Thomas McAuliffe, Author at Along the Boards Thu, 26 Nov 2020 22:35:41 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Thomas McAuliffe, Author at Along the Boards 32 32 How to Overcome Alcohol Abstinence Sun, 07 Jun 2020 11:09:43 +0000 Being healthy means giving up certain pleasant habits that are very common in our society, such as consumption of tobacco, alcohol, and some drugs, limiting your need for food intake only and choosing those who are least at risk to endanger the body, fight stress and lifestyle stay. Alcohol is one of the oldest substances […]

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Being healthy means giving up certain pleasant habits that are very common in our society, such as consumption of tobacco, alcohol, and some drugs, limiting your need for food intake only and choosing those who are least at risk to endanger the body, fight stress and lifestyle stay.

Source: Alcohol Rehab Guide

Alcohol is one of the oldest substances with the ability to change behavior. Alcoholism is not a natural disease but a chronic behavior disorder that can occur to anyone and as a result of a strong addiction to alcoholic drinks and frequent and excessive intake. If you want to get more information about those disorders, check out this website.

Alcohol has always been the most talked-about drink, weighing very high in ancient times as a drug and is considered as such in many environments, but it has been known primitively as a dangerous drug, because of this prosecution there have been several attempts to call people to keep their consumption under strict control. To this day, great solutions that have proven and justified the multipurpose function of alcohol as energy, stimulant, intoxicating, and toxic have not yet been discovered.

WHO decided in 1964 to replace the concept of drug mania with dependence. According to WHO, alcoholics will become excessive drinkers whose dependence on alcohol will reach a certain level resulting in psychological disorders, somatic complications, and/or conflict in their interpersonal relationships.

Source: Global Health News Wire

The difference between alcohol abuse and addiction is very slight. Abuse means incorrect consumption and addiction begins with it, or simply consuming alcohol. You can consume alcohol without having an addiction, but this can arise from frequent consumption. Addicted is the person unable to control their desire to drink. The dividing line between consumption and dependence is crossed when alcohol is no longer used for fun, when life focuses on the need to consume it and the addiction is physical, psychological or both. Being physically addicted means that the body becomes dependent on alcohol and if you stop consuming it the person experiences a withdrawal syndrome.

When we talk about how to overcome alcohol abstinence we are referring to a way to be able to counter and stop all that series of symptoms, physical and psychological, which occur a few hours after an alcoholic stops the intake of alcohol and which, in many cases, represents one of the main reasons for relapses. We are also referring to a rehab clinic that is able to help people with alcohol addiction so they can get away from the addiction gradually.

In fact, more and more people, including alcoholics themselves, who want to know how to overcome alcohol abstinence as facing this phase, especially alone, exposes the person to considerable inconvenience to which he cannot always resist and prefers to resume drinking, as it is the only way he knows to feel “good”.

Source: Promises Treatment Centers

Alcohol abstinence, in fact, is characterized by physical symptoms such as tremors, sweating, abdominal pain, heaviness in the legs and a whole series of psychological manifestations, such as mood swings, difficulty sleeping, nervousness, and depression, which are a symptom well evident of a well-established condition of dependence on alcohol.

Among the physical signs, there is also a feeling of weakness or discomfort when trying to quit drinking, changes in sleeping time, changes in eating habits with weight increase or loss, and a progressive increase in the amounts or frequency of alcohol consumption, to achieve the same effect. Psychological addiction occurs when the desire to drink alcohol is psychological or emotional, and consuming it exceeds the person’s will. Among the psychological signs are consumption as a way to forget problems or to relax, loss of interest in activities that were previously important, problems with school or work performance, relating to consumers, constant thoughts regarding obtaining alcohol and depressive, anxious, or angry states.

By the time a person decides to stop drinking, he already knows that he will have to face these inconveniences, but often the willpower in wanting to solve this problem is so strong that he psychologically prepares himself for what awaits them.

Source: Promises Five Palms

As soon as the abstinence crisis occurs, the person begins to feel a sort of reminder that pushes him to want to still drink alcohol, so as not to suffer any discomfort but, thanks to his determination, he can resist.

Over the hours, craving (obsessive desire) begins to be much more pressing and the person, in many cases, begins to waver and think he cannot manage to do it, starting to consider giving up and going back to drinking. But it resists.

When the withdrawal symptoms become particularly strong, a question begins to take shape in the person’s mind: “How to overcome alcohol withdrawal?”, “What to do to feel better?”.

In many cases, the person finds an answer in the drugs (especially substitutes), which allow them to feel a certain sense of “relief” and to have a little respite from that sense of malaise. But once the effect is over, everything returns as before.

Source: Promises Treatment Centers

The risk of this solution is that the person starts to resort to certain substances, until he develops an addiction that will take the place of what he was trying to solve, giving way to a vicious cycle that can have very serious consequences.

