law Archives - Along the Boards Mon, 18 Sep 2023 10:09:39 +0000 en-US hourly 1 law Archives - Along the Boards 32 32 Risk Management Guidelines: Modern Approaches to Recruitment in Compliance Mon, 18 Sep 2023 10:09:39 +0000 Navigating through the maze of today’s business world requires a unique focus on risk management. As compliance complexities multiply, companies are forced to reconsider their hiring strategies. Sometimes, it requires consulting professionals, like FD Capital. Now, let us take a look at a fresh take on the modern approaches to recruitment in comliance. The Evolving Landscape […]

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Navigating through the maze of today’s business world requires a unique focus on risk management. As compliance complexities multiply, companies are forced to reconsider their hiring strategies.

Sometimes, it requires consulting professionals, like FD Capital. Now, let us take a look at a fresh take on the modern approaches to recruitment in comliance.

The Evolving Landscape of Compliance

The world of compliance is not what it used to be. The digital transformation is at its peak.

At the same time, the stakes have never been so high since the focus on the ethical business practices has been particularly high.

Regulatory bodies are extremely rigid, which often results in penalties for non-compliance. We can agree these penalties can be quite crippling.

  • Digital Transformation: As businesses migrate to digital platforms, the risk of data breaches and cyber-attacks has skyrocketed. Making sure the recruits are well-versed in digital compliance is a necessity. Think about it, this was considered a luxury just a couple of years ago.
  • Globalization: With companies operating across borders, understanding international compliance standards is crucial. This means recruiting professionals who are not only familiar with local regulations but also those of other jurisdictions.
  • Ethical Business Practices: In the age of information, a company’s reputation is its most valuable asset. Hiring individuals who uphold and understand the importance of ethical compliance is essential.

The Role of Data Analytics in Recruitment

Data Analytics

Data analytics has revolutionized the recruitment process. By taking advantage of available data, companies can make more impactful decisions.

By doing so, they can ensure their hires will not only satisfy the technical side of things but also satisfy the company’s needs.

  • Predictive Analysis: This involves using historical data to predict future outcomes. For instance, by analyzing the past performance of candidates in compliance roles, companies can forecast their potential success in a new position.
  • Skill Gap Analysis: By assessing the current skills of their workforce and comparing them to industry standards, companies can identify areas of improvement. This helps in tailoring recruitment strategies to bridge these gaps.
  • Diversity and Inclusion Metrics: Modern compliance requires an understanding of diverse markets and cultures. Data analytics can help companies track their diversity hiring goals, ensuring a more inclusive workforce.

Emphasizing Soft Skills in the Compliance Sector

Soft Skills in the Compliance Sector

While technical knowledge is undeniably important, the modern compliance professional needs more than just expertise in regulations. Just a couple of years ago, soft skills were not considered important.

Truth be told, they were often overlooked. Today, they represent a crucial element in a complex business environment.

  • Critical Thinking: Compliance is not black and white. Professionals need to interpret regulations in the context of specific business scenarios. Having an analytical mind ensures the professional’s mind to think outside the box and comfort zone.
  • Communication Skills: Compliance professionals often act as a bridge between regulatory bodies and their organization. The ability to communicate complex regulations in simple terms is invaluable.
  • Adaptability: The only constant in compliance is change. Professionals need to be adaptable, ready to learn, and evolve as regulations shift and new challenges emerge.



It’s evident that the future of compliance recruitment hinges on adaptability and insight. Exploring best practices and modern challenges in the realm of hiring has become an absolute must. Here, you can see our take on the modern approaches to recruitment in compliance.

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6 Ways to Handle a Personal Injury Claim When You Need Fair Compensation Thu, 09 Dec 2021 14:04:20 +0000 After going through something as life-altering as a car accident, the best thing you can get out of it is fair compensation. However, this is not always simple, considering the arduous negotiations involved in personal injury settlements. According to, that is why it is important to work with a car accident attorney to avoid […]

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After going through something as life-altering as a car accident, the best thing you can get out of it is fair compensation. However, this is not always simple, considering the arduous negotiations involved in personal injury settlements. According to, that is why it is important to work with a car accident attorney to avoid being overwhelmed with the processes or taken advantage of by an insurance company.

