tech Archives - Along the Boards Fri, 31 Dec 2021 10:04:44 +0000 en-US hourly 1 tech Archives - Along the Boards 32 32 Modern-day Technologies for the Construction Industry Fri, 31 Dec 2021 10:04:44 +0000 The digital world is developing at a breakneck pace. The question for businesses is no more if they will digitalize their work environment, however, when and how they will stay up with and adapt to ever-changing technology. Investing in cutting-edge building technology assists business owners in facilitating digital transitions and staying ahead of the competition. […]

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The digital world is developing at a breakneck pace. The question for businesses is no more if they will digitalize their work environment, however, when and how they will stay up with and adapt to ever-changing technology. Investing in cutting-edge building technology assists business owners in facilitating digital transitions and staying ahead of the competition.

Modernizing your present procedures has real-world applications and advantages. And, if you want to keep your construction firm competitive, you’ll need to discover methods to incorporate new techniques into your strategy and operations. Read on to learn more about these technologies.

1.  Switchgears

A switchgear system is made up of electrical disconnection switches, fuses, or circuit breakers that are used to regulate, safeguard, and isolate electrical appliances. Switchgear should be used to de-energize electronics so that maintenance may be done as well as to remove problems downstream. This sort of equipment is closely related to the dependability of the power supply.

Safeguarding, which is the stoppage of short-circuiting and overloading fault currents while preserving service to undamaged circuits, is one of the fundamental purposes of switchgear. Switchgear also isolates circuits from the power supply. Switchgear is also used to improve system dependability by allowing many sources to supply a load at the same time.

If you are in the market to purchase one or more of these implements, contact large, small, or medium voltage switchgear manufacturers like Liyond for the best deals in the business. Also, consider looking into connectors and cable manufacturers for your electrical needs.

2.  Big Data


Big data refers to extraordinarily big data sets that may be utilized to find hidden trends, tendencies in behaviour, and unknown relationships to make better business choices and serve as the foundation for machine intelligence and automation systems. This information is obtained through Online research and services, mobile phones, digital photographs, social media, and a variety of other modern digital instruments.

What is this data used for:

  • Big data from the past may be analyzed to identify trends and the likelihood of building dangers.
  • To establish the best phasing of building operations, data analysis from weather, traffic, and neighbourhood and business activity may be analyzed.
  • Sensor information from equipment used on construction sites to display active and idle time may be analyzed to make assumptions about the optimal mix of purchasing and renting such machinery, as well as how to utilize fuel most properly to save costs and environmental impact.
  • Geolocation of machinery also provides for enhanced logistics, the availability of replacement parts when needed, and the avoidance of downtime.

3.  Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) is the capacity of a technology to simulate humans, and machine learning is a branch of AI in which statistical measures are used to give computers the capacity to learn from information without being specifically programmed. This technology is currently accessible for use today, and it is helping to progress construction methods by allowing the sector to benefit from enhanced advantages in cost and speed.

AI and ML are used in construction for a variety of reasons;

  • Machine learning may be used to investigate multiple solutions and provide design options.
  • Using AI-powered automation to handle extremely repetitive jobs might boost productivity and safety dramatically.
  • Using previous data, AI can forecast huge costs and realistic timetables, as well as enable workers to access knowledge and training material more quickly to cut onboarding delays.
  • Productivity gains – AI may be utilized to power machinery that performs repetitive activities.
  • Increased safety — With the use of AI, locations may be examined for safety risks, to determine if a person is wearing the proper PPE, or by utilizing geo-location to detect dangerous places and a worker.

4.  Internet of Things


The Internet of Things (IoT) is already a fundamental part of construction equipment, and it is drastically changing the way it works. IoT is comprised of sensors and devices that exchange data and can be operated from a single platform. This has tremendous consequences since it means that a fresh smarter, better efficiency, and safer style of working is now quite conceivable.

What does this signify for the building industry?

  • Smart equipment may be used to execute repetitive activities but can also be intelligent enough to sustain itself using a sensor, obtain itself more, and increase efficiency and production.
  • Footfall may be recorded on-site, and apps can be used to appoint and check-in and out employees, minimizing paper-intensive chores and saving vast amounts of time.
  • Increased safety — by employing geolocation, dangerous locations on a building site may be recognized, and smart technology can inform any workers who enter the area.
  • The adoption of smart technology may significantly minimize a development’s carbon impact. By installing sensors in cars that turn off the motors when they are idle, or by monitoring waste and utilizing that data to improve the design of construction to minimize transit across sites.

The Bottom Line

Investing in cutting-edge building technology is unquestionably a wise business decision. The aim is to identify the technological instruments that can assist you in reaching your company’s objectives. Consider reading more on business and technology, and how they are interrelated, to assist in the integration of the same.

As previously said, using a data-gathering app is an excellent location to begin your digital transformation. It has a low initial cost and a high ROI potential. With that said, use data to your advantage, all the best!

The post Modern-day Technologies for the Construction Industry appeared first on Along the Boards.

