technology Archives - Along the Boards Tue, 10 May 2022 08:25:41 +0000 en-US hourly 1 technology Archives - Along the Boards 32 32 What Are Unit Operation And Unit Processes – 2023 Guide Tue, 10 May 2022 08:25:41 +0000 Chemical engineering is interesting no matter how you look at it. One could learn about it for years, and you might end up with only a piece of limited knowledge. It’s not a walk in the park by no means, and it never was, nor will it ever be. But, learning the basics could be […]

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Chemical engineering is interesting no matter how you look at it. One could learn about it for years, and you might end up with only a piece of limited knowledge. It’s not a walk in the park by no means, and it never was, nor will it ever be. But, learning the basics could be possible, if you’re into it for real. We trust that you are considering that you’re reading this article. If you’re a newbie, it’s good that you have started your education on this subject with our article.

For people only getting in touch with chemical engineering for the first time, this is a great starting position. When we’re talking about the basics of this subject, this is it. If you’re trying to get into it, this is the way, as Mandalorians would say it. The best way to grasp the meaning of both terms is to understand what they create. When combined the two of them create a manufacturing process. It is what’s is also called the chemical process. In its essence, chemical engineering is seen as mixing various elements and creating reactions, intending to make a final product.

So, the best way to understand the endgame is to talk about its elements. To aid you in getting the first impression of what everything is we’re going to explain both terms from our title. For all of you who are first-time readers, we’re also going to explain in a few short sentences what’s the difference with the two terms used. For starters let’s begin with answering what is an unit operation.

Unit Operations


This is what gets many people confused – unit operations don’t require a chemical reaction. It revolves around elements used in the operation but only on a physical level. They are machines that change the physical structure of the materials used for the process of manufacturing a new element. When you’re into chemical engineering everything starts here for many different reasons. The primary one is to prepare the materials for chemical processing. The first one is done so that the second one would go without any interruptions.

The equipment used in this part of the entire ordeal can do many things when it comes to materials used. Some of the units used for various chemical engineering processes can be found at edibon if you want to head straight for heavy-duty operations. Everything that can be done with these machines includes evaporating substances, condensation, and in some cases even crystallization. By now, you understand that some of the machines you encountered regularly such as evaporators are unit operations equipment. What this equipment can do doesn’t stop here. They can also instigate and end the processes such as grinding, reduction, or separation.

The most important thing with everything tied to this part is that there’s no chemical reaction. Also, they are shared in three columns with them being the fluid flow, mechanical, and mass transfer operations. In some cases, a separate category is heat transfer.

Unit Process


When it comes to the unit process it is all about the chemical reaction. Equipment that is most often associated with the unit process is a chemical reactor. This equipment can instigate and withstand a chemical reaction that will occur within it. The goal of the process is to create a reaction of the material or materials involved with the goal of creating a whole new material.

While this might sound like a high-end science tale, it is something you encounter regularly every day. For example, some of the most common processes include hydrolysis, nitration, and oxidation. You have heard about these, right?  You probably have. These reactions require a change in the substance of the material in a way that when the new one is created, the process can’t be turned back. You can use more materials to create a new one, but you can’t dissolve the new one to create its source material with this process. There’s a reason why operations come before processes. Sometimes, materials need some tweaking before they’re ready for further processing. But, you should also be aware, that they can be used even after the chemical process is completed. So, the first and the second are not mutually exclusive. No, in fact, they bode well together, despite being different.

The Difference


As we already said, there are differences, and even if you’re new to the subject they’re easy to grasp. First of all unit operation only creates a physical reaction and consequential altering to the used material. There will be no chemical process involved. When it happens it only creates physical changes and no chemical ones you’re looking at unit operation. If you’re still confused we’re talking about distillation, and blending, and separation among many others together with mixing of course. On the other hand, we have a unit process, and here we are talking exclusively about the chemical reactions and processes. If you have already forgotten about one of the paragraphs from above we’re talking about sulphonation, brominating and nitration as already mentioned. In essence, one revolves around the physical while the other one is focused on the chemical part. This is the best differentiation you can get, and it is the most basic one. In the end, it is also the correct one.


This might not be the most detailed report you’ll ever read on this subject but it is precise and concise enough for everyone to understand. What we have talked about in this text are the elementary facts of what unit operation and unit process are. The paragraph above also covered the difference between the two. We didn’t dig too deep into the scientific terms that are always involved with chemical engineering. In the end, this article was intended for those who are only getting acquainted with the subject that unit operation and unit process are. If anything was left unclear you are free to dig into our comment section and ask any additional questions. We’ll be more than glad to answer as many of them as possible.

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Technology is Changing How Patients Think About Healthcare Mon, 04 Apr 2022 09:28:59 +0000 Technology has revolutionized how we think about healthcare–from how much it costs to integrating new technologies. As a result, technology has become an integral part of our lives, and the medical field is no exception. Patients receive more information and are more involved in their care, which results in better care overall. This article will […]

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Technology has revolutionized how we think about healthcare–from how much it costs to integrating new technologies. As a result, technology has become an integral part of our lives, and the medical field is no exception.

Patients receive more information and are more involved in their care, which results in better care overall. This article will outline the importance of technology in today’s medical field and its impact on patients’ perceptions of the healthcare industry.

Let’s look at how technology changes how patients view the healthcare system.

The importance of technology in today’s medical field


There are three main points to the extent of technology in the healthcare industry.

  • Efficiency
  • Cost reduction
  • Data and trends

But these three aren’t the only things changing how patients view healthcare. These are the driving factors for adaptation to technology. But, of course, the invention that started these technology trends was the Internet.

Efficiency is the first point. Patients can communicate with their doctor or care team more effectively and get timely responses with technology. Timely communication means less time waiting for an answer which is critical in some cases. Additionally, features like scheduling and accessing information improve efficiency, according to

The second point is cost reduction. Different studies have shown that technology implementation in healthcare saves billions of dollars each year. Therefore, allocate healthcare to other areas, and patients don’t have to bear the brunt of high healthcare costs.