Today, there are many experts who specialize in a method that allows you to solve the problem of how to overcome alcohol abstinence in an absolutely easy way, without resorting to drugs, psychotropic drugs, or substitutes, so as to help the person not to suffer excessively. Some of them are members of the Harley Str Alcohol Detox Organisation.

Some procedures are based on 24-hour assistance, by specialized personnel, the intake of exclusively natural products (vitamins and calories based on calcium and magnesium), in order to avoid causing further dependence, and a whole series of specific assistance for the body, able to help the person to release the tension accumulated in this phase.

Source: The Jakarta Post

Thanks to the procedures, all withdrawal symptoms are drastically reduced, the person manages to regain the first form of psychophysical balance, but above all, he will have begun to turn his attention towards more positive thoughts.

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3 Ways to Make Money Online during the Coronavirus Quarantine Tue, 05 May 2020 13:15:08 +0000 The Coronavirus crisis is the era that we will remember forever. The next generations will probably learn about it in school. It is a sad moment for the planet earth. It rarely happened that the entire world had the same enemy. However, the biggest problem of all is that this enemy is invisible. Despite that, […]

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The Coronavirus crisis is the era that we will remember forever. The next generations will probably learn about it in school. It is a sad moment for the planet earth. It rarely happened that the entire world had the same enemy. However, the biggest problem of all is that this enemy is invisible. Despite that, the entire planet earth was not prepared for it. Because of that, the consequences are huge and we can only hope that everything will stop soon.

Yet, it is not true that we can’t control some things. We need to respect the rules that medical experts provided us with. Logically, wearing a mask and gloves is something we all have to do. Do that even if you went for 10 minutes to buy breakfast. The moment when we will stop doing that is sooner or later going to happen.

Still, even more important thing is not to go out if there is no need for that. Do that only when you have to go to the grocery store or pharmacy. These two places are something that we need to visit. However, it is also important to respect the social distance.

Anyway, there is another problem that is going to influence the entire planet earth. The economies of different countries are not going to be the same as before. Many businesses stopped working because there were no conditions for that. Businesses that work in the tourism field lost a lot. However, that influenced other industries as well. Unfortunately, many people lost their job because of that.

Source: Foro Capital Pymes

Use This Time in the Best Possible Way

Staying at home for a long time can be tough for our mental strength. We are human beings which means that we hardly adapt to lockdowns. Because of that, you need to find the best possible way to spend your time at home. You can make it more entertaining by playing different games online and offline, chatting on social media, reading, etc. However, all these things won’t improve your financial stability.

The smartest move of all is to try to make money online! Thanks to the advanced technology, something like this is possible and happens all the time. The entire business world has now moved to the Internet. This is not necessarily connected with the pandemic. The change has happened a long time before the crisis started.

So, let’s find out together the ways to make money online during the Coronavirus quarantine.

1. Freelancing

Source: The Ideal Blog

Well, this is probably the first option that you have. Freelancing is a good choice for many reasons. First of all, if you have a lack of working experience, it is the right moment to test your skills. Many people around the world are not willing to hire a new worker in their company. Because of that, they are looking for alternative ways to chase people that possess the skills they need. Despite that, hiring a freelancer is less expensive than hiring a full-time worker.

While you are in quarantine, there are a couple of things you should do. First of all, research the freelance platforms that are connecting clients and freelancers. There are many of them like Upwork, 99Design, PeoplePerHour, etc. All these platforms are good for chasing clients. However, most of them will bring you some fees. If you want to avoid them, there is another thing you should do.

It is the right moment to use the real benefits of social media. Indeed, chatting with friends and making selfies is interesting. However, social media is a great tool to network yourself with other people. This especially counts when we talk about people that are working in the same industry as you. For instance, join Facebook groups that are connecting freelancers and employers. However, keep in mind that you need to prepare a good cover letter that you will publish in the group.

You can also use LinkedIn. It is a useful business platform great for job-hunting. Boost your profile there to make it look more professional.

2. Start an Online Business

Source: Finances Algeria

Well, this might seem like a complex thing. Yet, as we said, the entire business world has moved to the Internet. People can now run a business while sitting in the comfort of their room.

Logically, you need to come up with a good idea and a good business plan. Social media are a great tool for advertising and they are making things easier. Yet, you need to know who your target audience is and why are you even starting a certain business. Currently, the options that you have are limited. However, let us give you some directions.

If you are passionate about the gym, exercising, and healthy meals, then online coaching can be your choice. You must possess a certain knowledge about the business that you want to run. Despite that, we know that lack of money is currently a problem. Fortunately, a lot of them do not require some larger investments. The list of those businesses is long and we suggest you visit to get more info. Pick the idea that suits you the most and make your quarantine time more effective.

3. Online Gambling


Well, this is not something that we suggest to everyone. Gambling is a risky investment that most people do not know how to properly make. Many people become addicted to it. However, have you gambled actively before the crisis started? Do you have some experience in the gambling industry? Well, this might be a good choice for you.

