EDUCATION - Along the Boards Tue, 26 Sep 2023 08:12:38 +0000 en-US hourly 1 EDUCATION - Along the Boards 32 32 Quizzes For Every Occasion: A Boredom-Busting Toolkit Tue, 26 Sep 2023 08:12:38 +0000 Do you often feel bored and wish you could do something fun? Well, what is better than playing quizzes? Yes, it is time to challenge your mind and increase your knowledge while you get rid of boredom. Quizzes are small games you may play to have fun while learning new stuff. It is an excellent […]

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Do you often feel bored and wish you could do something fun? Well, what is better than playing quizzes? Yes, it is time to challenge your mind and increase your knowledge while you get rid of boredom.

Quizzes are small games you may play to have fun while learning new stuff. It is an excellent learning and self-discovery tool. People of all ages and around the world can play this game. Hence, there is a quiz for everyone, from informative ones to a lighter online trivia game. We bet it could be your ultimate boredom buster! Do you want to know how? Let’s check out what this toolkit has got.

Aspects Of Quiz


Quizzes are more than a distraction. This game engages thinking, piques your interest, and even provides startling insights into various topics. In short, quizzes can turn any occasion into an exciting and fun experience. So, whether you are at a family gathering, a social event, or simply enjoying a peaceful evening alone – you can play a quiz online and pass your time without much to do.

Online Trivia Games

An online trivia game is the answer for individuals seeking a more informal and pleasant experience. You may host a virtual trivia night with friends and family or challenge people worldwide. Online trivia games include several topics, including sports, entertainment, pop culture, and general knowledge. Furthermore, the ease of playing from your smartphone or computer makes them available anytime.

Educational And Informative Quiz


Do you have kids at home who are bored and unproductive? It is a great idea to engage them in educational quizzes. With this, their boredom and monotony will break, and they can also brush up on their expertise. For instance, if a child is preparing for a quiz competition, learning a new language, or knowing more about history, an educational quiz can help. Such a quiz not only evaluates present knowledge but also assists in identifying areas that require more research.

Special Quizzes

Do you have a party at home and want an ice-breaker? What better way is there to commemorate birthdays, anniversaries, or other vital occasions than personalized quizzes? Create quiz games centered on the honoree, using personal tales and inside jokes. For instance, if it’s a friend’s birthday, a quiz can be based on likes, dislikes, and memories about that person. It is fun to reconnect with loved ones and remember shared experiences.

Self-Assessment Quiz

Quizzes may be valuable tools on the road to self-discovery. If you are bored, you can know more about yourself with publicly available psychological tests. Personality tests, anxiety scales and many more are available online, which can provide information about your personality traits, strengths, and shortcomings. These quizzes can help you better understand yourself and guide your personal development.



The adaptability of quizzes is one of its most notable features. They may be enjoyed at any time and from any location. Also, it is a great way to pass the time. So, the next time you are bored, remember that a universe of quizzes is waiting to be discovered. Prepare to be challenged and entertained by quizzes for any occasion.

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4 Tips on Studying in Maastricht for International Students Mon, 12 Dec 2022 08:29:46 +0000 Studying abroad is never easy. First, you need to choose the ideal location and get admitted afterward. If you were lucky enough to get an entry to Maastricht University and want to study there you can also find this a helpful article. In this text, we are going to share some tips on studying in […]

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Studying abroad is never easy. First, you need to choose the ideal location and get admitted afterward. If you were lucky enough to get an entry to Maastricht University and want to study there you can also find this a helpful article. In this text, we are going to share some tips on studying in Maastricht for international students. For someone coming from a foreign country, and for the first time meeting Dutch education and culture we are going to be more than helpful. So, keep on reading and start early adaptation to a new country.

1. Meet The City First


Coming to the Netherlands from a foreign country is always a cultural shock. If you’re not even from Europe you’re going to be double surprised. We’re talking about positive things. The city of Maastricht is amazing. It has some of the country’s most beautiful buildings, streets, and bridges. It’s quite charming with many cathedrals and monuments worth visiting. You’ve probably heard about Dutch love for bikes but you can select a vehicle of your choice if you click here. So, before you move on to studying, ensure that you fall in love with the city first.

2. Gel In


Studying abroad has many advantages. Considering that you’ve taken this step, we’re sure that you’re willing to meet new places and people. We encourage you to do this. Maastricht is a truly international hub. You will not only meet the Dutch but various other nationalities, cultures, and customs. Embrace them all.

So, gel in quickly with the town and people. This will make your stay more pleasant and you’ll learn more quicker. You will be thrilled by its location as it is positioned between Germany and Belgium, close to France and Luxembourg. You’ll also be close to Amsterdam and Rotterdam but also much close to Brussels and Cologne.

3. Be Ready to Speak English


Yes, Dutch is the main language in this country. But you won’t be forced to speak it. The number of locals speaking English is massive. You should be prepared for this. As an international student, you need to come prepared to speak English first.

Of course, you can start learning Dutch the moment you’ve on the spot, but the good news is that you won’t be obliged to do so. The University itself offers many courses in English, but you won’t be limited to only listening to those.  In addition to Dutch and English, you’ll be able to hear many other world languages. After all, people from all over the world come here. You’ll meet individuals from Africa, the Middle East, Asia, Europe, and the Americas.

4. Beware of Living Cost


The Netherlands has a pretty high living standard. What this means is that some things are expensive, or at least more expensive than what you’re used to in your home country.  This is why you need to do some work on your budget. As a student you’ll need anything from $700 to $1000, all depending on your lifestyle. The low margin is quite high as you can see, and if that is how much you can afford you’ll need to have a tight budget.

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Why Teachers From All Over The World Go To Work In Africa Tue, 31 Aug 2021 13:48:31 +0000 The right question would be, “why won’t teachers all over the world go to work in Africa?” Africa is not just what the West sees in the media. Unfortunately, the news flow quite rarely travels from South to North or from East to West. Hence, people don’t always hear much about what is happening in […]

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The right question would be, “why won’t teachers all over the world go to work in Africa?” Africa is not just what the West sees in the media. Unfortunately, the news flow quite rarely travels from South to North or from East to West. Hence, people don’t always hear much about what is happening in African countries.

The only news most people in the West hear will be about dramatic or upsetting events. However, Africa is so much more than that. It is the continent of breathtaking nature, preserves wildlife, diverse cultures, and rich history. Regardless of where you want to go and what you want to see, you will have your expectations fulfilled. You can visit big modern cities with a typical urban lifestyle. You can go to rural areas to be closer to wild nature and African people. The

African continent’s large diversity allows teachers to pick a perfect location where they want to work, considering all their desires and preferences.

Cultural experience


To answer why teachers are coming to teach in Africa is similar to why people decide to travel in general. We go to different cultures and countries for new experiences. By exploring new places, we expand our knowledge about our planet and people. We also grow as individuals. We learn to trust our instincts, be more open, adventurous, and easy-going.

Africa has so many beautiful remarkable countries to visit. Yes, some of the regions in Africa are unsafe to visit. However, in its majority, Africa can be a great destination for young and ambitious people who want to do some good in the world and learn more about diverse societies. Depending on where you want to go, you can meet truly grateful students with limited access to education.