The third point is data and trends. With technology, we can now track patient data better than ever before. This data helps doctors and care teams decide treatments, therapies, and medications. In addition, this data collection facilitates longer life expectancy new cures and improves future treatment.

How has technology changed patients’ perceptions of the healthcare system?

Technology has changed the way patients interact with the healthcare system. Patients can now get more information, be more involved in their care, and access medical advice and tips from experts anywhere.

Patients can communicate with their doctor or care team more effectively than ever before. They can also view their medical records online, schedule appointments, and refill prescriptions without having to call or visit the doctor’s office. That means patients have a more optimistic view of their healthcare provider.

In addition, thanks to technology, patients are no longer at the mercy of the healthcare system. They can take an active role in their care and manage their health conditions better than ever before. This increased involvement leads to a higher life expectancy, among other positive trends.

More information and more involvement = better care


Essentially, the communication aspect of technology is the driving force to better care. The more information patients have, the better care they can receive. In addition, the more involved patients are in their care, the better off they are. That added information and involvement change the perspective of patients.

For instance, more informed patients make fewer trips to the doctor’s office and require less medication. They also tend to be more self-aware, leading to healthier lifestyles.

Not only are patients affected, but doctors are too. When doctors receive a more holistic view of a patient, they can understand the patient more effectively. That leads to better care.

In addition, patients who are more involved in their care are more likely to adhere to their doctor’s recommendations. They’re also less likely to experience mental problems like anxiety and depression.

Technology makes healthcare more accessible

Attribute the improvement of healthcare accessibility to lower costs, better communication, and increased patient involvement. For example, patients can now access medical care from anywhere in the world. They no longer have to go to a physical doctor’s office. This accessibility is thanks to the rise of telemedicine.

Telemedicine allows patients to connect with a doctor or specialist online for a consultation. This option is an excellent choice for people who live in rural areas or don’t have easy access to healthcare.

In addition, patients can now get more affordable care through technology. For example, they can purchase health insurance plans online and compare costs between different providers. They can also find cheaper prescription drugs and order them online.

The future of technology in healthcare


The future of technology in healthcare is exciting. So many innovations are changing the way we think about healthcare. For example, there is a growing trend towards using artificial intelligence (AI) in healthcare. AI can diagnose diseases, recommend treatments, and even provide customer service for patients.

Technology can create personalized health plans for patients. These plans use data from a patient’s medical records and other sources to create a unique care plan.

We can expect to see more technological advances that will improve healthcare quality in the future. As a result, patients will have access to more affordable care, better communication, and improved access to medical services.

Healthcare uses blockchain technology because it creates secure, tamper-proof medical records. As a result, blockchain technology revolutionizes the way we think about healthcare data security.

Other potential future technologies in healthcare include:

  • Virtual Reality: VR technology can create realistic, immersive environments for medical training. Additionally, VR could aid patients’ recovery from injuries or surgeries.
  • Augmented Reality: AR technology can provide real-time patient condition information. For example, it can overlay MRI scans onto the patient’s body.
  • 3D Printing: 3D printing technology can create customized medical implants, prostheses, and print medication.

Final Thoughts

We’ve come a long way in the world of technology, and nowhere is that more evident than in the field of healthcare. From patient portals to telemedicine, technology has changed the way patients think about and interact with healthcare.

This article, we’ve looked at how technology changes how patients access care and what they expect from their doctors. We’ve also seen how technology is helping doctors provide better care for their patients.

As technology evolves, we can only imagine the innovations in healthcare. So what do you see as the future of technology in healthcare? Will our exponential growth of knowledge and treatments continue?

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The Impact of Technology on Law Firms Thu, 25 Nov 2021 14:37:04 +0000 What were the earliest laptops like? They had a big, chunky, bland design, inferior battery life, and a lousy user interface. It looked like a pipe dream that a portable computing solution could ever exist! However, laptops and mobile devices now far outnumber traditional desktop computers. The technology pioneered continually develops and diversifies into new […]

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What were the earliest laptops like? They had a big, chunky, bland design, inferior battery life, and a lousy user interface. It looked like a pipe dream that a portable computing solution could ever exist! However, laptops and mobile devices now far outnumber traditional desktop computers.

The technology pioneered continually develops and diversifies into new devices, new opportunities, and alternative approaches to problem solving and computing services. These include, for example, the ongoing shrinkage of the physical space, the progression of mobile broadband technology, and even the smartphone in your pocket.

Ways Technology Can Benefit Law Firms

According to Casey Shomo law, the growing influence of technology in all aspects of work comes in handy for both law firms and corporate law departments. It impacts not only the methods by which work is accomplished but also the volume and types of work that are now possible. In addition, lawyers and legal professionals communicate with one another and their clients in many ways.

The systems we have in place can be honed, serving our clients better, while thinking outside the box all critical components in the legal sector can improve with time. However, by not keeping up with technological advancement, law firms will be left behind. Make sure that doesn’t happen to yours.

After all, to stay relevant in today’s modern world it is crucial to stay digitally relevant with updated technology that can only serve to enhance your business. As technology improves with each passing day you will also find that complicated tasks that took considerable efforts and time from your side can now be fulfilled in a matter of a few minutes with the help of technology.

There are various ways through which technology can leave an impact on the legal world of law firms. Take a look at these five benefits your practice may reap from embracing technology.


1. Effectiveness in Lawyer/Client Communications

About two-thirds of legal firms enable their lawyers to telecommute. Diversifying the methods they connect with clients and each other allows attorneys to operate remotely while using unified communication technologies. The new technologies used by attorneys will enable them to work more efficiently.

The lawyer’s skills allow him or her to communicate with clients no matter where or when they are required. Lawyers and clients can interact through instant messaging, email, phone, or web conferencing when using Unified Communication and Collaboration systems. In addition, when clients choose to speak with their attorneys in an alternate location, they can use the Internet instead of making an in-person trip to a legal office.

Remote communication is not only helpful but it is extremely crucial nowadays with most lockdown restrictions still as prevalent and active as ever. If your region enforces lockdown restrictions, it would become impossible for you as a firm to work together physically. This is where technology can come in handy and help you communicate virtually with the rest of your firm. All you need is a reliable internet connection, a camera and a software application designed for conferences and you are good to go.