How Important Is Smart Home Technology for Renters? Fri, 08 Oct 2021 12:34:49 +0000 Increasingly, homeowners are using smart technology to make their home lives easier. Smart thermostats allow you to set the temperature of your home remotely and automate your heating and cooling. Smart refrigerators can help you keep track of your groceries (and much more). And according to, smart doorbells can alert your smartphone when someone’s […]

The post How Important Is Smart Home Technology for Renters? appeared first on Along the Boards.

Increasingly, homeowners are using smart technology to make their home lives easier. Smart thermostats allow you to set the temperature of your home remotely and automate your heating and cooling. Smart refrigerators can help you keep track of your groceries (and much more). And according to, smart doorbells can alert your smartphone when someone’s at the door.

But is it worth installing these high-tech gadgets for tenants at your rental property?

The Potential Advantages

Let’s start with some of the advantages.


Installing smart tech can help you in several ways:

  •         Differentiation from the competition. Is your apartment or house competing with dozens of similar properties? If so, smart home upgrades could be the perfect way to differentiate yourself from the competition. If you’re offering roughly the same space and the same amenities as a nearby competitor, but you have extra gadgets to appeal to your tenants, you’ll likely win more business.
  •         Security and confidence. Many smart devices are focused on improving security. If your tenants feel safe at your property, they’ll be much more likely to apply to rent the property and much more likely to stay there indefinitely.
  •         Easier transitions. Certain types of smart devices can make transitions from one tenant to another quite easy. For example, if you install a smart lock, you won’t have to worry about the weaknesses of traditional, physical key systems; instead, you can remove one user from the lock and add a new one.
  •         Lower energy costs. Appliances, thermostats, and even smart lights are designed to use as little energy as possible (or help you start new habits that allow you to use less energy). As a result, the property should see lower utility bills. If you’re paying for the utilities yourself, this can help you make a bigger profit. If your tenant is the one responsible for paying the bills, they’ll feel a sense of financial relief.
  •         Niche appeal. Smart home devices are also especially appealing to certain target demographics. For example, millennial renters tend to be much more excited about these types of gadgets than their older baby boomer and gen X counterparts. Depending on your target market, this could work out in your favor.

The Costs

Of course, you’ll have to balance these advantages with the costs of making a smart home upgrade. Some “smart” gadgets can be bought for $100 or less and installed in less than an hour. Others, such as kitchen appliances, are usually in the thousands of dollars. If you’re trying to upgrade an entire property with all the best and latest tech, you’ll spend thousands or even tens of thousands of dollars.

Because of this, you’ll need to be choosy in the types of smart devices you install. A smart doorbell for a few hundred dollars may be well worth your investment.


Other Disadvantages

There are some other disadvantages to consider with smart home technology as well:

  •         Wi-Fi dependence. Smart devices work reliably – as long as they have steady access to the internet via Wi-Fi. If the internet connection is disrupted or if your router stops working, it could cause massive headaches for both you and your tenants.
  •         Niche appeal. In some ways, niche appeal is an advantage, but it can also be a disadvantage. If your property is outfitted with it devices, you might end up alienating older demographics entirely. Not everyone is excited about or comfortable with smart home upgrades, and you need to keep that in mind.
  •         Privacy concerns. Smart devices are becoming ubiquitous, but privacy concerns are still high. Some of your prospective tenants will avoid properties if they’re too reliant on smart devices; they might be afraid of being spied upon, either by you or big tech companies.
  •         Technical issues. Like any technology, smart home devices are prone to technical issues. If your tenant finds that their smart thermostat isn’t working as intended, or if there’s a glitch with the smart doorbell, they’re going to contact you to come fix it.
  •         Damage. Of course, there’s also the risk that your tenant will not have respect for the smart home tech in the property. If not cared for properly, it could sustain damage – resulting in a major financial loss.

Demographic and Area Considerations

The advantages and costs are important to consider from a general standpoint, but you’ll also need to think about them from a more specific perspective. In other words, how would your target demographics, in this neighborhood, feel about smart home technology?

You can answer this question in several ways.

For example:

  • Study the competition. Look at the houses and landlords in your neighborhood already. Are they offering rental spaces with smart home technology as a core feature? If your competitors are offering everything you can offer plus additional smart home tech for the same price, you may have trouble competing to attract new tenants. If no houses in the area are equipped, smart home tech could be a novel differentiator.
  • Do demographic research. Do some research on the demographics you plan to market to; are these types of people generally interested in smart home tech? Millennials are the most likely age segment to be interested in smart home technology, while adults aged 55 and over are the least likely demographic.
  • Conduct surveys and interviews. Finally, don’t hesitate to do some direct research of your own. Talk to your current tenants, or people in the neighborhood, to discover their sentiments on smart home technology – and whether they’d want to see it in a property they’re renting.


So how important is smart home technology for renters? Is it a good idea to install smart home devices in your rental property?

If your property doesn’t offer any smart home technology, don’t worry about it too much. If your property is in a good area and offers good value for the price of rent, you’re not going to have any trouble finding tenants. But if competition is fierce, or you just want to make your tenants more comfortable and happier, smart home tech may be worth the investment.

The post How Important Is Smart Home Technology for Renters? appeared first on Along the Boards.