These aren’t the type of teenagers who search for outside assistance from sites such as instead of studying themselves. For many young children in distant African regions, education opportunities are scarce. So they understand the value of it on a deeper scale, which leads us to the next point.

To make a change


We have talked a lot about how Africa is not what is usually portrayed in the mainstream media. It is the continent of 50+ countries with their own cultures, governments, histories, and people. There is no continent more diverse than Africa. However, we also can’t deny that many African countries experience numerous hardships, especially in their distant rural areas. Education is definitely one of the spheres that require particular changes and constant monitoring from the government. This is why many teachers from all over the world often volunteer their time and skills. The world is full of people who want to make a difference in the world. The teachers who come to African countries want to make something useful with the degrees and knowledge they have received. They give their experience to children and communities who can really appreciate it.

To reduce educational exclusion


If you’re interested in teaching in Africa, you’re probably aware of the problems in the educational sphere. And educational exclusion is one of the most important ones. The UNESCO’s statistics are disappointing: more than ⅕ of children aged 6-12 in Africa are out of the educational process and it’s awful.

Moreover, over half of all African youth between 15-17 are out of school. They start and drop out for various reasons: high tuition fees and the lack of money are the most important factors that prevent young learners from obtaining education and ensuring a better future. The most awful fact is that several millions of children in Africa will never go to school and remain uneducated.

If we compare the rate of uneducated girls and boys, we’ll see that girls’ access to education is restricted by gender barriers, early pregnancy, and marriage. You can change it if you want. Many of these problems can be easily solved with the right approach. That’s why those teachers who feel the desire and power to change the world go to Africa. A qualified teacher is a knight and knowledge is a weapon that can fight all these problems and help students get educated and make the right life path. Working in a new country is much easier when you have such a noble purpose.

It’s possible to arrange

Africa is quite a common destination for volunteers and professionals from all over the world. Many people want to contribute to the development of young democracies. Others just want to experience life in a completely new environment. Overall, the reasons to travel to African countries can be many. However, it is the accessibility of such destinations that makes Africa so tempting for people. Lots of agencies and institutions dedicate their work to recruiting professionals.

These agencies are widely spread all over the world. They provide an extensive database about the availability of new positions and can help with the necessary documentation. Recruiting agencies like these can make travel to Africa very easy, safe, and comfortable.

The educational programs are also quite diverse. The need for teachers varies from different regions and its needs as well as from educational facilities. Teachers of different specialties and work experience can have multiple options for them to choose from. It is a perfect opportunity to gain working experience while also learning more about a new culture and oneself. Besides, the cost of living in many African cities and rural areas will be significantly lower than in the West. Hence, teachers also get an opportunity to start saving.

The bottom line

There is no single answer to why many teachers from all over the world want to travel to Africa to teach. Of course, each individual who embraces such a journey has personal or professional motives to start this journey. We can say for sure, though, that there are not many reasons not to travel to African countries if you have such an opportunity. Those who consider teaching in Africa should recognize these regions’ great potential and the amazing opportunities it can give to those who are willing to learn about these countries.

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Alternatives to Universities and Colleges Wed, 18 Aug 2021 12:40:31 +0000 Many modern people often think about the appropriateness of college or university degrees. However, the fact is that education in America and many other countries is quite expensive, and students have to take loans. In addition, not all people are ready to spend 3-6 years of their lives attending lectures and seminars. Plus, you’re not […]

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Many modern people often think about the appropriateness of college or university degrees. However, the fact is that education in America and many other countries is quite expensive, and students have to take loans. In addition, not all people are ready to spend 3-6 years of their lives attending lectures and seminars.

Plus, you’re not guaranteed a graduate job, especially if you’ve chosen a highly competitive niche. In addition, many employers very often have overestimated requirements, so internships and extracurricular activities may be required for many positions. But is there an alternative to colleges and universities?

Fortunately, you have the right to choose, and there are many alternative options.

Degree Apprenticeships


This option has many similarities with a classical degree, except that you can study one or two days a week at your educational institution. The rest of the time, you can work and acquire the necessary practical skills. One of the obvious advantages is the lower cost of education and the opportunity to gain work experience.

Plus, you will have the option to pay your bills. This means you can say goodbye to your student loan! Plus, you can pay for some paperwork, so you don’t waste time in the evenings. But first, you should read the 99 Papers review to know which writing services you can trust.


Let’s say you want to work for a company, but they don’t want to take you to a position without prior experience. Then what about traineeships? This option means that you will have to work for the company as an intern for free for 1-4 months. This prospect may not be the most attractive at first glance. However, if you establish yourself as an intelligent and hardworking employee, you may be offered a job after your traineeship period.

Entry-Level Jobs


This is your ticket to adulthood and the opportunity to earn money to go to college or university. There are many options when you can independently choose your schedule and load. Many employers offer vacancies that do not require any narrow specialization or prior experience. All you need is some time and the most popular job aggregators to find something interesting. Having the opportunity to work and earn money, you will have a chance to get an education or take refresher courses.

Gap Year

This option is not a full-fledged alternative but an opportunity to rethink your further education format. You will have a whole year to earn extra money for a college or university. In addition, you can find new options for continuing your education or receive a grant that will cover your further expenses for an educational institution. These 12 months are an opportunity to stop your hateful rhythm of life and see new perspectives.

Starting Your Own Business


What if you do not want to continue your education and are thinking about starting a business? Now is the time to put all doubts aside. Let’s say you have a hobby or you already have some ideas and are ready to look for investors. Then you shouldn’t hesitate. Make a business plan, find partners and start acting.

Sometimes people do not have to study for many years to open their own business eventually.

Online College

Here’s another good alternative for higher education. Online colleges and universities provide an opportunity to obtain the required amount of knowledge and a diploma no different from the usual one. The only difference will be the remote education format and the opportunity to save money on each year of study significantly.

Online Courses


This format of education is one of the most accessible. In addition, you can acquire the most relevant skills and start working after 6-12 months. Many companies and startups are ready to hire people who have completed popular online courses. You just need to look in advance at the area that is most interesting to you.

Job Training Program

Many companies offer everyone ready to undergo express training to master the basic skills necessary for a future position. This is your chance to say no to a multi-year educational process. What if you agree to a certain income level? Then you only need to attend courses that are fully paid (thanks to the company).

This option is good because you do not lose anything. First, you get relevant skills. Secondly, your chances of getting a job are very high.

Get Your Realtor License


Here is another profession which you can master in a couple of months. Having received a license, you can earn good money if you are active and enlist the support of a real estate office. The point is, you don’t need years of training. You only need a license and skills that you will certainly get while communicating with clients.


How about serving your country and becoming part of the army? A military service is a great option for those who do not yet know which field of education to choose in the future. Of course, you will have a hard time as your motivation, mental stamina, and physical fitness must be at a high level.

However, after serving a certain amount of time, you can get good benefits and the opportunity to save money on your college or university studies. Therefore, this option is extremely beneficial. In addition, no one forces you to fight in another country.

Develop Your Hobby


Most likely, you have any hobbies or interests. How about making them a part of your life and daily income? You don’t have to spend years on education. Instead, become a blogger, start writing books, become a musician, or offer your services online.

Take care of what makes you feel good. Don’t be afraid to take risks even if you are over 30. Don’t forget that Harland Sanders, the founder of KFC, started his business when he was 40. Your hobby can become the main occupation in your life!