2. Automating eDiscovery

Before preparing a case, attorneys must spend a considerable amount of time going through papers and searching for relevant evidence. With the advancement of technology, most of these papers are now digital. Evidence may be found in email, mobile devices, database archives, or Internet of Things devices.

Analytics used in eDiscovery automation software speeds up the process by searching for keywords and phrases to get relevant results. While simplifying the process by eliminating redundant paperwork is another advantage of automation. This means that you can research and review your case in a shorter period of time which allows you to get more comfortable with the case’s details and gives you ample time to boost your confidence.

The Internet is vast and there is almost no information in this world that isn’t present there in one form or another. Instead of digging through needless amounts of research files, books, texts, notes and paperwork, all you can simply do is make a few searches on the search engine and find exactly what you are looking for.

It’s not just about saving time – it’s also about saving yourself away from the stress and headaches that can occur with hours of needless paper research.


3. Reducing the Complexity of Case Management

To better satisfy the demands of legal case management, digital business management solutions have been adopted. Many of the case management procedures can be fully automated using the program. These include scheduling critical dates, organizing contact lists, maintaining documents, and inputting data for invoicing. In addition, everything necessary is saved in a consolidated database, making access quick and simple.

Sharing papers with other lawyers in the company is made easier thanks to digital case management. Additionally, these web-based case management tools are available remotely. What this means is that you basically get a free digital assistant of your own that is more than willing to store, manage, and share important case documents and files for you in a short period of time.

These software have time and time again helped firms improve their productivity and management. Since files can be accessed virtually any time now, lawyers don’t need to go through countless documents searching for each legal detail. These software have also improved search functionalities. What this means is that whatever old document you want to access can be easily done so simply by typing in a few words.


4. Taking Advantage of Analytics

The application of cognitive analytics by attorneys assists in the automation of lengthy and routine legal procedures, such as analyzing natural language, to analyze difficult assertions in legal documents, and the automation of lengthy and routine legal procedures. By getting the analytics of a legal case and its details, you can get a hands-on direct report about important case details.

You can use this to the advantage of your firm and analyze the discrepancies and faults in your case that can be used against you by the prosecution or the defense in court. These analytics can take your law firm to the next level with their precise details. They also save a lot of time and research that you would have been otherwise forced to do.

Essentially, analytics tools can help you get the same information and reports that you would have spent hours of your time getting. Proper utilization of such analytics can help your law firm bolster to greater productivity, reputation and team communication.


5. Developing Online Communities

Efforts to connect poor and disadvantaged people with pro bono legal assistance, resources, and counselling through online communities make a real difference. Moreover, lawyers and law students can use these networks to exchange information, discuss problems in the profession, and learn from one another.

LegallyMinded is an online forum for practising lawyers which is affiliated with the American Bar Association. Social media is also increasingly being used as a networking and collaboration arena for attorneys.

Lawyers who are active on LinkedIn might benefit from building relationships and learning new skills because of the platform’s emphasis on career advancement and networking. But Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube are also beneficial for marketing purposes. For example, attorneys can upload videos, links, and different types of material and engage in conversations in online forums.

Stay Current with Technological Change

As more software, platforms, and communications technologies are introduced, the legal profession is undergoing a fundamental transformation. As a result, a growing number of legal firms are putting their faith in digital transformation.

However, the necessary transformations can only be made with the proper technical base. Therefore, your firm must work with the technology supplier to have access to the essential tools.

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Understanding Blockchain Technology | A Career Guide Tue, 24 Aug 2021 19:13:04 +0000 Blockchain may appear difficult, and it can be, but its basic premise is pretty simple. A blockchain is essentially a sort of database. To understand blockchain, it is necessary that you first comprehend what a database is. A database is a collection of data that is electronically preserved on a computer system. Database information, or […]

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Blockchain may appear difficult, and it can be, but its basic premise is pretty simple. A blockchain is essentially a sort of database. To understand blockchain, it is necessary that you first comprehend what a database is.

A database is a collection of data that is electronically preserved on a computer system. Database information, or data, is generally organized in table style to facilitate searching and sifting for precise data. That might be a bit of a mouthful for the first few words, so let us get into the technicalities of this revolutionary technology. We’ll get to know the not so popular facts and information about blockchain technology and its amazing features here in this post.


What is Blockchain?

As previously mentioned, blockchain is some sort of information storage. But, we will be elaborating the term in a more technical way here. We will discuss some more technology related definitions and relations here. Now to get into much more detail, here are a few technical words for you. Blockchain is a method of storing information in such a way that it is nearly impossible to modify, hack, or trick the system.

A blockchain is simply a digital record of transactions that is replicated and distributed throughout the blockchain’s complete network of computer systems. Each block on the chain comprises a specific amount of transactions, and whenever a new transaction happens on the blockchain, a copy of that transaction is published to the ledger of every contributor. Distributed Ledger Technology refers to a decentralized database controlled by numerous members (DLT).

Why the Hype?

There have been numerous attempts in the past to generate digital money, but they have all failed. The overarching issue is one of trust. How can we believe that if someone invents new money called the X dollar, they would not award themselves a million X dollars or take your X dollars?

Bitcoin was created to address this issue by utilizing a form of database known as a blockchain. Most regular databases have someone in charge who has the authority to alter the entries (e.g. awarding themselves a million X dollars). Blockchain is unique in that no one is in control; it is run by the individuals who utilize it. Furthermore, bitcoins cannot be counterfeit, hacked, or double spent, thus the value may be trusted.


How Secure is Technology?

In various ways, blockchain technology addresses the challenges of security and trust. We will be discussing the security and other features of blockchain technology ahead. Security of blockchain technology has been a point of discussion for a long time. To begin, the latest blocks are always stored in a linear and sequential order. That is, transactions are always appended to the blockchain’s “end.” If we look at the Bitcoin blockchain, you’ll notice that each block has a location on the chain known as a “height.”

It is extremely difficult to go back and change the contents of a block once it has been appended to the end of the blockchain unless the majority agrees to do so. This is since each block has its hash, but also the hash of the block before it and the aforementioned time stamp. A math function generates hash codes by converting digital data into a string of numbers and characters. If the data is changed in any manner, the hash code changes as well.