Indeed, the entire world stops, but there are still some things that can bring you money. For instance, online poker, slots, and things like that are options that you have. Still, you must make some limits before you even decide on this move. Determine precisely how much money you can invest daily. If you are not so good at it, try to improve your gambling skills. You can do that by reading different articles or play those games for free. The second option is something you can find in different places.

The good thing is that most of the online casinos are now offering bonuses to their users. It is a good chance to grab some free money and try to make a bit more from it.

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Different Types of Writing Tools that Help Students Tue, 21 Apr 2020 10:52:33 +0000 The average life of a student revolves around writing, whether it is articles, fast essays, or research work. Every student can claim to know how to write, but not every one of them can meet the set standards. Writing is not a skill that an individual can master in a single day. It requires a […]

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The average life of a student revolves around writing, whether it is articles, fast essays, or research work. Every student can claim to know how to write, but not every one of them can meet the set standards. Writing is not a skill that an individual can master in a single day. It requires a lot of time, effort, and sacrifices. However, technology has transformed the lives of students. We are living in a generation where writing tools are making the life of students much easier and more fun. The art of writing is a skill, which is important to the life of all students. Thanks to the advancement of technologies, there are currently writing tools, which make the lives of students not only fun but also much easier. The following are some of the different types of writing tools that help students.

Grammarly and other grammar checkers

It is one of the tools commonly used by students when preparing for essays and research papers as well as perfecting other types of documents that use grammar. There are several ways through which a student can use this tool. To begin with, students can either text directly or paste the contents of a document on the tool and thereafter download the document in an edited format. One of the advantages of using the tool is that documents can be stored online hence making it easy for a person to access the file provided there is a secure internet connection. Also, the tool allows a student to check the document for grammatical or punctuation errors. However, for a student to access services such as a plagiarism checker, one has to part with some funds so as to enjoy premium services. These tools not only help students perform the strenuous tasks of proofreading and editing, but they also help ensure that the student uses a variety of words in their text and reduces reputation.

Source: Grammarly

Thesis statement maker

One of the most challenging aspects of writing to most students is coming up with a quality thesis statement. Unfortunately, most scholars are not familiar with the basic requirements of writing a thesis statement. However, with a thesis statement maker, students no longer have to worry about spending too much time and effort, creating a thesis statement. A thesis statement maker is an online tool that assists students in formulating the main ideas of their research paper in one sentence. According to, some of the benefits of using the tool are that it is free, it can be accessed anywhere provided there is an internet connection, and it is easy to use.

Words to minute’s converter

Coming up with a speech presentation could be a long and tiresome process for most students. A student neither wants to bore the listeners with a long speech nor miss mentioning important points because the speech is short. The advancement in technology has made it possible for students to know the amount of time they will use in presenting a given speech. A word to minute’s converter assists students in lengthening or shortening their speech in relation to the assigned duration of the presentation. Some of the benefits of using this tool are that it is free, easy to use, easily accessible, and the user does not have to download and install it into their devices.

Source: Keyword Rank Checker

Plagiarism checker

The advancement in technology has made it possible for students to access information on any topic at the comfort of their beds. Unlike in the past, where students had to search for specific books in the library, technology has made the lives of students much simpler. However, one of the greatest offence any student would never wish to be involved with is on plagiarism, which is using another person`s work without giving them credit.

A student can be suspended or in worst cases expelled when caught with cases of plagiarism. However, with a plagiarism checker, a student no longer has to worry about getting caught on cases of plagiarism. The tool aids students in delivering plagiarism free work. Sometimes students can use writing services like where they can be sure their paper is plagiarism free. Other benefits of using the tool to a student include; equips students with good studying habits, a scholar is able to rate their paraphrasing proficiency, and it is free as well as easy to use.

Bibliography generator

The tool comes in handy mostly to the students who write research work and other academic materials that require references and citations. The bibliography section provides a list of sources that were used in writing a given research material. The section is important because, without it, the professors and the readers will not only doubt the content written but will also stop reading anything you write. Any academic material without a bibliography section is said to be incomplete. A bibliography generator is an online tool that aids students in preparing a list of all the references used in certain research material. Some of the benefits of using the tool are that it is easily accessible online; it is easy to use, and it is ideal for everyone.

Source: wikiHow

PDF to Word Converter

Most documents are shared or presented using the pdf format. One of the disadvantages of using the document in that format is the reader cannot edit it. A PDF to Word converter aids students in converting the format of a document to a different one that can be edited. Whereas there a diverse tools online to perform this task, each one of them has unique advantages and disadvantages. Some of the benefits students can enjoy from using this tool are that it is free, it requires less time, and it is easily accessible provided there is a secure internet connection.