Final Words

Do not be afraid to take risks and choose non-standard ways of obtaining education or certain skills. Public opinion is not always the only correct one. Follow your heart, and don’t be afraid of change.

Sometimes it makes more sense to start earning to save a certain amount for college. In addition, there are many examples of people without a college degree becoming millionaires. All you need is a little luck and a desire for self-development at all costs. Then you will certainly succeed.

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9 Tips for Choosing New Decor for Your Classroom Tue, 22 Jun 2021 13:11:33 +0000 Whether you’ve just moved into a new classroom or want to rearrange a classroom, choosing a classroom design and theme can be challenging. A new classroom design can be an excellent opportunity to reflect on what works for students. Well-run study rooms begin with the physical layout. Here are nine tips to keep in mind […]

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Whether you’ve just moved into a new classroom or want to rearrange a classroom, choosing a classroom design and theme can be challenging. A new classroom design can be an excellent opportunity to reflect on what works for students. Well-run study rooms begin with the physical layout. Here are nine tips to keep in mind as you work on a new classroom layout theme.

Source: The Secondary English Coffee Shop

1. Mix Up Seating Options

You don’t need new bean bags, hokki stools, or furniture to have a flexible seating option. You can still use the furniture you already have to create different, comfortable seating options. For example, a classroom with 30 desks can be rearranged to form a row of desks where some desks face each other. With that, children will have control over where to sit in that classroom. Allowing kids to decide where to sit can make them feel they own the classroom. Another option that gives students more seating options is adding height to their desks.

2. Reduce the Teacher’s Footprint

Eliminating or reducing the teacher’s workspace can help free up space in a classroom. Some teachers get rid of their working tables to make a classroom more spacious. Pushing the teacher’s desk up against the wall can also reduce the footprint in a classroom. Letting pupils know that they can access all the space in a classroom can transform the theme and layout as well.

Source: Getting Smart

3. Maximize Storage Space

Classrooms rarely have enough storage. Therefore, it is crucial to maximize the available storage. A creative way to maximize classroom storage is adding a skirt or tablecloth to desks where pupils don’t sit. With that, you will have extra space to store boxes and tubs. Create additional supply storage by placing shoe racks on top of tables. Another way to rearrange a classroom layout is using double-duty seats. Use plastic crates or plywood to make benches with storage underneath. Visualize how students will move around the classroom before making any rearrangement. Make frequently used supplies such as desks and tables easily accessible to eliminate commotion, disruptions, and delays.

4. Subdivide the Classroom

Creating distinct areas in a classroom can maximize space and uplift its curb appeal. For example, a classroom might feature a teacher’s space, multimedia space, music area, and learning centers for large and small groups. Place a giant rubber tire, comfy rocking chairs, or even an old bathtub in a corner and use that space as a particular music or reading arena. There seem to be endless classroom design ideas. Teachers can always involve students in improving the functionality and design of their classrooms.

Source: Wikipedia

5. Mobility

Studies now prove that extensive mobility is a requirement for a conducive learning environment. Allowing kids to sit on exercise balls or move to different distinct areas provide them with an opportunity to move around the classroom.

6. Take Things Out

One of the simplest yet effective changes that can be done in a classroom is taking some things out. Teachers should try to take some items out of the classroom for a couple of weeks and see if they need them. In most cases, items that are taken out of the classroom never come back. Sometimes you have to free up the classroom to get more improvement ideas.

Source: Appletastic Learning

7. Create Collaboration Spaces

Arranging desks in rows is fine, but it no longer works in collaborative learning environments. Students in the 21st century demand more from a teacher than just listening. They also require more than facts. It has become vital to work together and communicate to solve problems. Classrooms should as well reflect that. Look for ways to make a classroom more collaborative.

8. Create Quiet Spaces

So many kids come to school stressed out. However, teachers can make classrooms trauma-informed, caring, and safe for such kids by setting up a space for quiet. A quiet learning space cares for stressed-out kids and makes learning easier. Teachers can use one corner of the classroom as a place where kids can rethink and reframe. Quiet spaces enable traumatized students to validate reflection, introverts, and decompression. If a classroom doesn’t have a space for quiet, pupils will always find ways to isolate themselves. Students in schools where there are no quiet spaces often use bathrooms as their quiet spaces.

Studies have revealed that middle-school kids go to the bathroom just to have a quiet moment. Setting aside a meditation space in a crowded classroom can be challenging. Creative ways to set up these spaces include having the floor or comfortable bean bag behind a bookcase. You don’t have to make spaces for quiet time fancy. Instead, look for ways to make part of a classroom calm and disruption-free.

Source: Hammermill Paper

9. Choose a Constant Color Palette

Designing a classroom isn’t the same as decorating it. You can’t fill a classroom with a lot of colors. Instead, narrow down your classroom colors to three main patterns. One of the colors should be neutral, while the rest accent. Choosing the right color will reduce visual noise and improve student’s concentration. Classrooms should also feel comfortable and calming. However, some of these changes don’t happen overnight. First, figure out if the classroom already has the base color. Then eliminate things that don’t match the base color. Take a picture of the classroom and identify the main colors you would want to stick with. Then complement that color with storage containers, wall color, and other accessories. Keep your main colors in mind every time you buy a new classroom accessory. You can check the Uniquely Coastal for more ideas for the decorations.

A classroom is the second home of a teacher. Therefore, teachers should look for creative ways to design their classrooms and make them feel inviting and comfortable. Teaching in a well-designed classroom feels enjoyable as pupils will enjoy exploring and learning in their classroom.

With that said, those sorts of skills aren’t necessarily intrinsic for all teachers. Working with an educational organization like Teach for America can provide those sorts of resources – and studies show that their efforts work. Fortunately, ideas to improve the layout of a classroom never seems to end. The best part is that you don’t have to spend a fortune to change a classroom design. Teachers can work with whatever they already have to change the layout of a classroom. A simple thing such as creating a space for quiet, rearranging the seating options, and choosing the right color can change the design of a classroom.

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How To Write An Assignment For Mechanical Engineering – 2023 Guide Thu, 20 May 2021 08:28:10 +0000 Mechanical engineering is a wide area of engineering that deals with the study, design, manufacture, and maintenance of mechanical systems using physics principles. As a result, it can be difficult. Most students come to us for mechanical engineering homework assistance. Traditionally, it has been the branch of Engineering that has enabled the construction of practical […]

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Mechanical engineering is a wide area of engineering that deals with the study, design, manufacture, and maintenance of mechanical systems using physics principles. As a result, it can be difficult. Most students come to us for mechanical engineering homework assistance.

Traditionally, it has been the branch of Engineering that has enabled the construction of practical objects, such as tools and machines, through the implementation of physical concepts, making it an important part of humanity’s evolution.

Mechanical engineers analyze physical, static, and dynamic structures while continuing to design objects using concepts such as heat, force, and mass, and energy conservation. Mechanical Engineering is the branch of computers, machinery, and services that mostly considers ecological and economic considerations for the good of humanity, as you’ve already learned. That is, after all, the reality. It’s also one of the most rewarding jobs you can have for the rest of your life.

However, Things Are Not as Simple as They Seem

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There are a variety of skills that enable the job to be completed more effectively, making mechanical engineering assignment support essential. Due to the complicated nature of some of the courses that you may need to pass to become a qualified mechanical engineer, you may encounter several difficulties when it comes to completing assignments in this field of study.