In short, to alter a transaction, you’d have to involve each member of the distributed network of computers. This is almost impossible since the technology itself is designed to secure itself. We will further discuss its working and implementation. We’ll know in details about how it is used and what additional benefits it can offer.

How is it Used | How can You Implement it?

Bits on Bitcoin’s blockchain, as we already know, hold data regarding monetary transactions. However, it has been shown that blockchain is also a reliable method of recording data about other sorts of transactions. Some of these applications include;

Finance and Banking


Perhaps no sector will benefit more from incorporating blockchain into its daily operations than banks. There are uncountable benefits of blockchain technology in the finance and banking sector because of which the banking sector has changed a lot. By incorporating blockchain into banks, users may expect their operations to be completed in as little as 10 minutes, which is the time taken to add a block to the blockchain, irrespective of holidays or the time of day or week. Banks may also use blockchain to move funds across institutions more rapidly and securely.



Blockchain, by dispersing its activities across a distributed network, enables cryptocurrencies to function with no need for a central authority. Currencies and money always come incorporated with some risks and insecurities but blockchain has changed this very much. Not only does this decrease the risk, but it also removes many of the processing and transaction costs.



Blockchain can be used by healthcare professionals to securely keep their patients’ health records. It has become quite easier When a health record is created and signed, it may be put into the blockchain, giving patients confirmation and trust that the record cannot be altered.

Real Estate


Blockchain can remove the requirement for document scanning and file system management at a local recording office. Property owners can have confidence that their deed is accurate and permanently documented if it is saved and validated on the blockchain.


Blockchain has numerous applications in today’s world as mentioned above. There are many career and business opportunities out there, and with the proper understanding of this technology, you might even find a way to implement it in other industries where it hasn’t been done yet. However, if you do wish to join a network of computers in the current applications, get yourself the proper infrastructure; inclusive of computer wire connector technology, artificial/complementary LED neon flex lighting, and safe electric enclosure facilities from eabel to keep this secure and safe from damage. All the best.

The post Understanding Blockchain Technology | A Career Guide appeared first on Along the Boards.

10 Things Technology Teaches Us About Gaming Habits Wed, 28 Jul 2021 13:00:38 +0000 In today’s world, technology is a part of everyday life. With mobile games and social media apps, we are constantly connected to the digital world. Even if you don’t think you’re addicted to your phone or computer, there are many things that they can teach us about our gaming habits. Here are ten things technology […]

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In today’s world, technology is a part of everyday life. With mobile games and social media apps, we are constantly connected to the digital world. Even if you don’t think you’re addicted to your phone or computer, there are many things that they can teach us about our gaming habits. Here are ten things technology teaches us about gaming habits:

1. Live in the Now

Digital games are a part of everyone’s life nowadays. We can play them on our phones, tablets, computers, or gaming consoles. This flexibility allows us to enjoy games during spare time and even non-spare time. Technology has moved past just letting people play games at home; it has made playing easy wherever you go! There is no reason to feel guilty for starting a new game while others are still enjoying themselves on another title; after all, technology lets you access your entertainment anywhere and everywhere [unless you have an addiction]. The next time someone complains about how you’re always flicking through your device for fun, tell them that you’re using it as your entertainment. You can’t be expected to check every single one of your devices at once, but you can choose to focus on one for the duration of time that you have set aside to do so.


2. Value Quality over Quantity

Do not take advantage of technology and use it purely for quantity experiences; rather, look for quality whenever possible! It is easy to see why people would want games that are longer and have more content than other titles but remember: Games are supposed to be enjoyable, so don’t use technology in a way that compromises your gaming experience

3. Invest in VR

Virtual Reality is making headlines these days even though it has not been seen on the market for most people yet! Be confident that you can spend money on this new technology without feeling guilty because you are using the latest advancements for all your entertainment needs! Technology is always taking steps to make our lives better, and immersive virtual reality systems are worth investing in.


4. Learn from your Mistakes

New technology is always being improved, and many times when something new is released, it comes with problems that can be easily avoided later on. Don’t feel too bad if you have had a problem with something in the past; other people have experienced similar issues, and they have learned how to prevent them! Check out forums or online communities for gamers like yourself to find advice about the latest games and their own experiences playing them. At the very least, you will learn what to watch out for as a consumer of the product, which should reduce your odds of having issues in the future [by not buying it, waiting for patches, or simply avoiding the product].

5. Save Time with Technology

As technology progresses, we find ourselves getting more done and spending less time working to do it! Instead of being burdened down by your entertainment options, you can use technology to make your life easier and save yourself some time in the process. Use streaming services for games that you want to play but don’t feel like downloading them because they’re so big or playing them on a platform that doesn’t require constant updates. Technology makes it easy as possible for you to enjoy your favorite games without any added stress to your schedule.


6. Save Money by Buying Second Hand

Technology, both new and old, can be expensive! Most people on a budget will do their best to stick with what they have instead of investing in the latest and best tech because it’s just too costly for them. If you need entertainment but don’t want to pay for it, look into buying second-hand! Just make sure that you’re buying from a reputable source and doing some research about the item to know exactly what you’re getting yourself into [both good and bad].

7. Stay Safe from Hackers by Keeping Your Information Secure

Technology is moving forward, and it’s easy to assume that the information you put out there is in good hands, but this isn’t always the case! Be sure to look into how secure a website is before using it, and make sure you are only sending your data to places you feel comfortable sharing. If you want to be extra safe, limit what kind of personal information about yourself that you post online. Also, avoid downloading games from unofficial sources because they could contain viruses or other malicious content!


8. Justify Your Game Addiction

If your game addiction is getting you in trouble, don’t be ashamed of it! The internet isn’t going anywhere, and there are plenty of sites out there that allow you to meet fellow gaming enthusiasts from all over the world. Gaming can easily become an obsession, but it’s a healthy one if you use it for good instead of evil. Next time something comes up at work or school, ask yourself if you really should play this game rather; replace the addictive behavior with a positive one and see how much better you feel!