Online dictionaries and the thesaurus

Ln some circumstances, students need to get the meaning of a word before they can use it for different academic purposes. In other times, the students may need to find a different word with a similar meaning and hence use the thesaurus. These tools are available online and can be used by students as they write their academic papers. They can also use the tools to acquire new terminologies that they may apply in their papers whenever they write. It is always important to verify the meaning of words and also to make sure that you use synonyms to avoid monotony in writing. When you apply the above tools, you can easily attain this in essay writing and you will definitely be able to come up with higher quality academic papers.


Students spend approximately 70% of their time researching and writing. With the use of the above tools, scholars are able to minimize the time spent on writing their assignments. However, with diverse types of tools available online, students should select the tools that work best for them—writing tools not only aid students in detecting punctuation mistakes and grammatical errors but also storing files inconvenient as well as safe sites. Students should take advantage of the numerous benefits provided by writing tools.

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Top 5 Movie Themed Slots in 2023 Fri, 07 Feb 2020 13:40:17 +0000 If you love playing slots and watching movies, then what could be better than combining those two passions from the comfort of your sofa? Online casinos allow you to do just that with their extensive collection of popular movie-themed slot games. Lucrative licensing agreements between slot producers and film franchises have left us with an […]

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If you love playing slots and watching movies, then what could be better than combining those two passions from the comfort of your sofa? Online casinos allow you to do just that with their extensive collection of popular movie-themed slot games.

Lucrative licensing agreements between slot producers and film franchises have left us with an enormous collection of slots with authentic images, immersive video clips and entertaining musical soundtracks from the world’s favorite feature films.

From valiant heroes to frightening foes, the best online providers ensure you’re spoilt for choice, so we’d recommend giving them a go and visiting a trusted provider, you can find famous titles such as A Nightmare on Elm Street, Narcos, The Big Lebowski, Game of Thrones, Vikings, Planet of the Apes and many more, making sites like 888 online slots the best out there.

1. Jurassic Park

While the latest release, Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom, faced some backlash from fans, the Jurassic Park franchise is still a thing of beauty to movie lovers around the globe.

When the first film in the franchise was released in 1993, it took the movie industry by storm, piling up Box Office revenues of $1.029 billion. It also scooped up an impressive three Academy Awards the following year, including best visual effects and sound mixing.

In Microgaming’s Jurassic Park slot game, you can recapture the thrills, and fears, of the original film. The graphical quality of the game combined with the unforgettable musical soundtrack and the Parallax scrolling effects makes for a totally immersive gaming experience.

As you would expect, dinosaurs feature heavily here, with the five-round free spin feature focusing exclusively on the terrifying dinosaurs from the film. The Jurassic Park logo plays its part as the wild, with the formidable T-Rex adding up to 35 extra wilds.

2. Scarface

Ten years prior to the release of Jurassic Park, Al Pacino was taking all the plaudits for his scintillating performance as Tony Montana in the American crime drama Scarface.

The film, which was directed by Brian De Palma, is often held up as one of the greatest examples of directing in the modern era. Morality, excess, and glamour are all dealt with carefully, creating a film that has truly stood the test of time. In fact, it has remained as popular today as it was when it was first released.

If you are one of the countless fans of Scarface, you will absolutely love the NetEnt slot game based on it. The five-reel, 20 pay line video slot allows you to experience the drama and glamour of Tony Montana’s rise to the top.

Original movie clips are scattered throughout the game, but the undoubted highlight is the famous last stand shoot-out, which plays during the bonus game.

3. Ted

Up until 2012 most Hollywood movies based on cuddly teddy bears were aimed at the children’s market. That was until Seth MacFarlane, the creator of Family Guy came up with the plot for the hilarious film Ted.

Mark Wahlberg, Mila Kunis and Seth MacFarlane himself all-star in this film which follows the relationship between Boston native John Bennett and his foul-mouthed, weed-smoking teddy bear.

The movie had laughs galore and was a major hit at cinemas, something which didn’t escape the attention of Blueprint Gaming who produced this excellent slot machine spin-off.

The game features authentic sound bites and quality graphics from the film as well as a whole host of enticing bonuses to keep players hooked. The Thunder Buddies bonus which is triggered by three scatter awards players one of five different bonus features.

All of the movie-based bonuses give slots players great chances to win big prizes, which is just one more reason to give it a try!

4. Nightmare on Elm Street

In 1984, viewers around the world collectively closed their eyes with fear as Wes Craven’s character Freddy Krueger hit the big screen. One of the world’s creepiest and most notorious horror characters has now made his move to slot games.

The layout of the game stays true to the feel and vibe of the original eighties film and the musical score that accompanies the slot game is frightful, raising your endorphin levels as you play. If you’re looking to get even closer to the edge of your seat, there are even two progressive jackpots that could make you wealthy in seconds.

Alongside that, the Nightmare on Elm Street slot game boasts a generous return to player percentage, as well as regular free spin bonuses.