This is why great businesses operate: to assist students like you in achieving their goals. According to the experts of TFTH, you can now purchase the best mechanical engineering assignment aid online from a professional organization that cares for your needs across the online marketplace.
As a result, if you want to be a mechanical engineer, you’ll need:

  • Math, physics, and chemistry skills
  • A desire to know everything about technical things
  • Willingness to take on new duties.
  • Ability to solve challenges and collaborate with others.
  • The ability to quickly relay specialized data.
  • Ability to do analysis, writes papers, and presents them.

As a result, if you want mechanical engineering as a profession, you can expect to spend countless hours studying and completing numerous assignments in all theory, functional, and analytical fields of mathematics, physics, chemistry, and technology!

We understand that making a decision can be difficult, but there are many reasons to pursue a career in mechanic engineering: As all development requiring machinery and equipment necessitates mechanical engineering interventions to optimize its function, mechanical engineering has a broad scope of application.

  • Mechanical engineers may work on a variety of projects, including equipment construction, energy efficiency research, renewable energy integration, material growth and enhancement, automation of manufacturing systems, technological and commercial assistance, and management of production firms.
  • It is really easy to get foreign encounters and they can be had anywhere on the planet. Similarly, due to the strong demand for student exchange programs, it is simple to enroll! When you major in mechanical engineering, you open the door to a world of possibilities, and you can work everywhere on the planet. Mechanical engineers are often still in demand because they play such an important role in every emerging society.
  • The study of this field is interesting not only because of its practical applications, but also because it aids in the comprehension of physical processes that we experience in everyday life. You’ll see the world from new eyes.

So, if you enjoy solving puzzles, making new things, and possess the necessary skills to navigate through math, physics, technology, and chemistry, even though they are difficult, this could be the best direction for you to take.

Important Topics in Mechanical Engineering

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Mechanical engineering is one of the most primitive engineering fields. Engineering is a commonly chosen field all over the world. Mechanical engineering focuses on the design and construction of modern technological devices and improved technology. According to the TopAssignmentExperts, mechanical engineering is a broad subject with a plethora of topics that are relevant.

But, just to name a few, here is a list of several mechanical engineering fundamental definitions:
Statics is a branch of physics that focuses on the study of matter in its resting state.

Kinematics is the branch of science that explores the principles of motion and the motion of objects.
Mechanics is a branch of science that studies the action of structures as they are subjected to various forces or displacements.

Dynamics is a field of physics that explores how forces appear to tie objects together. Kinetics is another name for it.

There are a host of other critical issues in mechanical engineering that are very important. According to several mechanical engineering homework aids, the very basics of them are listed in the above section.

Principles of Mechanical Engineering

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  • Thermodynamics – The branch of physics concerned with the study of temperature, energy, and its different forms. The principles of thermodynamics are applied to the construction of motors, power plants, and other energy-saving systems.
  • Structural Analysis – This concept aids mechanical engineers in evaluating the capabilities of different structures, artefacts, and machinery. It aids in the study of static and fatigue failures in two modes.
  • Mechanical Electronics – Mechanical electronics is also known as Mechatronics. The field focuses on combining physics and electronics. It is the study of electrical systems and the various applications that they may have in technology.
  • Design and Drafting – This concept is concerned with the design of mechanical device draughts using various diagrams. It acts as the foundation for the mechanical device that is being designed.

Are you still on your way? Do you need mechanical engineering assignment support because your academic load has been too much? Do you feel compelled to purchase a mechanical engineering assignment from an organization that is genuinely concerned about your academic success?

What Is the Best Way to Balance the Scale?

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According to the experts of EduWorldUSA, mechanical engineering is a difficult subject to study, particularly if your math and physics skills aren’t as strong as the courses need. Completing the papers and assignments given to you by your professors is much more difficult, particularly if you are unsure of exactly what you are supposed to do. This is a difficult topic that will test your ability to pay attention and comprehend abstract scientific ideas that you will apply in the real world. This, however, does not have to be a deterrent.

At one hand, you will still practice when you go; on the other hand, we can take care of your long home assignments and even have mechanical engineering tutoring to help you understand the subject better. When it comes to engineering, there are many choices, but mechanical engineering is a difficult division for several reasons.

When you buy a mechanical engineering assignment from a company, they’ll help you navigate the nuances in a way that impresses you while still allowing you to understand. Before you can get your degree, you’ll need to learn all of the necessary skills.

Problems Students Face While Doing Mechanical Engineering Assignments

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Engineering can be tedious and boring because it necessitates continuous work. Mechanical engineering is the most difficult of all the fields, and it can make students break out in cold sweat. It contains a number of difficult topics and ideas that students find challenging.

Aside from that, the issue necessitates a significant amount of effort from students, and as a result, students often struggle to handle their time effectively. Various students’ medical conditions can prevent them from completing homework and assignments in the time allotted.

All of this, as well as a slew of other topics, raise a significant problem for students, prompting them to seek mechanical engineering homework assistance.

Things to Keep in Mind While Doing Assignments

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Assignment writing is an important aspect of the curriculum because it adds points to your grades and allows the teachers to assess a student’s academic skills and understanding. An assignment’s requirements differ depending on the type of assignment and the university’s guidance.

Mechanical engineering assignments must include a variety of tests, diagrams, and lab studies to back up the content’s findings. Make sure your assignment represents your knowledge of the topic, subject, style, and concepts.

As a result, before you start writing an assignment, review these tips from assignment writing services that will assist you in writing a perfect mechanical engineering report.

  • You must select a suitable topic or subject for your assignment and do so carefully. If you have the freedom to pick your own theme, choose something that the readers would be interested in and include current knowledge about it in your text. There’s no need to choose a broad topic; all you have to do is give the readers enough details.
  • Have a detailed plan for your task. Consider your topic’s goal, priorities, constraints, and distance. Don’t put off finishing the task before the last minute; start writing as soon as possible. To stop making mistakes, you must plan ahead of time and have time for proofreading and editing.
  • Conduct detailed analysis on your task to ensure that you have all of the necessary material. You’ll need to set aside time to do a lot of reading and testing for this. You may also inquire about a reading list, recommended novels, and credible references for your assignment from your professors and instructors.
  • Citations and references in the document are crucial for proving the point. All you have to do is provide an accurate reference list and bibliography at the end of your assignment.
  • You must thoroughly edit and proofread your assignment to ensure that it is free of spelling mistakes and other grammatical errors. To improve your academic performance, make sure you meet the university’s guidance.

Mechanical Engineering Assignment Help

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Mechanical engineering uses the principles of physics, dynamics, and mathematics to produce various mechanical structures. The most advantageous and primitive discipline of engineering was mechanical engineering.

Mechanical and machine lover students prefer to take and follow the course. And most students interested in engineering, the discipline was a favorite. There are a huge number of students who need homework assistance for mechanical engineering assignments.

What Are the Benefits of Using an Assignment Writing Service?

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Engineering is a 90 percent practical profession, which means you’ll have a lot to memories and may need to sharpen your sense of reasoning to complete all of your tests. Written tasks would then be nothing more than a stumbling block in your path.