It is the tendency of most insurance adjusters to throw the lowest settlement offers at accident victims, hoping they ignorantly accept. The following tips will allow you to better handle the negotiations processes and maximize your potential settlement amount.

How Can You Get the Most of Your Claim?


1. Have an Amount Set In Your Mind Before Hand

Before anything, have a trusted lawyer go over all the ways the accident has negatively affected your life. They have the knowledge and tools to quantify the true value of your claim.

When you receive the first settlement offer from the insurance adjuster, you can make a comparison with your targeted amount and decide whether to accept or make a counter-offer. If the amount they offer is fairly close or above what you expected, you can consider settling.

2. Avoid Taking the First Offer You Receive

An insurance company will begin negotiating by offering the lowest amount possible. Keep this in mind and remember regardless how nice the insurance adjuster could appear, they are an advocate of the insurance company’s best interest, not yours.

Their first offer is designed to test whether you understand your claim’s worth. It is advisable to exercise patience until you receive an appropriate offer.

3. Ask the Adjusters to Justify Their Offer


Instead of settling for the low offer presented to you, ask why the offer is so low and request the adjuster to account for everything the amount covers from your claim. Since the petty offer is just a tactic to test your understanding of the worth of your claim, they will be unable to make an accurate justification. You can then state the amount you want for the settlement.

After presenting the amount you want, the adjuster can now respond with a more reasonable offer, which may end up in a fair final amount which both of you can agree on.

4. Give Count of the Emotional Impacts of the Accident

During the negotiations, make sure the adjusters get a clear picture of how distraught you are from the incident. Make them understand the negative impact the accident has had on your day-to-day life. If your injuries got in the way of you taking care of your child, mention this to ensure they understand the severity of the situation.

Your mental and physical anguish are all forms of loss associated with the accident and should be addressed in your compensation.

5. Put It on Paper


Once you come to a final agreement, make sure to put the terms on paper. State the agreed amount and the time at which it should be settled and confirm with the adjusters over the information stated in the letter.

Your attorney will know what to do after that. If you cannot come to an agreement, you can decide to bring the case to court. This is the right time to hire an attorney because they can sense the case in the right way and provide insurance claimers with an appropriate solution.

6. Convey Your Actual Feelings

You might be mentally stressed because of huge loss and physical damages, so you can use this point in critical situations. Try to express your pain and feelings to convince the company and the court. If you witness any abusive substances like alcohol or any other related substances in the opposite party’s car, then claim the coverage using that point.

This will be an added advantage in many places as consumption of substances that have mind-altering properties while driving is a crime. Just furnish a report stating all these points to have a favourable judgment and claim amount that fulfils all your needs.

Just add some points stating that the opponent has made this accident to have simple pleasure. Highlight the pain that you suffered because of that incident. These points are more than enough to have a successful judgment. If you feel like losing the case, just hire an attorney or personal injury lawyer.

How does an attorney or personal injury lawyer help?


People should just remember that they are claiming compensation for the mental stress and injury that occurred at that particular time rather than for a few thousand dollars. So anyone with the thought of claiming amounts for damages can use this point for negotiations to have successful favourable judgments. An injury lawyer will also help people collect the right evidence, so this evidence will allow the insurance companies and the court to decide the right solution.

If you feel that the negotiations are not up to the mark, then a personal injury lawyer can help you claim the right amount. In some cases, there might be a question of who is responsible for the accident? so people can hire an attorney general to get the settlement amount without facing any issues.

Patience Is Key

Be willing to wait for the right offer to come your way. When negotiators see you are desperate to get the money fast, they may use this to minimize your settlement. When you are in no hurry to get a quick settlement, you can negotiate for the rightful worth of your claim. Just be patient and wait for the response because frequent follow-ups and phone calls might make them take an unfavourable decision.