5. The Dark Knight

Back in 2005, Christopher Nolan took up the role of director in the new Batman franchise, casting Christian Bale, Michael Caine, and Heath Ledger in the Batman Begins film.

Nolan’s first move was to take the film franchise away from the light-hearted and absurd path that had previously been explored. Instead, Batman Begins was dark, brooding and melancholic.

The success of that film emboldened Nolan to go even further with The Dark Knight, which was released just three years later. The Interstellar director was rewarded for this approach with huge Box Office success, as well as a monumental amount of critical acclaim.

In a bid to cash in on the popularity of The Dark Knight, Microgaming produced a fully licensed online slot game of the film. The game has 14 winning symbols and just under 250 winning combinations.

Symbols in the game are based on characters from the movie, with the Joker, Batman, Harvey Dent, and Rachel Dawes all making an appearance. The highest-earning symbol of all is Batman, who can earn players up to 2,000 credits.

Scatter symbols, which are represented by the graffiti used on the film’s original poster, give you the best chance of winning big. On top of this, Batman and the Joker can appear at random anytime to give you a chance to win extra prizes, such as free spins.

It’s fair to say, movie-themed slots could pave the way for future slot games, adding adventure, suspense, and nostalgia to your style of play. You can visit this site for more online casinos in 2023.

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Where Soccer Is The Most Popular? Mon, 20 Jan 2020 21:31:21 +0000 Soccer is considered to be the number one sport all over the world. There simply isn’t a country out there that does not heavily practice this sport. So, why is it so popular? What makes 4 billion people all over the world to watch the World Cup? That is more than fifty percent of the […]

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Soccer is considered to be the number one sport all over the world. There simply isn’t a country out there that does not heavily practice this sport. So, why is it so popular? What makes 4 billion people all over the world to watch the World Cup? That is more than fifty percent of the planet watching the same event on the TV. Those kinds of numbers seem impossible to replicate.

If this sport is watched and respected all over the world, which countries made it so popular? Or rather where is it the most popular? Before we get into the different countries that have the biggest respect for this game, we need to delve deeper into the reasons and factors of why people love it so much.

Naturally, every sport we have invented through our past has a strong energy that awakes multiple feelings in our hearts. But, what makes soccer so special and different than other sports such as basketball, American football, hockey, rugby, baseballs and so on?

Source: AP Photo

What makes it so popular?

It is truly amazing how powerful this game can be, hypnotizing millions of people at the same time with just one game. How does it do it? Well, if we get into the details of the reasons, you will soon understand why it is able to intrigue people so easily.

It’s cheap

One of the biggest reasons why this sport is so successful in the world and why every single country on this planet has at least one professional soccer team is because it is cheap. You do not need any special gear or a special field where you can play the game. All you need is four items that will mark the two goals and a ball, that’s about it.

So, the only limit you have is your dedication. If you believe in yourself and you keep playing you can reach a level of skill that will be impressive enough to be shown to the entire world. This is why poorer countries manage to form professional teams because it is not about the money and the gear you buy, it is about the player’s love for soccer.


Simple enough for everyone to understand

Another important reason why it is such an accepted sport is that it is quite simple. Even if you have never seen a soccer game in your life before, you will easily understand if you watch one. There are a few dozen players out on a field, one ball and both of them aiming at a goal. Quite easy to put the puzzle pieces together, right? Sure, there are a few rules and regulations in professional games that must be followed, but those are required only if you are getting serious about it.

Gambling and online betting

It has been proven that ever since the dawn of time, humans experience great joy when gambling. There have been thousands of different games you could bet on. From gladiator battles to chariot racing in the arena to modern horse racing and finally modern sports.

However, placing a bit is a risky task since you are using your own money which means that people avoid gambling on sports they do not understand. This is why the simplicity of soccer is so cherished. It is quite easy to understand, so it is easy to bet on it. There is no chance of some complicated and hidden rule of mess up your bet. Check out if you are interested in the betting process on soccer matches.

Source: Aqui Estamos

Worldwide marketing

We talked about the reasons and factors why this game pulls in so many players and spectators, but soccer is also a very attractive event for companies and big corporations too. Just imagine placing a spot on the World Cup and your brand is right there in front of four billion viewers. Even if you do not manage to grab a spot at a World Cup, even the smaller championships and leagues are watched by more than a few million people all over the world.

An experienced team of marketing agents of a certain company will try to do everything in their power just to get an ad placement for such events.

Every season is soccer season

This is a great benefit for all fans of this sport. There is no downtime or boring games during the winter or summer days. There are constantly multiple leagues streaming their games on TVs and online platforms. So, if you ever get into this sport, you will always have something to watch.

Where is soccer most popular?

Now that we got through the question of why is it popular, now it is time to explain where it is most popular.

Source: Bloomberg


Without question, England is definitely one of the first places where this sport appeared. This is the reason why it has the highest popularity for this sport. People of this country love the game to death and will do anything for it.