When your chosen profession is so stressful, balancing your studies and personal life can be tough. For this reason, hundreds of students use our programs to study and get good grades without the hassle of homework tasks piling up on their shoulders.

You’ll Still Need the Help of an Expert!

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And that is precisely what the businesses have! About a hundred accomplished authors who are trained and qualified in the most specialized areas of expertise make up the teams. And as part of their primary offering, they ensure that your mechanical engineering homework is completed by a competent mechanical engineer, no less!

They have a specialized specialist to take care of your project, regardless of the area of mechanical engineering in which your paper or problem table may be created. Keep in mind that there are several different types of mechanics, which is why hiring a professional writer is still the safest choice.

An expert isn’t sufficient! Get the Relaxation You Deserve!

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It’s nice to have a known expert do your research, but assignment writing does not end there. For this cause, it is important for you to have peace of mind in certain other areas of the service:

  • Customer service 24 hours a day – You like to know how things are going, because your support staff will still be present, willing to update you and clarify your doubts about the work that is going on.
  • Plagiarism-free content- it is very important to prevent plagiarism at all expense for the student and career record. Consequently, they send the project to the most stringent scanners to confirm that any written material is original or protective of the copyright of the source.
  • High quality – It’s not enough to get the job finished. They ensure any task you get is of the highest standard at the assignment aid companies and promise a superb quality.

The post How To Write An Assignment For Mechanical Engineering – 2023 Guide appeared first on Along the Boards.

5 Fundamental Studying Tips for Students – 2023 Guide Fri, 27 Nov 2020 09:13:41 +0000 Studying in the 21st century is more than just studying textbooks. The education system has moved to experiential learning. This means the students have to learn the subject by actively participating in society with support from the books. For example, if a person has to learn about George Washington, he can watch documentaries, movies, videos […]

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Studying in the 21st century is more than just studying textbooks. The education system has moved to experiential learning. This means the students have to learn the subject by actively participating in society with support from the books.

For example, if a person has to learn about George Washington, he can watch documentaries, movies, videos about George Washington and read books that provide insights into his life. This way they can gain more knowledge on the subject and at the same time have their own viewpoint about it. Thus, studying is more than just reading and learning from the provided books.

So, in this era of learning with a difference and to make a difference, students have to plan their study time accordingly. If planned correctly 24 hours is a long time and everything can be fitted properly.

Just like Domyhomeworknow is a perfectionist in providing programming-related writing services. You can completely rely on them for all your college/ university writing works.

Here are some fundamental studying tips for students to help them plan their schedules.

1. Follow your instinct and listen to your body

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Some people are productive at night whereas some are productive in the mornings. This body clock has a scientific reason for the time of birth. But a person can change this behavior by adapting to a different schedule and his body will adapt. But that is a whole different topic. Now let us see how your body clock makes you a better learner.

You will know at what time your body is the most productive. Pick that time to study. Plus, your body will also feel comfortable in particular places, choose those places to study. Follow your body instincts and you will be more productive. Your grasping power, concentration, understanding level, etc. all will be at their best levels when your body is in sync.

So, know when your body is comfortable, active and tranquil, choose that time to study. When the body is comfortable your mind works the best. Thus, promising better results.

2. Be consistent

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If you study the entire year and every day consistently, you will notice that your mind is at peace. There are no last-minute anxiety and stress pangs. Being consistent is the key to success and better results. Some students may have got lucky by studying at the last moment, but you cannot imagine the stress that one has to go through. So why to let yourself go through such times when an hour or two’s dedication can improve a lot of things.

When you get the basics cleared at the right time, you will have ample time for revisions and extra work. The benefit of being consistent is that there is no stress at any time in the study period knowing that you are up to break. Also, you have more access to taking breaks when you are regular and consistent in your study schedule.

3. Give help and take help

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This is a very important tip to help you study well. Group studying may be considered as an entertainment thing, but if done seriously, group studying can create wonders. You can learn new things and make sure others learn from you. Never hesitate to ask what you have not understood.

Now group study does not necessarily mean that friends get together and study. These group studies can include professors and teachers as well. You could study with them as per their time convenience. This will let professors throw light on the subject that they could not concentrate on within the time limits of the classroom.

This ‘give help and take help’ system will help students clear their doubts and learn new things about the subject.

4. Organize your day and take breaks

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Sometimes when you calculate the syllabus and the days before the examination, you may get shocked. You will think that you have to study every day and every hour. But if you study with your entire concentration for the dedicated time, there would be no worries. So organize your day in such a way that you fit in everything. Every subject needs time and how much time it needs is up to you to decide.

When you plan your day, month or even the entire year, make sure you add ‘breaks’ to your schedule. Your ‘breaks’ are as important as your study time. Studying monotonously can harm your brain. So, make sure you add breaks wherever applicable in your task sheet.

5. Review, Revise and be motivated

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Studying once is never enough. You have to review, revise and go through your study material multiple times. Even when you have understood a concept thoroughly it is essential to revise it more than once. This revision concept promises that your brain plants the subject in its core part. So even if you forget to read it before exams, you have a glimpse of the concept.

Now, if you do not understand a particular concept, don’t give up hope. Try to learn the concept in many ways that you can. Be motivated and lose no hope. The more you go through it, the less complicated it may seem as time progresses.

To conclude,

Studying is an ongoing process. It never ends, it’s just that the concepts change. It is on you to adapt to learning the new concepts. And the above basic steps will help you in learning anything that is new. Once you establish a schedule, nothing seems impossible or difficult. Also, try to make studying a fun process.

When you mix fun and study the result is outrageously brilliant. The concepts are easy to remember, the process seems so comfortable and above all the concepts can be remembered uncomplicatedly. But while making learning fun, be sure to drop in a spoonful of seriousness to it. This mixture is sure to keep your studying process very healthy.

So, board the train of the learning process and try organizing everything. Once organized, your train will run at full speed with full energy. Just be sure to give your learning express a few stops and breaks whenever applicable.

The post 5 Fundamental Studying Tips for Students – 2023 Guide appeared first on Along the Boards.

4 Tips for surviving as a Senior in High School Thu, 26 Nov 2020 08:42:14 +0000 Senior year of High School is bittersweet. It consists of all the fun activities with the feels with it. One moment you’re living it up with your childhood buddies while the other you’re excited about what the future holds. Well, with that said, the most important bit of it all is the classes that can’t […]

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Senior year of High School is bittersweet. It consists of all the fun activities with the feels with it. One moment you’re living it up with your childhood buddies while the other you’re excited about what the future holds. Well, with that said, the most important bit of it all is the classes that can’t be missed and the college applications that require a big chunk of your time. If you’re confused as to how to manage all of these at the same time, here are some tips for you to survive as a senior in high school.

Have a plan

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It’s difficult to live in the moment and not worry about the future. It’s time you dive deep into what you really want your future to look like. If you wish to go to college, it’s important to have a plan in place beforehand. Picking the right college many of the challenges you face in your final year of school. To effectively do it, you must acknowledge how you are as a person – sure it’s a difficult question to answer in an instant but trust me it’s important!