Sometimes the company might decide to provide lesser amounts than the quoted amount, so make sure to verify the amount with your lawyer and reconfirm the actual expenses. This will allow the sufferer to have a fair compensation amount as returns; if the final settlement matches the spent amount, people can get that fair compensation amount to lead a peaceful life.

Final Words

In general, handling a personal injury claim will be hectic for some people, and to make it easy, we have mentioned some points to simplify the process. If you’re injured in an accident, make sure to apply for a claim as soon as possible as delaying may lead to loss of crime scene, which eventually results in lack of evidence. While you prefer to claim evidence matters, make sure to have sufficient evidence to have a favourable judgment.

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Filing a Personal Injury Claim in Alabama Thu, 25 Nov 2021 12:39:09 +0000 After being seriously injured in an accident, you may be experiencing a wide range of emotions. You are probably feeling overwhelmed, confused, intimidated, worried, and, of course, dealing with the physical pain of the injuries you sustained. If your accident occurred in Alabama, Henry Dailey Law Firm may be able to help you through this tough time […]

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After being seriously injured in an accident, you may be experiencing a wide range of emotions. You are probably feeling overwhelmed, confused, intimidated, worried, and, of course, dealing with the physical pain of the injuries you sustained. If your accident occurred in Alabama, Henry Dailey Law Firm may be able to help you through this tough time in your life.

A lot goes into the personal injury claims process. And when you aren’t at your best, having an experienced legal advocate on your side can make a world of difference in the success of your case. Continue reading to learn more about some of the more common types of cases heard in Alabama civil courts, how you could be compensated for your suffering, and how a personal injury attorney can help.


Top 6 Most-Common Questions Answered

1. What Are The Cases Heard in Alabama Civil Court

Any situation in which a person is injured due to the negligent, reckless, or irresponsible actions of another could be grounds for a civil lawsuit. With that being said, there are some types of cases seen more often in civil court than others. Some of the most common types of personal injury cases include:

  • Car accidents
  • Truck accidents
  • Motorcycle accidents
  • Pedestrian accidents
  • Bicycle accidents
  • Slip-and-falls
  • Premises liability accidents
  • Dog bites
  • Defective products
  • Medical malpractice
  • Birth injuries
  • Nursing home abuse
  • Wrongful death

These are just a few of the different personal injury cases heard in civil court. If you have been injured in another way, you may still be entitled to financial compensation if someone else is at fault for your injuries.


2. How Are Injury Victims Compensated?

There are a couple of different ways in which injury victims can go about getting compensation from the liable party. The first is to file a claim with the insurance company. No matter what type of way you were injured, it is likely there will be some type of insurance policy designed to protect you. However, paying out on your claim will cost the insurance company money. So they are likely to look for every chance they can to reduce the amount they pay you. No one wants to cash out maximum amounts of money.

But even if you get the maximum from the insurer, it may not be enough. The insurance company only covers certain losses. And they also only cover certain amounts of losses. They are only obligated to pay out the highest limit of the existing claim.

So if your medical expenses amounted to $150,000 but the liable party only has $50,000 in insurance coverage, the insurer only needs to pay you a maximum amount of $50,000. The rest you will need to go after in civil court from the at-fault party themselves.


3. How a Personal Injury Lawyer Could Help You?

You’re probably thinking going to court is too much to bear. Especially when you are still recuperating from your injuries. Fortunately, when you get help from a personal injury attorney, you’ll be able to focus on recuperating while your lawyer handles the legal details of your case.

Your lawyer will have a number of different responsibilities, some of which include:

  • Gathering evidence to support your case
  • Investigating to determine fault
  • Dealing with the insurance company
  • Calculating the value of your claim
  • Preparing your case for court
  • Advocating for your rights in court

Although the last thing you may want to do is file a personal injury claim, it won’t be long before the financial losses take over your life and make your recovery that much more difficult. But when you have an experienced legal advocate on your side, you can breathe a sigh of relief. All the legal details of your case will be taken care of. All you have to do is spend your time with your family, and try to rebuild your life post-accident.