9. Save Money on Gaming by Trying Free or Inexpensive Games

Technology is available to make your gaming experience better, but it doesn’t hurt to save a little bit of money in the process! Just because you can buy one entertainment product doesn’t mean that you should. You may be able to find other games that offer similar experiences for free or at a lower price point, so give these options some serious consideration before paying full price for something new! For example, you can try out free games here:


10. Share Your Thoughts on the Future of Gaming with Other Fans

Whether you’re an old-school gamer who’s been around since the beginning or someone who is still trying out different kinds of technology, this community needs your help right now! If you love playing video games, then use this information to educate yourself and others.

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Ways Modern Technology Is Improving the Gambling & Casino Industry Thu, 17 Jun 2021 09:18:46 +0000 Technology has entirely changed the way the world is functioning. We are not only talking here about the influence it had on the businesses. Technology has changed the lifestyle and daily routine of every individual that is actively using it. Many people of today would rather spend their free time at home. This counts for […]

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Technology has entirely changed the way the world is functioning. We are not only talking here about the influence it had on the businesses. Technology has changed the lifestyle and daily routine of every individual that is actively using it. Many people of today would rather spend their free time at home. This counts for people of all ages. There are many entertaining activities they can enjoy such as watching movies, listening to music, chatting on social media, etc. However, there is one fun thing that can also bring them a decent amount of money. Of course, we are talking here about online gambling. Technology has directly influenced the casino industry in multiple ways and we decided to highlight them all. If you haven’t started your online gambling journey so far, check Casinoble. We are sure you will change your way of thinking after reading this article because you will see which benefits you can get. So, let’s get started and find out some interesting information together!

The security of all casinos has improved


Well, it is not a secret that people were not feeling comfortable sharing their personal data with gambling sites. They were not sure whether these websites could protect them from any type of hacker attack. Indeed, there were reasons why people had an opinion like that, but things have changed! The security of all gambling sites is not better thanks to modern technology. For instance, the credit card number that you share to connect your credit card with the casino account will be completely safe. Despite that, personal information that you share such as birthday, name and last name, address, and others is safe as well.

Online casinos are more reliable


How many times have you heard people saying they lost money because the online casino where they played didn’t allow them to win a single penny? Of course, this is not always the truth because some people simply don’t know how to control their needs and spending. However, in today’s world, recognizing an unreliable casino is easier than ever before. First of all, it is good to mention that all casinos are now using Random Number Generator. The RNG software ensures that all the games you play are completely random. For instance, if you win money in one game, the chances to win it in the next one are completely the same thanks to RNG technology. So, how can you know whether the casino is using that software or not? The only thing that confirms the legality and honesty of the gambling site is the license provided by some gambling authorities and institutions from Malta, Curacao, Great Britain, etc. If you struggle to find a casino that meets your expectations, you should ask experts for help. There are websites like that are reviewing different casinos that deserve your attention. You may want to check out the website we attached after reading this article.

The number of payment options has increased


When you go to a land-based casino, the only way to get the chips is by paying with cash. However, technology has improved the number of payment options you can use in online casinos. You can, for instance, use a credit or debit card as well as some online providers like Payoneer, PayPal, and others. All these payment options are safe and you will manage to withdraw your money without any obstacles. However, many casinos realized that customers are unsatisfied with the transaction periods. Of course, this is not the problem of the casinos; banks often delay the process, and players sometimes need to wait for 2 or 3 days to get their money. Because of that, many online casinos started to accept crypto-based payments which is another way how modern technology has improved the gambling field. People no longer have to wait for days to get their money because the entire transaction lasts for a couple of minutes (90 minutes maximally).

AR and VR technology are more present


First of all, let’s make something clear. VR and AR stand for virtual reality and artificial reality. Thanks to these two technologies, casinos have changed the way they work. More precisely, all the games that people play now look more realistic. For instance, you can enjoy roulette, poker, or any other game with a 360-degree view. So, why is this so important? If this technology continues to improve, online gambling will be almost identical to land-based. Casinos, dealers, and other players will look too realistic. The only difference would be the fact that you can enjoy silence and peace while playing these games. There are no a lot of people around you that can deconcentrate you. If you don’t want to communicate with others, you will just have to mute the chat or turn off the camera.

Casinos got the chance to advertise better


Well, modern technology has not only positively influenced the gambling experience of players. It has also brought many advertising options for all the casinos.
As you probably know, millions of them try to reach the same goal. Because of that, they need to make an extra step to become recognizable among people and boost their brand identity. That is the reason why many of them are now using social media, blogs, SEO, and other advertising strategies to reach their target audience. Something like that was not available to casinos (and businesses in general) before the technology started to improve.

Customer support has improved a lot

In the end, it is good to mention that communication between online casinos and customers has drastically improved. This is actually one of the features you should pay attention to. Gambling sites will use different communication channels where people can contact them whenever they can’t solve an issue. They will get the chance to contact them by social media, email, phone, contact form on the website, etc. Logically, this matters for both parties – casinos will manage to make a trusty relationship with customers, while customers will get the chance to solve all the doubts and issues for a short period.

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Google Passage Ranking – A Whole New Search Technology That We Can Take Advantage Mon, 31 May 2021 12:52:48 +0000 So, it s not new for Google to update its ranking signals. Near the end of October 2023, they introduced some significant changes to its search engine. Amidst all the latest developments, including language processing, subtopics, and others, Google announced passage ranking or indexing as another new feature. According to Google, the passage technology will […]

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So, it s not new for Google to update its ranking signals. Near the end of October 2023, they introduced some significant changes to its search engine. Amidst all the latest developments, including language processing, subtopics, and others, Google announced passage ranking or indexing as another new feature.

According to Google, the passage technology will affect 7% of all search queries. That s a massive number that we cannot ignore. Most businesses and marketers are bound to find Google s passage algorithm interesting as it represents a significant change in the way search results are presented and handled by the index.

To offer more relevant answers to its users, Google will rank specific sections of a page independently. However, before going into what the Passage means and how to optimize the new Google ranking factor, it s important to know that two different algorithms in search engine handle indexing and ranking processes.
So, let s take a closer look by explaining what Google Passage Ranking is?