To pick a place you must begin by asking some hard-hit questions. Begin by thinking about yourself as a person and build on it. Few examples to get started are as follows:

  • Are you okay with being swallowed by a huge group of students or will it be okay for you to be in a small, intimate setting?
  • Are you willing to relocate? If yes, what options do you have on living on and off-campus? If you plan on willing to live off-campus, how long would the commute be and the cost it’ll have associated with it.
  • Do you see yourself spending the next four years in a hustle-bustle city or would a college in suburbs be okay with you?
  • How many colleges are known well for the major you wish to pursue?
  • Do you have the grades and needless to say, the SAT or ACT score to be eligible to apply?
  • Are the colleges you’re considering within your budget? If not, are there options to work in or off-campus to support your living there?
  • Do you see yourself in that particular area in the future? Are there options for internships and eventually, jobs in that area?

The aforementioned are few examples to get you going to draw out a rough plan or rather a draft list of colleges to look forward to. If you’re still confused or get stuck, do not shy away from seeking help from your guidance counselors or even turn to LinkedIn and try to strike up conversations with the alumni of the colleges you dream to attend in the future. Not only would it give you an idea about the pros and cons of the options at hand but will also give you a clear picture of what your viability after graduating college would be like.

2. Look for financing options

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Colleges are expensive. If you’re lucky your parents would fund it but completely being dependent on them for it is not fair. With that said, it is also imperative to take into account the plethora of expenses that come with the tuition fee. Needless to say, there are various hidden charges that students tend to overlook while setting up a budget. From your living expenses to eating and taking care of yourself while at college, there are many more that are impossible to account for. However, there’s nothing to stress out about, colleges come with multiple funding options worth looking into.

A lot of colleges around the country offer financial aid for students with an outstanding academic track record. In addition to that, there are various scholarships available as well. If you’re into sports or did a good job at being the class president among other things, colleges really admire that and resultantly, that might open big doors for you. Furthermore, there are also options with respect to college debt that the government provides. These loans come with a pretty meager interest rate and come with the added advantage of repayment beginning post-graduation. Not only are these loans flexible but can come in handy in case you exhaust all your other financing options.

3. Spend time with friends and family

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As mentioned, this time is fairly special not only for you but also for your friends and family. Your friends are going through the same rigor and pressure as you are and hence, it is important to blow off this steam by talking it out and spending time with each other. Amidst the chaos, you can plan on activities which not only are cheap but also executable, with your friends. Plans like a fun weekend road trip to a movie night or just a silly game night could be an ideal plan or rather an excuse to not think about the future that seems too uncertain at this moment.

It is pertinent to take your family into account as well. This time is also kind of tough for them as their little child will be off to college in a few months or days and hence, have too many emotions to express. It is important you make time for them as well. Try to have meals on the weekends with them and just talk about things that don’t have much to do with what lies ahead. Not only will it help you unwind but will also allow them to share how they’re feeling as well – a perfect win-win situation!

4. Have fun!

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The most important takeaway of the time is to just have fun. Live in the moment and try to take as much in as possible. Go around your school, try to reconnect with your school teachers, and ask for advice for the future. With that, you can also explore your own city like a tourist as before you know it, you’ll be calling a whole new place your new home. Make sure you make the most of this time with the people that matter as this time will never come back. Now, you must be wondering as to how you can make time for all of these things without having to cut back from the college applications or rather the time-consuming essays lined up. According to PaperHelp, many students are looking for assistance with their essays and luckily, they know where they can find it.


Surviving as a senior isn’t an easy task and while you might have ups and downs, that can be the best period in your life and you should enjoy yourself as much as you can.

The post 4 Tips for surviving as a Senior in High School appeared first on Along the Boards.

Evidence-based Learning For Successful Math And Science Tutoring – 2023 Guide Tue, 24 Nov 2020 13:38:17 +0000 STEM subjects are tough to teach to students as the concepts are relatively complex. It takes time for students to grasp the concepts and some of them might have to go through the course material multiple times before they understand the concepts. With the ongoing pandemic, since all the classes have moved to the online […]

The post Evidence-based Learning For Successful Math And Science Tutoring – 2023 Guide appeared first on Along the Boards.

STEM subjects are tough to teach to students as the concepts are relatively complex. It takes time for students to grasp the concepts and some of them might have to go through the course material multiple times before they understand the concepts. With the ongoing pandemic, since all the classes have moved to the online domain, it has become even more difficult for teachers to teach math and science to their students. The teachers are constantly searching for new techniques for teaching these tough subjects to the students. Evidence-based learning is a good teaching technique to handle online math or science classes successfully.

Educational strategies that are supported by evidence and research are called Evidence-based practices. The goal of evidence-based practice is to eliminate obsolete teaching practices by adopting more effective techniques for better decision making and explanations. This teaching approach is proven effective through rigorous research across all grade levels and for diverse groups of students. By implementing these techniques with a standard curriculum, teachers will be able to provide high-quality math and science classes.

Why choose EBPs?

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People have a strong tendency to make choices or take decisions based on logic and some sense of familiarity. The use of EBPs is mandated by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA ’04). These laws require teachers to use the latest and greatest academic practices for teaching. Some of the benefits of using EBPs are:

  1. Explanation of tough concepts becomes very easy by using EBP techniques. Thus, there is an increased likelihood of positive student math and science outcomes.
  2. The students get engaged and motivated to learn more as they start understanding the concepts easily. They are able to meet their learning goals without any hassle.
  3. There is less wastage of time and resources as EBPs are effective teaching methodologies.
  4. More students are motivated to take STEM courses because EBPs make it easy for them to learn math and science.

EBPs increase the prospects of student learning and achievement. It will also make your online classes effective and make you a successful tutor.

Selecting the EBPs

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Not all EBPs are appropriate for teaching online science and math classes. There are a lot of online resources and online tutoring services like Etutorworld that can help you in identifying the best evidence-based programs and practices. Based on the effectiveness rating of these practices, you can pick the one that suits the best. Another criteria that will help you in selecting the EBPs is the students’ learning goal. Before you start your online class and create an EBP-based curriculum, get to know your students, and understand their learning needs. An EBP practice that matches closely with the students’ needs has a greater probability of leading you to the desired outcome.

EBPs teachers can employ

In the EBP technique, a specific concept is taught in a structured and sequential manner. Teaching math and science in this manner is very effective and helps in improving a student’s performance and learning rate. Students can solve complex problems without depending on their teachers or parents.

The structural components of EBPs include:

  1. Identification of concepts or skills that have to be taught.
  2. Creation of precise instructions for teaching the concepts.
  3. Explanation of concepts in a step-by-step manner while demonstrating the procedure.
  4. Sharing practice examples so that the students can learn by doing. Independent and guided practice, both can be a part of your structured instruction.
  5. Conducting discussion sessions to gather feedback and encouraging students to share their problem-solving approaches.

The sequential components of EBPs include:

  1. Sequence the lessons in a way that one builds on another. For example, moving to complex skills and concepts after teaching the simpler ones first.
  2. Breaking the tough concepts into smaller manageable chunks so that explanations can be made in a step-by-step approach.
  3. Sharing additional study material to students so that they can themselves do some research and explore the concepts in detail.

Visual representation

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Teaching abstract math and science concepts can be easily done through visual representation techniques. It is an evidence-based strategy that increases the student’s learning rate. With the help of schematic representation or a diagram, a problem can be defined accurately. The relationships and concepts in the problem can be explicitly explained to students. This helps the students incorrectly solving the problem. Visual representations are flexible and can be used to teach math and science across all grade levels. Since you would be teaching in the digital domain, you can use a lot of online tools for explaining the concepts through diagrams. Using visuals will make your online class engaging and effective.