4. What Is A Time Limit For Filing A Lawsuit In Alabama?

Alabama, like all other states, has a law called a statute of limitations. This law tells about a strict period and time window in which one can file for different kinds of lawsuits. For personal injury cases, the time limit in Alabama is two years. This means that you have to remember the day of your accident. This time limit does not begin to run for a minor and it doesn’t relate to them. They can file a claim when he or she turns 19. If you don’t file a claim, your claim will be time-barred, meaning you will be unable to recover anything from those who are responsible for your injuries. This is why you should act right from the start.


5. What Are The Different Type Of Damages That You Can Recover Based On Your Injuries?

One of the first questions many people ask when looking at and trying to understand the lawsuit is if there is a lot of emotional or physical pain. They will want proper compensation to recover, meaning that they won’t deal with smaller cases. There are two types of damages you can recover after you file an injury claim in Alabama, and those are noneconomic damages or economic damages.

Noneconomic damages cover:

  • Any type of mental suffering
  • Pain
  • Anxiety
  • Emotional distress
  • Any form of reputation damage
  • Loss of companionship or enjoyment of life

Economic damages cover:

  • Medical expenses
  • Lost wages
  • Cost of household services that you can no longer perform
  • Your income in case you can’t get to work

6. Pure Contributory Negligence Rule, What’s It About?

Another important thing to know before filing a personal injury claim in Alabama is about its contributory negligence rule. In this case, a plaintiff found 10% at fault will recover nothing, even though the defendant is 90% at fault. If you were responsible in any small partial way and at fault for your accident then you won’t be able to recover compensation for a personal injury claim. It is a strict law, meaning that you should look at your options and discuss what to do with your lawyer.

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5 Factors to Consider When Hiring a Personal Injury Lawyer Thu, 25 Nov 2021 10:06:15 +0000 A personal injury occurs when a person’s body, mind, or emotions are injured due to the negligence, carelessness, or wrongful conduct of another person. Have you suffered personal injury from an accident and are looking to seek compensation? A Lauthian Law advises taking legal action immediately when involved in an injury. Your lawyer will help […]

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A personal injury occurs when a person’s body, mind, or emotions are injured due to the negligence, carelessness, or wrongful conduct of another person. Have you suffered personal injury from an accident and are looking to seek compensation?

A Lauthian Law advises taking legal action immediately when involved in an injury. Your lawyer will help investigate the facts of the case, help you with your insurance claim, and represent you in court if your case goes to trial. However, hiring a personal injury lawyer is not an easy task.

Factors to Consider When Hiring a Personal Injury Lawyer


1. Experience

Before hiring a personal injury lawyer, you need to ensure the lawyer has the experience and expertise to handle your case. You can search for their biography on their firm’s website, which will inform you of their experience as a lawyer. You should also consider the number of years of practice, the number of cases they’ve dealt with, their recent cases, and the outcome of their cases.

An experienced attorney will know what to look for when handling your case and how to ensure you get fair compensation. Ensure an attorney has enough experience and has handled cases similar to yours before hiring them.

2. Specialization

Do not just go for any lawyer. Go for a lawyer who specializes in personal injury cases. The law is a broad field, and different lawyers specialize in different fields. It would be best to consider looking for a lawyer who not only handles personal injury cases but also handles a specific kind of personal injury case, such as car accidents or wrongful death, as they have expertise in cases like yours. Specialized lawyers are equipped with the knowledge of handling injury cases and will know how best to represent you.


3. Research

Technology has made it easier to get all the information you need before hiring a personal injury lawyer. Law firm websites provide information on services offered by various personal injury lawyers, how to get into contact with them, what information you need to file for a claim, and how the lawyers will handle your case.

Some of the questions you may be looking to answer regarding the following:

4. Reputation

When it comes to hiring a lawyer, their reputation is very crucial. Consider checking for their reviews online and asking other people what they think about the services offered by the lawyer you are looking to hire.

Working with an attorney with a solid reputation puts you at ease and increases your chances of being compensated as you are assured that they will handle your matter professionally. Furthermore, a lawyer with a solid reputation can help you win a case fairly and faster due to the earned respect from insurance companies and other attorneys.


