the main advantage is that these products are effortless to use, rather than surgery, which represents a complicated procedure. You have to be sure that the products you choose are from a reliable producer. The final result should be similar to when you go to the surgery, and you will get a bigger penis, improved confidence, and better sexual life.

A penis pump is another product that could help, and it comes in various shapes and sizes. During this method, you will have to connect the pump around your penis, which will create pressure that can help you with the lengthening process. Also, this method is the best for people who are suffering from erectile dysfunction.

Even though penile implants are not precise for lengthening, they could also add in size rather than for erectile dysfunction. Besides implants, extenders are one of the most popular methods for adding in length. During this process, the penis will gain a higher bloodstream, which can cause better erections and a bigger size. According to experts, this method has the highest rate of success.

If you are not interested in any products and are afraid of various medical procedures, you could try a more natural way of lengthening the penis exercises. During this process, you will need to use multiple exercises that will increase the bloodstream and length. You will also affect the muscles to become harder and more energetic, which will help you avoid premature ejaculation and many other issues.

All of these methods can help you with the process of enlargement, and the main benefit is an improved mental state. Many people are having problems with their size, which can affect other parts of life besides sexual. You will feel much more motivated, confident, and relaxed.

Are There Any Downsides?

Penile Lengthening
Source: Manly Wellness

When we speak about penile lengthening surgery, the chance for some complications is the same as with any other procedure, which means that there is a small chance for infections and other issues. However, there are cases where this surgery did not have any effect, and the size remained the same or with the only minor improvements.

Also, you could have scars that cannot be removed, which can irritate. Some possible downsides are also damaged nerves, pain, bleeding, and infection. Also, this procedure can cost a lot of money. The average cost of penile lengthening is more significant than 10,000$.

When it comes to pills, lotions, and similar products, you should be aware that there are many of these products on the market. Still, many of them will have no effects, which is the main reason why you should only look for products from reliable companies and stores. We can see many commercials everywhere about promising products, but most of them are unfortunately just scams.

According to the experience of many people, penis pumps will hardly help in the long term. Also, there is a chance for you to get hurt during this method by damaging nerves and blood vessels. In most cases, pumps are only useful as temporary help. On the other side, implants can have the same effects as the pump, but with improved effects. However, this method’s possible issues are the mutilated shape of the penis, a chance for a device to broke, and infection.

While penis extenders have a much smaller chance of causing any issue like some other methods, you need to be aware that you must wait for a long time for effects. You will need to wear extenders every day for at least 6 hours in a longer than 6 months, and that requires a lot of commitment. You should also consult with your doctor over which type of extender you should buy, and what material is safer, especially if you have any allergies and infections.

The natural exercises are maybe the most reliable way, but with the smaller effects, and more time needed. There is a chance for an injury in this method as well, and you should be careful and persistent to acquire enlargement this way.

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