Metacognitive strategies

Students who are weak in math and science tend to apply the same problem-solving approach for every question. Such students are unable to identify the problem type and hence end up applying the same strategies all the time. By adding metacognitive strategies you will enhance the logical thinking ability of your students. They will be able to consider the appropriateness of a problem-solving approach before applying it to solve a question. The student will start thinking instead of mugging up the concepts which is bad for learning. Moreover, this approach also teaches students to check if their strategy is working or not. If they feel that the problem-solving approach isn’t helping them, then they can revisit their strategy. To implement this EBP strategy you can do the following:

  1. Take students through a step-by-step explanation of a problem highlighting the solving methodology.
  2. Give enough practicing exercises to students so that they can try multiple problem-solving approaches.
  3. Encourage students to compare solving methodologies with their peers for a better understanding of the concept.

Classroom discussions

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Discussion forums help in bringing a lot of clarity to students about the topics they are stuck at. Create a discussion board for your online class where students can discuss their doubts among themselves. Encourage students to present their solutions in the class so that everyone can discuss the pros and cons of the techniques they have used. Such discussions will help students in understanding multiple approaches and the differences between them. They will be better equipped to select a specific strategy for solving a problem.

Teachers who use high-quality math and science instruction see an improvement in their students’ performance and learning rate.

The post Evidence-based Learning For Successful Math And Science Tutoring – 2023 Guide appeared first on Along the Boards.

Review of Core Knowledge Sequence and Cultural Education Thu, 20 Aug 2020 14:33:36 +0000 How do you balance between teaching a child about their own culture and respecting it versus teaching a child about other cultures and respecting them?  Some educators make you think that it is an all or nothing approach.  That a person is either “Proud to be an American” or else “Respective of other cultures”, but […]

The post Review of Core Knowledge Sequence and Cultural Education appeared first on Along the Boards.

How do you balance between teaching a child about their own culture and respecting it versus teaching a child about other cultures and respecting them?  Some educators make you think that it is an all or nothing approach.  That a person is either “Proud to be an American” or else “Respective of other cultures”, but they can’t be both.  Some even take this to the extreme, that you feel like you want to just checkout from the whole discussion and visit the Fair Go casino login for some just plain fun.

But our children need to be educated because they are the torch bearers of our future.

What is the Core Knowledge Sequence?

E.D. Hirsch with the help of educators around the world created a list of “words” that he believed that all literate adults should know.  He published his findings in the book: Cultural Literacy.  This group then took that list and divided it between grades K-8.  By covering all of these items, E.D. Hirsch believe that all children, no matter their family income level, gifted, learning issues, or even non-native English speakers would be entered the next phase of their life with the same strong foundation.

This sequence of knowledge was published under the name “Core Knowledge Sequence” (which is not to be confused with the Common Core State Standards).

I am going to focus on the History part of the sequence, but other subjects are interchanged.  For example, when the History of China is studied, the art teacher teaches Chinese art, and the music teacher teaches about Chinese music.  The subject are not intended to be taught in a vacuum.


Source: Boston Herald


  • I. Geography: Spatial Sense
  • II. An Overview of the Seven Continents


  • I. Geography
  • II. Native American Peoples, Past and Present
  • III. Early Exploration and Settlement
    • A. The Voyage of Columbus in 1492
    • B. The Pilgrims
    • C. July 4, “Independence Day
  • IV. Presidents, Past and Present
  • V. Symbols and Figures

Grade 1

Source: Vryheid Herald


  • I. Geography
    • A. Spatial Sense
    • B. Geographical Terms and Features
  • II. Early World Civilizations
    • A. Mesopotamia: The “Cradle of Civilization”
    • B. Ancient Egypt
    • C. History of World Religions
  • III. Modern Civilization and Culture: Mexico
    • A. Geography
    • B. Culture


  • I. Early People and Civilizations
    • A. The Earliest People: Hunters and Nomads
    • B. Early American Civilizations
  • II. Early Exploration and Settlement
    • A. Columbus
    • B. The Conquistadors
    • C. English Settlers
  • III. From Colonies to Independence: The American Revolution
  • IV. Early Exploration of the American West
  • V. Symbols and Figures

Grade 2

Source: Innovative Learning


  • I. Geography
    • A. Spatial Sense
    • B. Geographical Terms and Features
  • II. Early Asian Civilizations
    • A. Geography of Asia
    • B. India
    • C. China
  • III. Modern Japanese Civilization
    • A. Geography
    • B. Culture
  • IV. The Ancient Greek Civilization


  • I. American Government: The Constitution
  • II. The War of 1812
  • III. Westward Expansion
    • A. Pioneers Head West
    • B. Native Americans
  • IV. The Civil War
  • V. Immigration and Citizenship
  • VI. Fighting for a Cause
  • VII. Geography of the Americas
    • A. North America
    • B. South America
  • VIII. Symbols and Figures

Grade 3

Source: Petra Lutheran School


  • I. World Geography
    • A. Spatial Sense
    • B. Geographical Terms and Features
    • C. Canada
    • D. Important Rivers of the World
  • II. The Ancient Roman Civilization
    • A. Geography of the Mediterranean Region
    • B. Background
    • C. The Empire
    • D. The “Decline and Fall” of Rome
    • E. The Eastern Roman Empire: Byzantine Civilization
  • III. The Vikings


  • I. The Earliest Americans
    • A. Crossing from Asia to North America
    • B. Native Americans
  • II. Early Exploration of North America
    • A. Early Spanish Exploration and Settlement
    • B. Exploration and Settlement of the American Southwest
    • C. The Search for the Northwest Passage
  • III. The Thirteen Colonies: Life and Times Before the Revolution
    • A. Geography
    • B. Southern Colonies
    • C. New England Colonies
    • D. Middle Atlantic Colonies

Grade 4



  • I. World Geography
    • A. Spatial Sense
    • B. Mountains and Mountain Ranges
  • II. Europe in the Middle Ages
    • A. Geography Related to the Development of Western Europe
    • B. Background
    • C. Developments in History of the Christian Church
    • D. Feudalism
    • E. The Norman Conquest
    • F. Growth of Towns
    • G. England in the Middle Ages
  • III. The Spread of Islam and the “Holy Wars”
    • A. Islam
    • B. Development of Islamic Civilization
    • C. Wars Between Muslims and Christians
  • IV. Early and Medieval African Kingdoms
    • A.Geography of Africa
    • B. Early African Kingdoms
    • C. Medieval Kingdoms of Sudan
  • V. China: Dynasties and Conquerors


  • I. The American Revolution
    • A. Background: The French and Indian War
    • B. Causes and Provocations
    • C. The Revolution
  • II. Making a Constitutional Government
    • A.Main Ideas Behind the Declaration of Independence
    • B. Making a New Government: From the Declaration to the Constitution
    • C. The Constitution of the United States
    • D. Levels and Functions of Government (National, State, Local)
  • III. Early Presidents and Politics
  • IV. Reformers
  • V. Symbols and Figures