What is Google Passage Ranking?


Right from time, Google has been looking for ways of finding the relevant answers buried deep within a page s content. This would beat the previous means of sifting through provided ranked web pages for the specific one you need.

With the recent breakthrough in ranking, they can now rank individual passages from the pages and not just the general web pages. The feature introduced to Google gives the ability to understand the relevancies of specific sections and provide searchers with the best possible answers.

But what exactly does Google Passage Ranking mean?


Passage indexing or Passage ranking refers to using individual Passages of a webpage by the search engine for ranking. So it s more about a change in ranking and not indexing. The target of this feature is to help well-explained and long-form content rank better for relevant search queries such that the users get better answers to their questions.

While searching for things on Google, you may sometimes find the search engine showing you relevant answers in featured snippets. These search results sometimes take you to direct links of the most pertinent section from the search result. Under the top search results, there s also a section where Google shows other related questions to your query. From here, you will find a drop-down arrow with a snippet of answers to your question.

How Google Passage Ranking Algorithm Works?


The update was initially referred to as passage indexing. However, this did not accurately describe the algorithm s true nature since it s a ranking change. If Google proceeds to stop indexing and full-page, SERPs could be filled with content from a single page. Just in multiple blocks. Google preferred to remove the confusion and changed it to passage ranking instead.

The update is a new way Google ranks certain pages differently according to relevance, and it does not affect the way the search engine indexes the pages. Google s intention with this set of updates has to improve the experiences of the users. While they believe that specific passages on a page deem more relevant to the user s query, the intention is to sort the pages and present them differently.

This information shows that Google will now pick out the paragraph, sentence, or phrase that seems most relevant and rank the page based on the content in focus. This entire concept may seem odd to some, but it looks similar to the already established featured snippets.

Difference between passage ranking and featured snippets


Of course, it may almost seem that passage ranking and featured snippets are the same. But they aren t.
Featured snippets present instant answers to short queries. For instance, searching for When did Michael Jackson die? will serve you with a direct reply without going through any search result.

This works since the snippet considers the general relevance of a page concerning the query. There are specific passages from pages with the most relevant text for a search that Google has pulled out content from and selected to spotlight at the top of a SERP.

Snippets serve as opportunities for sites to increase their organic traffic, brand exposure and gain higher CTRs without high domain authority. But the passage ranking takes into account the relevance of only some aspects of the webpage. It ranks the overall SERP based on the specific sections instead of focusing on the relevancy of the entire page. However, this did not mean Google will no longer evaluate entire pages.

Backlinks, UX signals, on-page SEO, and other Google s page-level ranking factors continue to influence the search engine. The main difference in the update is that Passages become another ranking factor, and single pages that are well optimized and organized will have more chances to rank. Google passage algorithms isolate the snippets of texts that seem most relevant and rank the full page of it almost like an enhanced version of featured snippets.

How Will Google Passage Ranking Affect my Site?


The overall influence of the passage ranking is how it helps to increase traffic to the web pages that might seem irrelevant to Google if it was analyzed as a whole. Websites that cover a broad range of topics or publish general guides may benefit from the passage ranking than others. In other words, sites that aren’t fully optimized for SEO get a chance of a solid ranking boost. Even if your site doesn`t meet all the guidelines, here are some possible means to optimize your site content for the new passage ranking.

Organize content into discrete sections


Google intends to rank passages of a page individually and look at each section as a mini web page. This also doesn`t mean Google can easily break up the disorganized pages. Your content needs to be divided into dedicated subtopics. If you have already been organizing your content, go further to ensure the sections are self-explanatory such that Google can treat the content under every subheading as a mini web page and rank it accordingly.

Publish more long-form content


By concentrating more on entire pages, long-form content has always been easily beaten. For instance, pushing a whole page to have lengthy content on a specific topic will not rank as high as a webpage with a section focusing on the subject. Previously, in some cases, this long-form content may still gain the proper attention since, to Google, these entire pages could have better UX for anyone looking to write a better introduction.

But now, this new change shows that Google can now reconstruct a single piece of long-form content into multiple unique passages, with each one having a shot of ranking in google. You can expect long-form content to even perform better for SEO in 2023. Just ensure your content provides value and has the relevant keywords.
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How to Use Technology When Starting a New Business Thu, 04 Jun 2020 12:58:18 +0000 So, you want to start a new business. You have a product you want to sell or a service you want to provide, and you are excited and ready to roll up your sleeves and get stuck in. The first thing you will need is a good name. For example, if you want to start […]

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So, you want to start a new business. You have a product you want to sell or a service you want to provide, and you are excited and ready to roll up your sleeves and get stuck in. The first thing you will need is a good name. For example, if you want to start a boutique, you will search “Boutique name ideas” on Google. If you do want to start a boutique, here are some ideas to get you started. Now that you have a name, you need to think about the way you want to use technology? You may answer, “of course,” and indeed, technology is a part of modern life. However, technology and the way it is to be used is worth a thought in considering the future of your start-up.

The need to use technology in starting up a small business is a moot point – we all know we need to use it. No longer a new thing, the internet is the water new businesses sink or swim in, and so it is essential to know how best to navigate the often choppy waters of implementing technology into your business.

Ultimately, whether technology has an overall positive or negative effect on starting your small business is going to depend on how well you adapt to the systems you will need to put in place.

The Advantages of Technology

Source: Dharak Infotech

The first step to successful implementation is to thoroughly understand the goal and focus of your business. What are you going to be doing? What needs are you trying to meet? What do your employees need to work effectively?

Trying to think about these questions can be a way to identify your technology needs. The systems and processes need to be ones that assist the functions of your business. Through this, you can begin to ascertain the IT requirements your business is going to have.