5. Lawyers’ Cost

Hiring a lawyer is not cheap. Therefore, it is essential to know how much your lawyer fees are and how they are calculated before hiring a lawyer. A lawyer should inform you of the legal fees upfront. Costs in a personal injury case can include travel expenses, court fees, and deposition fees.

You will need to compare the expense with other prospective attorneys before concluding on which lawyer to hire. Ensure the cost is aligned with your budget and find an attorney you can afford.

6. Personality

Sure, all the above is very important to consider when hiring help, but there are some things related to personality that will play a crucial role in your settlement. And how will you know if the chosen attorney has a personality that suits you? Do a quick evaluation by asking yourself questions like how it was easy to get an appointment or not, how often do they answer your calls, etc. These will tell you if you have picked someone reliable, committed, and trustworthy.

You should aim for someone who will be committed to your case, who can predict possible outcomes and is there to assure you you’re in safe hands.

Now when you know what to consider when hiring such help, here are two reasons why it is always in your best interest to have a quality type of help in your corner, during these challenging times.

–    You will have someone advising you on how to behave

Being in a situation where you have suffered a personal injury, regardless of what kind, you need to follow certain patterns of behavior if you want to make the most out of your settlement. Doing this on your own is a lot riskier than having a specialized kind of help from an attorney.

In his case, they can tell you when is the right time to step on the gas, so to say, and when to hold back for a while.

By this, we mean the cases that do not have much potential of being won in the courtroom, and that would do best with the settlement. It’s in your best interest to make the best possible settlement, and following advice given by a professional is the smartest way to go for.

Moreover, following them will surely keep you from making a mistake that can cost you too much.

–    You will have peace of mind, knowing you’ve done your best given the circumstances.

Having to settle or go to court in situations like this is never easy, mostly because such processes take time and require quite a lot of patience. Unfortunately, in the end, it’s very easy to start feeling frustrated. Your shortcut to a worriless, peaceful settlement lies in the help you chose to hire. Remember, no price is too high if something gives you peace of mind.


Hire the Right Lawyer

Hiring a personal injury lawyer comes with a lot of benefits. With the right personal injury lawyer, you are assured of getting the compensation you deserve without going through a stressful process. As most cases end with the settlement, only a very small percentage actually goes to the court, having someone on your side, with experience, will guarantee you benefit most out of the settlement. The following steps mentioned above should make sure that you land yourself the best lawyer who can represent you for the results you seek.

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History of Betting on Horse Races Fri, 16 Jul 2021 11:32:40 +0000 Horse racing is an ancient sport. It dates back to around 4500 BC when nomadic tribes from Central Asia domesticated horses and began racing with them. From that moment on, horse racing has gained popularity among betting fans, which has not declined to this day. The history of betting on horse races speaks in favor […]

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Horse racing is an ancient sport. It dates back to around 4500 BC when nomadic tribes from Central Asia domesticated horses and began racing with them. From that moment on, horse racing has gained popularity among betting fans, which has not declined to this day.

The history of betting on horse races speaks in favor of the fact that from the very beginning, horse racing has been a favorite sport of great civilizations around the world. The ancient Greek Olympic Games also organized carriage races and horse races. This type of betting was also popular in the Roman Empire.

As you can guess, the history of betting on horse races is full of interesting facts. Are you in the mood to find out all about them? Let’s get started!

How Did It All Start?

The beginnings of what is known as modern horse racing can be traced back to the 12th century, when English knights riding fast Arabian horses returned from the Crusades. Over the next four centuries, an increasing number of Arabian stallions were imported and bred in England, and possessed speed and endurance. The nobility of that time would bet on matches in which the fastest horses took part.

King James I


Wondering when horse racing actually started? You are not the only one who is interested in accurate data. However, despite all the available writings and sources, it is difficult to determine the exact moment when it all started. Even though the first formal horse races took place during the reign of Henry II, they came to the fore only during the reign of King James I.

After he turned a small place called Newmarket into a center for horse racing and building a castle in which races were organized, there was a growing interest in this type of entertainment and pastime. This royal resort has become a famous synonym for horse racing and is very important when it comes to the history of betting on this sport.