But why?

Well, it first started getting traction in Medieval times where versus games would be set up between two different villages. Unlike today, there were no concrete rules, all it mattered was to get the ball into the goal. This would quickly turn into a violent and competitive showdown which is why England banned it. Finally, in the 19th century, the ban was lifted and dozens of clubs were instantly formed that exist to this day.


Quickly after the formation of the British football teams, many countries in the European continent started forming their own teams too. Netherlands, Denmark, Germany, Italy, and Switzerland were one of the first who built their own teams. In just a very short time, many other countries soon joined the hype train which quickly inspired the creation of The Federation Internationale de Football Association or FIFA.

The founders of FIFA today have the most passionate fans in the world.

South America

A few decades later and the trend was quickly spread throughout entire South America. Only after a few years after the creation of their teams, the first World Cup was held in Uruguay. Today South America is the home to the world’s most successful players and the most energetic fans.

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Is CBD Oil Legal? Mon, 13 Jan 2020 11:50:26 +0000 Within the extremely contentious political environment in recent years, one segment has garnered increasing support: the push for “green” legalization. Even now, as the two major political parties remain deadlocked on several key issues, so-called botanicals and their derivative, cannabidiol (CBD), offer the possibility of bipartisanship. Indeed, political sentiment surveys support this optimism in the […]

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Within the extremely contentious political environment in recent years, one segment has garnered increasing support: the push for “green” legalization. Even now, as the two major political parties remain deadlocked on several key issues, so-called botanicals and their derivative, cannabidiol (CBD), offer the possibility of bipartisanship.

Indeed, political sentiment surveys support this optimism in the face of unprecedented vitriol. Around a decade ago, a majority of Americans disapproved of recreational endorsement, indicative of the conservative climate at the time. But just recently, sentiment completely flipped, with a majority of the electorate supporting legalization.

Moreover, the upcoming political wrangling for the 2023 presidential race has offered a “safe space” to discuss botanicals frankly. During an interview in early 2019, Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris admitted to indulging the green stuff. “I did inhale. It was a long time ago.”

And it very well may have been. But the blunt (no pun intended) nature of the interview demonstrates how far we’ve progressed on the legalization front. Perhaps the most important point is that people no longer fear professional consequences for admitting their consumption.

Just decades ago, such an admission would have immediately derailed a political career, let alone a run for the presidency.

Therefore, the overriding sentiment is that most Americans – particularly the up-and-coming generation – make no controversy over legalization. Subsequent momentum at the ballots provides further evidence. Nevertheless, we still have a very practical question on our hands: are botanical products, particularly cannabidiol or CBD oil legal?

Source: Medium

Defining Cannabidiol Oil or CBD Oil

As with anything involving the government, the answer is…it depends. Mostly, this matter comes down to where you live. Individual states have voted on legalization to varying degrees. For the botanical enthusiast, we have great news: the overwhelming majority of states allow some leeway for either medicinal or recreational use.

But complications arrive with federal oversight. Although states have their own mandates, ultimately, the federal government remains the top dog. While authorities have relaxed their position on the maligned plant, the feds still classify it as a Schedule I drug: the most stringent category applied to incredibly dangerous and addictive narcotics.

To better understand the legalities behind CBD oil, we must first define this product category. As the name suggests, cannabidiol represents one of the derivatives from the cannabis-Sativa plant. In fact, the plant contains 104 chemical compounds called cannabinoids. CBD is just one form of these compounds.

Later, agricultural specialists mix the CBD with a carrier oil. Usually, this arrives in the form of hemp seed or coconut. After an extensive process, the end result is the highly desired CBD oil.

Upon its introduction to the green marketplace, CBD oil quickly generated strong revenues for participating organizations. Strictly from a scientific view, CBD oil presented platform modularity. Particularly, this new product category found dramatic utility within botanical vaporizers. However, you can also consume this format more directly; for instance, oil sprays have generated significant buzz.

According to, the other critical advantage for cannabidiol is that they’re not psychoactive. This is a common misconception, even among botanical newbies. Out of the library of cannabinoids, one iteration clearly receives the most attention: tetrahydro cannabidiol or THC. It’s not hard to understand why.

When people discuss the highs associated with the maligned plant, they’re almost always talking about THC. And in earlier generations, the medical legalization initiative could not separate medicinal use with the psychoactive compound. However, new scientific advances have allowed professionals in the field to extract non-psychoactive variants.

Again, CBD oil does not impair mental or emotional functions, yet potentially offers several personal benefits. That’s why both mainstream and alternative health practitioners have strong hopes for cannabidiol.

Source: Harvard Health – Harvard University

Navigating Tricky Legal Waters

Based on what we know and understand about this new botanical derivative, it seems we’re home free. From an agricultural standpoint, CBD oil does not contain any psychoactive compounds. Therefore, it is not addictive. Second, CBD has medicinal potential, and by logical deduction, we infer that it is not dangerous.