The need for technology can seem obvious, but few business owners truly realize that technology can be used to give them a specific advantage over their competitors. This can be looked at in several different ways:

  • Using the internet to compete with large companies through strategic marketing.
  • Developing a trustworthy brand and image with loyal customers
  • Harmonize relationships with strategic partnerships which catalyze vital business processes (for example, manufacturing or developing products)
  • Sharing information with employees
  • Giving moment by moment information and updates on products, prices and more to clients and customers

Developing an IT Plan

Source: ImpactBND

As with anything, it helps to begin with a plan – having a plan for how you are going to make technology your ally is your key to seeing your productivity soar. With the rapid pace that technology evolves, it can be easy to get caught on the back foot, which could be detrimental. Some businesses have been caught out when the software they do have no longer is able to meet the needs of their business due to technological advancements. A plan helps your business keep ahead of the curve and evolve with technology.

Start planning by asking these questions: What are the specific technology needs that your business has right now? How easy would it be to change some or all your IT processes if needed? Where would you like the business to be in five years?

Your Website

Source: Style Factory

In the COVID-19 world, we live in, having a website that represents your business to your customers is vital. And it is becoming even more important: Studies show that e-commerce retail sales are steadily increasing, and this trend is only going to accelerate.

Recently, there has been a meteoric rise of website building platforms such as Shopify, Bigcommerce, and others. The benefit of these sites is that it enables the average person to create their own custom online storefront without needing to know coding or advanced web design.

While all of them provide the same basic service, it is worth researching which e-commerce platform has the features best suited to your needs. Available usually through a monthly fee, these sites make website creation accessible to the average small business owner and are a great resource for savvy entrepreneurs seeking to utilize technology.

Social Media

Source: Econsultancy

What if you could engage directly with your consumers, build a positive reputation, and get tons of high-quality promotion and advertising all for free? Well, you can, having active social media accounts is one of the best ways to use technology to your advantage in 2023.

Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest are platforms where you can increase awareness of your brand. Answering questions that are posed, making engaging posts, and being available to provide customer service on these platforms are fantastic ways to interact directly with potential customers and gain a reputation as a company people want to buy from.

If you generate enough grassroots support, you will even have your customers promoting you for free on their own social media pages. Social media is undoubtedly one of the best ways to use technology for your small business.

Making Technology Work for You


Through technology, wise business owners are able to communicate with clients instantaneously and adapt their products and services. Taking on feedback and making adjustments as needed is a great way to improve the value of what you offer and to stay nimble in today’s economic climate. Customers and clients will appreciate your seeking to provide quality services.

Right now, at the inception of your business, you are perfectly placed to consider how your technology strategy is going to give you the edge on your competitors. It is not necessarily the amount of data that you have, but how you manage it, that is going to streamline your efficiency.

With how much technology is part of our modern lives, it can be tempting to think that using it for our small business will simply be an intuitive process. However, the reality is that planning is everything. Identifying your business’s needs, forming a plan, developing a website and social media presence, and then effectively using the internet to be communicating with strategic partners and clients can propel your small business to success. In the world of COVID-19, which undoubtedly will push consumer behavior to the online world, the prudent entrepreneur will prioritize technology in their business strategy.

The post How to Use Technology When Starting a New Business appeared first on Along the Boards.

What is the Technology Behind No Account Casinos Tue, 28 Apr 2020 13:04:04 +0000 It is said that one of the best ways to have some fun and even earn money in the meantime is to play online casino games. There are so many games available on the internet, that you will be able to find something that will interest you and make you want to spend hours playing […]

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It is said that one of the best ways to have some fun and even earn money in the meantime is to play online casino games. There are so many games available on the internet, that you will be able to find something that will interest you and make you want to spend hours playing the game. However, most of the websites that offer casino games need you to create an account to be able to play. This begs the question, what happens when people don’t want to register?

Some people want to be able to play the game and when they are done, to get the money they made and just to leave the website without having to sign up. Luckily for us, technology is advancing and things are getting improved to fit the needs of the customers. Nowadays we can play our favorite online game without any accounts and registration needed. The process is made easier for users and they can work with their money without putting them in an online account.

If you are wondering how all that works and what is the technology behind no account casinos, we are here to help you learn more about it. You can find out how safe it is and where you can play poker, blackjack, or even slots without signing up.

Source: Pay N Play Casinos

How do they work?

The easiest way to explain this is that you don’t have to create an account to be able to play your favorite games. The only thing you would need to do is to add your card information. Most places will allow you to enter with any type of Visa or MasterCard, and they also offer the option to use Trustly.

At the moment there are two types of websites that offer this technology. The first type will allow you to choose between registering and playing casino games and playing without creating an account. The second type offers the possibility to play only without registering. It’s up to you to choose which option you prefer, and you can visit for a complete guide to no account casinos.


Why should I choose a no registration website?

There are a lot of advantages when it comes to pay and play websites. The first and foremost is that you won’t have to deal with long processes of creating an account, verification, and spending time to add all the details in the registration process. The whole process is user-friendly and you don’t need any tech skills to be able to play a game of your choosing. Usually, the only thing you need to do is choose a payment option and everything should be set up and connected in seconds.

The process between choosing the game and playing it usually lasts less than a few minutes, plus, when you are done, you will get the money on your account right away. You will not have to wait and users report that the transactions are instant.

Some people fear that they are not safe enough when they choose this option, but the reality is, no account websites are said to be safer than regular online casinos. When you provide no personal information, you are better protected from any scams or hacks.

Another great thing about pay and play is that you can access most games from your smart device. They support both Android and iOS, so you can play anywhere and anytime. Last, but not least, you will get additional bonuses when you play on websites that require no registration. Even though you won’t create an account, you will be able to access any offers and bonuses the casino offers.

Source: RedBalloon

Can I play from anywhere in the world?

Well, this is a complex question and there is no exact answer. It all depends on if online casinos are legal in your country. Some countries allow only land-based casinos, and some don’t have regulations when it comes to internet games.

In some places, there are strict regulations, but users report that they are able to access all websites when using a VPN. Make sure you don’t break any laws and that everything you are doing is legal. Visit only websites that have the needed certificates and protection.

Some illegal websites offer no guarantee for the money you are going to win, so you may end up getting tricked, your money might be stolen and hackers may break into your account. Always play in trusted casinos and do thorough research before adding your card number.

When it comes to pay and play games, right now they are available for players in three countries only – Germany, Sweden, and Finland. However, experts say that people all over the world will be able to access these games, so you should check if they are already available in your country.