Grade 5



  • I. World Geography
    • A. Spatial Sense
    • B. Great Lakes of the World
  • II. Early American Civilizations
    • A. Geography
    • B. Maya, Aztec and Inca Civilizations
    • C. Spanish Conquerors
  • III. European Exploration, Trade, and the Clash of Cultures
    • A. Background
    • B. European Exploration, Trade, and Colonization
    • C. Trade and Slavery
  • IV. The Renaissance and the Reformation
    • A. The Renaissance
    • B. The Reformation
  • V. England from the Golden Age to the Glorious Revolution
    • A. England in the Golden Age
    • B. From the English Revolution to the Glorious Revolution
  • VI. Russia: Early Growth and Expansion
    • A. Geography
    • B. History and Culture
  • VII. Feudal Japan
    • A. Geography
    • B. History and Culture


  • I. Westward Expansion
    • A. Westward Expansion before the Civil War
    • B. Westward Expansion after the Civil War
  • II. The Civil War: Causes, Conflicts, Consequences
    • A. Toward the Civil War
    • B. The Civil War
    • C. Reconstruction
  • III. Native Americans: Cultures and Conflicts
  • IV. U. S. Geography

Grade 6

Source: Birmingham Public Schools


  • I. World Geography
    • A. Spatial Sense
    • B. Great Deserts of the World
  • II. Lasting Ideas from Ancient Civilizations
    • A. Judaism and Christianity
    • B. Ancient Greece
    • C. Ancient Rome
  • III. The Enlightenment
  • IV. The French Revolution
  • V. Romanticism
  • VI. Industrialism, Capitalism, and Socialism
    • A. The Industrial Revolution
    • B. Capitalism
    • C. Socialism
  • VII. Latin American Independence Movements
    • A. History
    • B. Geography of Latin America


  • I. Immigration, Industrialization, and Urbanization
    • A. Immigration
    • B. Industrialization and Urbanization
  • II. Reform

Grade 7

Source: Twitter

Note: In 7th and 8th grade, history is no longer divided into world history and American history.  This has to do with the fact that after 1900, a lot of historical events are internationally related and that continues through the present day.

  • I. America Becomes a World Power
  • II. World War I: “The Great War,” 1914–1918
    • A. History
    • B. Geography of Western and Central Europe
  • III. The Russian Revolution
    • A. History
    • B. Geography
  • IV. America from the Twenties to the New Deal
    • A. America in the Twenties
    • B. The Great Depression
    • C. Roosevelt and the New Deal
  • V. World War II
    • A. The Rise of Totalitarianism in Europe
    • B. World War II in Europe and at Home, 1939–45
    • C. World War II in the Pacific, and the End of the War
  • VI. Geography of the United States

Grade 8

Source: Brookwood School
  • I. The Decline of European Colonialism
    • A. Breakup of the British Empire
    • B. Creation of the People’s Republic of China
  • II. The Cold War
    • A. Origins of the Cold War
    • B. The Korean War
    • C America in the Cold War
  • III. The Civil Rights Movement
  • IV. The Vietnam War and the Rise of Social Activism
    • A. The Vietnam War
    • B. Social and Environmental Activism
  • V. The Middle East and Oil Politics
    • A. History
    • B. Geography of the Middle East
  • VI. The End of the Cold War: The Expansion of Democracy and Continuing Challenges
    • A. The American Policy of Detente
    • B. Breakup of the USSR
    • C. China under Communism
    • D. Contemporary Europe
    • E. The End of Apartheid in South Africa
  • VII. Civics: The Constitution—Principles and Structure of American Democracy
  • VIII. Geography of Canada and Mexico

So what comes next?

Since this sequence was created around 1988, major events that took place after that point are not included in the sequence.   Some high schools dedicate a whole school year to the “History of the 20th and 21st Century” because as many Black leaders point out today, the history of the last 100 years seems to be light in a lot of curriculums.

Source: Denver Catholic

What is the Classical sequence of teaching history?

The “Classical Education” approach teaches history in a 4-year cycle.  With each cycle, the student goes more and more in-depth.

  1. Year 1: Ancient History
  2. Year 2: Middle Ages
  3. Year 3: Early Modern History
  4. Year 4: Modern History

The problem that I notice, when this cycle is used, is that modern history includes everything from 1450 – Present.  That is a lot of history to teach in a short time period, which leads to what a lot of people complain about that “current events” (or historical events in more recent modern history) are left out of the curriculum.

Source: The Mission Driven Mom

What is the Charlotte Mason sequence of teaching history?

The 6-year cycle was developed by Charlotte Mason.

  1. Area 1 (Grades 1 – 3): Students study their history.  The major events and the major figures who were involved in the forming of their own country.  With the US, there is debate on this.  Does it begin in 1492 with Columbus?  Does it begin when the first people landed in what is now Florida? Or does it begin when the first slaves arrived in the US?  Some Black leaders today believe that the start of Black history in the US has a different starting point than the start of White history in the US?  Who is right?  Who is wrong?  Are they both right?  Are they both wrong?  (Good thing we have the 1st Amendment and both sides are free to state their arguments)
    Some also believe that this begins with the history of when England became a nation because America started as a colony of England.  (Such a simple question can become a very complex question.
  2. Area 2 (Grades 4 – 6):  Students add the history of neighboring countries because their history is our history.  For US students, that would be learning the history and culture of Mexico and Canada.  But since a large number of immigrants migrate to the US from Central and Southern America, one can also say that would include the history and culture of those nations as well.
    Others believe that since the US came from England, this is the time to teach England’s history.
  3. Area 3 (Starting at Grade 5 and 6): Ancient History moving through the Dark Ages and Middle Ages.
  4. Area 4: This would be a 20th-century history.

The main difference between the classical sequence and the Charlotte Mason sequence is that in the classical sequence, history begins with Creation.  In the Charlotte Mason sequence, history begins with the history of your own country.

The proponents of the classical sequence, believe that God and Creation were the foundation of history education that a child builds upon.  Charlotte Mason believed that understanding one’s country (its history and its impact on the world) was the foundation that one’s history is built upon.

Although Charlotte Mason did believe in God, Charlotte Mason separated out the study of God from the study of history.  But even in religion, Charlotte Mason believes that a child should have a solid education in their own religion before studying other religions.

Source: WorthPoint

Cheater’s Path – Cartoon History of the Universe

Or if you ask my son, he thinks that children should just read the Cartoon History of the Universe Sequence of books:

  1. Cartoon History of the Universe: From the Big Bang the Napoleon the Great
  2. Cartoon History of the Universe: From the Springtime of China to the Fall of Rome
  3. Cartoon History of the Universe: From the Rise of Arabia to the Renaissance
  4. Cartoon History of the Modern World: From Columbus to the US Constitution
  5. Cartoon History of the Modern World: From Bastille to Baghdad
  6. Cartoon History of the United States

During 7th and 8th grade, my oldest son just read these books and got As in history (not to mention developing a love for the study of history that he still has to this day).

The only part that is missing is current modern history.  For that I would recommend adding on the book “Chronicle of the 20th Century” which is a book that is just newspaper articles reprinted as they appeared when they were first printed.  One page for every month from 1900 – 1987 (when the book was first published).

As for 1987 to the present?  Create a class Wiki and make it a group project.  Follow the example in Chronicles of the 20th-century book and create one page for each month from 1988 to the present.

That would be 384 pages, at one page per school day, it will only take 2 school years to complete.  But the kids will definitely have a solid education in history when they are done.

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