Armed with nothing but facts, we can determine that CBD does not justify the federal government’s standard for narcotics classification: our target compound is neither addictive nor dangerous. Furthermore, from an economic and practical point-of-view, the feds have little incentive to crack down on cannabidiol.

Indeed, the latter point has proven relevant. With so many geopolitical flashpoints and stressors, the federal government can’t afford to chase cannabidiol enthusiasts. They have neither the time, resources, or inclination to start a war that they likely can’t win.

That said, we’re talking about the government, which operates on bureaucratic mandates rather than on practicalities. As a result, the core plant from which CBD is derived remains on the Schedule I list. More as a function of misguided decision-making and legacy politics than anything substantive, cannabidiol receives unfair classification.

Unfortunately, the political will at this present juncture doesn’t exist to overturn it outright. While electoral momentum seemingly suggests that “de-scheduling” is on the horizon, botanical enthusiasts can’t ignore conservative strongholds.

Yes, their numbers are declining relative to those with progressive ideals. Nevertheless, in politics as in business, it pays to adopt a broad-appealing, middle-of-the-road approach. Leaning too far towards one end of the spectrum is a surefire way to lose votes, which is why Schedule I remains a thorny, tricky issue.

Source: Well+Good

Thoughts About the Farm Bill

At this point, many of you are asking the same question…what about the Farm Bill?

Signed by President Trump in December 2018, the Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018, or colloquially the Farm Bill, represented a rare showing of bipartisanship in the current administration. At its core, this new legislation reauthorized several expenditures specified in the prior farm bill of 2014.

Naturally, most of this bill’s language would only excite policy wonks. We’re talking about extending benefits to those working directly for farm and nutrition policy. Also, Democrats got what they wanted, which was to remove SNAP (ie. food stamps) work requirements.

But the one measure within the Farm Bill that piqued almost everyone’s interest was its hemp provision. Botanical proponents aimed to change the definition of hemp as follows:

“the plant Cannabis sativa L. and any part of that plant, including the seeds thereof and all derivatives, extracts, cannabinoids, isomers, acids, salts, and salts of isomers, whether growing or not, with a delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol [THC] concentration of not more than 0.3 percent on a dry weight basis.”

Furthermore, agricultural advocates pushed to revise the term “marihuana” as specified in the Controlled Substances Act to remove hemp, including extracts and derivatives. Primarily, such actions would serve to “defang” federal oversight and effectively make CBD oil legal in the U.S.

At least that’s how things should work in theory. When Trump signed the 2018 Farm Bill into law, he effectively de-scheduled several Sativa-derived products. Therefore, enthusiast consumables such as CBD oil – which again contain no THC – should find open retail markets.

But nothing works that easily in government.

Source: The Green Fund

Conflicting Agencies and Interests

Undoubtedly, the Farm Bill represented a major victory. For the first time ever, advocates removed botanical derivatives from the Controlled Substances Act. Adding to the enthusiasm, Trump signed the bill despite his Republican party disappointing during that year’s midterm elections.

Really, it was amazing that generally combative politicians got together for a bipartisan effort involving key concessions on both sides. But the problem was that individual government agencies – largely as a matter of infrastructural limitations – could not join in. Through historical legacy and perhaps inter-divisional rivalries, products such as CBD oil remained in technical limbo.

Here are a few notable examples. The main watchdog agency, the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), classifies cannabidiol as an illegal substance. Further, the DEA has made no indication as to whether or not they will reclassify based on the Farm Bill.

Another example is the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), which still considers CBD oil as a drug. Therefore, cannabidiol runs into legality issues when companies incorporate it as an ingredient in food or health products. However, the FDA provided one exception: CBD manufacturers are free to do so with the agency’s approval.

Interestingly, the FDA has not backed down from this position. Shortly after the Farm Bill passed, the agency’s commissioner, Scott Gottlieb, reiterated cannabidiol’s controlled substance classification. Gottlieb stated:

“Selling unapproved products with unsubstantiated therapeutic claims is not only a violation of the law but also can put patients at risk, as these products have not been proven to be safe or effective.”

Out of the watchdog agencies, the FDA is perhaps the most aggressive. They have started to crack down on violators. However, the enforcement appears to be focused on breaches of the FDA’s consumables and medicinal guidelines. Those manufacturers and retailers who play by the rules have no reason for concern.

In fact, the powerful FDA has actually demonstrated a willingness to work with current laws and trends. For instance, the agency stated that three hemp-derived ingredients — hulled hemp seeds, hemp seed protein and hemp seed oil – are “safe as foods and won’t require additional approvals, as long as marketers do not make claims that they treat disease.”

Understandably, though, frustrations remain. Although public sentiment has clearly shifted in favor of full legalization, the federal government provides little to no clarity on recently approved laws and mandates. Simply put, the feds haven’t kept pace with the changing landscape.