Source: Times Of Casino

Can I use cryptocurrencies?

When it comes to payment methods you have a lot of ways to use the pay and play websites. Users can choose between their bank accounts and crypto coins. Right now, most places will allow you to use Bitcoin, Litecoin, and Ethereum, and if you are using any other type of cryptocurrency, chances are, you will be able to pay with them.

Users choose to use Trustly because there are no additional fees, compared to credit cards, but even if you use another payment method, your money will be fully protected and all of the transactions will be fast and secure.

At the end of the day, it is up to you to choose how you want to spend your day, and if you want to choose a pay and play website. No matter which option you choose, make sure to read the terms and conditions, and to be aware of the rules you have to follow. Just because you didn’t have to register, it does not mean that you don’t have to follow the rules. If you do something wrong, you can still get banned and your information will not be accepted.

It is said that these casinos offer all the best things from online games, without having to spend a lot of time registering and verifying your account. Always choose a trusted website and don’t be afraid to try new games. Who knows, your luck may be just around the corner.

The post What is the Technology Behind No Account Casinos appeared first on Along the Boards.

Low Level Light Therapy Technology for Hair Growth Tue, 28 Apr 2020 12:55:33 +0000 Low level light therapy, also known as LLLT is a scientifically studied therapy. After lasers were discovered in the 1960’s, the interest in using these devices to help treat medical conditions skyrocketed. This technology has evolved immensely in the last decades and scientists and medical professionals have used this therapy to treat various medical conditions. […]

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Low level light therapy, also known as LLLT is a scientifically studied therapy. After lasers were discovered in the 1960’s, the interest in using these devices to help treat medical conditions skyrocketed. This technology has evolved immensely in the last decades and scientists and medical professionals have used this therapy to treat various medical conditions. This light therapy was once studied on animals and after great success was transferred to human use. Both men and women have greatly benefitted from this technology over time, and the advancements keep evolving as time progresses.

Source: Medium

What is Low Level Light Therapy?

LLLT is a technology that was first used for chemotherapy to treat cancer patients suffering from hair loss. Today, it is used for many other reasons including age and genetically induced hair loss, chronic neck pain, arthritis, wound healing, and back pain. This light therapy utilizes photons in the light, which penetrate the tissue of the skin. For example, in hair loss patients, the light therapy penetrates the scalp tissues and absorbs the weakened cells. By doing this, the cells are encouraged to regrow in the problematic area because of the increased blood flow to the tissue. In hair loss patients, blood flow is increased in the scalp area, promoting new hair growth in the hair follicles.

The use of low level light therapy is non-invasive and involves no chemicals. This is one of the many reasons that scientists and medical professionals argue that it is a much better alternative than the invasive/surgical treatments available. This technology allows patients to improve their quality of life with little to no effort. As for hair loss patients, they are able to bring back their hair follicles to their healthiest stage by using this therapy.

Source: Alex Fergus

How is Low Level Light Therapy Used for Hair Loss?

The hair loss industry is fully utilizing low level light therapy and the benefits it provides for their hair loss patients. Medical professionals in this industry use this technology to provide these individuals other options to treat their hair. The use of wigs and hair transplants are put on the back burner and men and women are fully encouraged to try this treatment.

Low level light therapy works to restore the hair growth cycle on the scalps of men and women. The hair growth cycle is separated into three different stages. These stages consist of the anagen, catagen, and telogen stage and each have their own specific function. The anagen stage is the growing phase of the hair cycle. This means that your hair is constantly growing during this stage. Approximately 90% of the average individual’s hair follicle remains in the anagen stage. After this stage, the hair then moves to the catagen stage. This is also known as the transitional stage of the growth cycle. It transitions the hair between the growth and resting stage. Next, the hair will transition into the telogen stage, also known as the resting stage. This can last anywhere from two to three months. After the resting stage is completed, the hair dies off and falls out. From there, the cycle starts all over. As you can imagine, hair follicles that spend the majority of their time in the anagen phase will produce longer/thicker hair. The opposite is true with the telogen phase. If an individual’s hair follicles spend most of their time in the resting stage, they are more likely to experience thinning or baldness.

Men and women who are experiencing baldness or hair thinning are more likely to use low level light therapy. This therapy penetrates the scalps tissue and encourages new hair growth to the existing follicles by encouraging the hair shaft to remain in the anagen phase for a longer period of time. This process can take up to several months depending on how severe the hair loss is on the head.

Source: Best laser hair growth device

Devices That Use Low Level Light Therapy

The hair growth industry, as mentioned above, is an industry that has produced devices and products around this therapy. Several companies in this industry have recently developed a laser hat for hair growth. This laser cap is designed for both men and women. Many of the devices on the market are FDA-cleared, meaning there are no known side effects and have been proven to be safe and effective to use. These laser caps are also designed for at home use making it convenient for users to perform the treatment in the comfort of their own home. Treatment can also be done while performing other tasks such as cleaning the house or running errands.

These laser hair growth caps are to be worn every other day for a specific amount of time. The low level light therapy is ejected from the cap onto the scalp tissue. As stated earlier, the light therapy then encourages new hair growth by increasing blood flow and circulation to the balding and thinning areas. This promotes new hair growth in these areas and help men and women get their hair back to its thickest, healthiest stage. You can learn more here.

Is LLLT Effective?

Yes. Low level light therapy has been scientifically proven to be extremely effective in helping various medical conditions in both men and women. The best part about this treatment is that it is non-invasive and pain free. There are no chemical injections or insertions and no cutting of the skin to perform the treatment. As technology and time progress, the benefits and use for this treatment will only continue to grow and prosper.

Source: Derma Miracle


Since the 1960’s, low level light therapy has delivered promising results in the medical field. The science behind this treatment is incredible. Specifically, in hair loss patients, this technology has allowed men and women to regrow their hair that they once thought was gone forever. It has allowed individuals to regain hope and boost back their confidence that was lost throughout their hair loss journey. Technology is beautiful and using it to its full capacity is where the medical field has seen outstanding results. It is exciting to see where this therapy will go from here.

The post Low Level Light Therapy Technology for Hair Growth appeared first on Along the Boards.