Source: pure cbd oil

Spirit of the Law versus the Letter of the Law

Given the complexities behind “agricultural law,” should green enthusiasts worry about purchasing CBD oil products? After all, several federal agencies still list CBD as a controlled substance.

Surprisingly, the answer is much more straightforward than this legal mess would have you think. So long as you abide by your local laws, statutes, and regulations, you have nothing to fear regarding cannabidiol usage. Contrary to naysayers, the feds in all likelihood will not break down your door, ambush-style.

Part of the reason as we mentioned is that public sentiment has overwhelmingly shifted in favor of agricultural rights. While government bureaucracies carry a negative stereotype of inefficiencies and ineffectiveness, they’re not stupid. They recognize that many folks – including perhaps some of their peers – light up.

Going after a significant portion of the American populace simply makes little sense. It’s akin to writing drivers up for going five miles past the speed limit; in other words, you gotta let some stuff slide. Additionally, the majority of young Americans experiment. Tagging them with criminal charges will have an untold negative impact on tomorrow’s economy.

This segues into a second point regarding CBD oil legality: every case that the federal government prosecutes costs significant taxpayer money. According to Harvard University senior lecturer Jeffrey Miron, law-enforcement agencies would save nearly $9 billion if botanicals were fully legalized.

Since cases going to court require an extensive attorney and court fees, the total number would skyrocket. This is the central reason why the feds don’t pursue or turn a blind eye towards several cases: they simply lack resources. Logically, the government only considers the most surefire, economically viable cases for full-scale prosecution.

Is someone lighting up a joint? The feds just can’t deal with such low-level situations that will render meager rewards.

Finally, the political landscape is structured so that prosecution will incur significant consequences…for the prosecutor. As we just discussed, public opinion towards “agricultural goods” has remarkably turned favorable. Right there, prosecuting agents have an uphill battle to climb in the face of strong opposition.

But it’s also a poor look for the elites that run this nation. Since 62% of Americans favor legalization according to the Pew Research Center, this is not an electorate to trample on. Going too hard on this segment will result in a backlash, similar to what happened with digital-music downloads in the early 2000s.

Note also that despite President Trump’s hardline promise to restore “law and order,” he has kept quiet on agricultural rights. Actually, his actions speak far louder than his words. He, of course, signed the Farm Bill that de-scheduled hemp products. Additionally, he fired U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions, a notorious opponent of “agricultural crimes.”

Merely from a practical standpoint, enthusiasts can enjoy CBD oil (in legal jurisdictions) without fear of federal oversight.

Source: The Austin Chronicle

So Finally, is CBD Legal?

Based on recent legislation such as the Farm Bill, and the near-complete unwillingness for federal authorities to vigorously attack cannabidiol users, CBD is structurally legal. While that’s not the most direct answer that enthusiasts seek, it is perhaps the most comprehensive.

Additionally, in specific areas where we have witnessed more aggressive oversight, they mostly occur in the botanical industry’s upstream component; that is, at the production and distribution level. Citing the FDA’s own guidelines, they’re zeroing in on CBD manufacturers that deliberately make false claims.

In other words, the customer is far too down the supply chain for federal agencies to chase. As a matter of economics and time management, they must fry the bigger fish.

Therefore, end-users who are concerned about cannabidiol legality should primarily focus on the state laws of their residence. As of December 2018, only three states have mandates that make any form of Sativa botanicals, including CBD oil, illegal: Idaho, Nebraska, and South Dakota. If you live in one of these states, you’re unlikely to receive cannabidiol products from a reputable retailer.

After the 2018 midterm elections, ten states have fully legalized “alternative” agriculture. They are:

  • Alaska
  • California
  • Colorado
  • Maine
  • Massachusetts
  • Michigan
  • Nevada
  • Oregon
  • Vermont
  • Washington

Better yet, this list keeps growing, with present trajectories suggesting more states will jump onboard. For instance, political analysts have regarded Michigan as a historical swing-state. But in the 2018 midterms, voters there took a decisive step towards progressive ideals, fully legalizing weed.

More importantly, legalization typically breeds economic success. Colorado provided an excellent case study, where recreational botanical sales quickly shot into the billions of dollars. Obviously, these are billions that the state previously did not record as tax revenue.

In many ways, preventing legalization of CBD and related products impose an opportunity cost. The slower a state or territory is in recognizing botanical potential, the less likely they are to reap benefits. That’s because in a volume-sensitive sector like “420,” being first-to-market levers tremendous advantages.

Moving forward over the next few election cycles, we should find dramatic integration of botanical freedoms. The costs to prosecute antiquated laws and customs have reached irrational levels. More importantly, the American people have spoken, loud and clear: they want their green pursuits treated no differently than any other adult liberty.

The post Is CBD Oil Legal? appeared first on Along the Boards.