Queen Anne II


During the reign of Queen Anne II, horse racing began to become a professional sport as we know it today. The history of betting on horse racing teaches us that racetracks have appeared all over England, offering ever-increasing odds to attract more people. Queen Anne first imagined a large racecourse in Ascot in 1711.

During one very ordinary afternoon, while riding her favorite horse, she came up with the idea to build a horse race track near Windsor Castle. Shortly afterward, more precisely, at the end of 1711, the first horse race was held in Ascot. To this day, the Royal Ascot festival, which is held every year, pays tribute to Queen Anne, with the help of which one of the sports that people bet on the most came to life.

The Jockey Club and Racing Laws


Given that the craze for betting on horses has taken off, the logical sequence of circumstances was to introduce laws that will regulate all activities related to this type of entertainment. For a start, The Jockey Club was established to control all races. Its purpose was also to impose certain rules that prevented dishonest actions and that contributed to every race being performed fairly.

The Jockey Club also worked on regulating the breeding of racehorses. James Weatherby, whose family took care of the members of The Jockey Club, was given the duty to accompany every racehorse in England. He was appointed Secretary and stakeholder of this horse racing organization. Until the early 1800s, the only horses allowed to race were those that originated from the horses listed in the General Stud Book. These horses were called ‘purebreds’.

The Racecourse Betting Act Passed in 1928


As the history of betting on horse races says, Sir Winston Churchill passed the law on betting on races in 1928. With the help of the law officially called the Racecourse Betting Act, all bets on horse races were well controlled and taxed. This gave considerable credibility to sports betting because people no longer had to come into contact with suspicious people in order to bet.

The Betting and Gaming Act Was Passed in 1961


You know (or maybe not) that betting on all sporting events has been banned by law in the UK (and the western world) for many years. However, in 1961, betting was finally legalized. This is an important date when the history of betting on horse races is in question. Why? Because people had easier and wider access to sports betting.

Additionally, the law, which said that companies must give a percentage of their earnings to the board, meant that now all the funds that will be directed to sports are finally available.

Purebred Horse Racing In the USA


British settlers brought horses (and horse races) to America. The first racetrack was built on Long Island in 1665. Although horse racing was a popular local sport, organized racing gained importance only after the Civil War in 1868. In the early 1900s, racing in the United States almost disappeared due to a betting ban.

By 1908, only 25 racetracks remained. In the same year, pari-mutuel betting was introduced, which made a turnaround at least when it comes to horse racing, becoming the standard for horse race wagering. Many state legislatures have agreed to legalize pari-mutuel betting in exchange for a certain amount of money from betting.

As a result, horse racing betting flourished until World War II. During the 1950s and 1960s, the popularity of horse racing declined. However, in the ‘70s of the last century, there was an increase in popularity, which continues to this day everywhere in the world.

Sports Betting Is Moving Into the Online World

Back in 1996, the first fully licensed betting website/sportsbook, Intertops, was launched. Passionate bookmakers around the world have accepted the possibility of betting from their homes with open arms, and this type of betting has quickly come to life in the world.

Horse racing is recognized as one of the most valuable sports markets. Therefore, we should not be surprised that the best bookmakers provide outstanding services and cover races across the world. And, at the same time, they offer the best odds. Some of those trusted bookmakers can be found by the link.

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What is the Process of Workers Compensation Claim? Thu, 13 Aug 2020 07:09:19 +0000 Sometimes we may end up getting injured at work. It’s an unfortunate situation, and it could end up costing you a lot of money. If your injury is severe and you have to temporarily leave your job to recover, it could impact your finances in a major way. So what should you do if this […]

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Sometimes we may end up getting injured at work. It’s an unfortunate situation, and it could end up costing you a lot of money. If your injury is severe and you have to temporarily leave your job to recover, it could impact your finances in a major way.

So what should you do if this happens to you? Well, it’s pretty simple: you should file a worker’s compensation claim. It’s the best way to get the compensation that will help you with your expenses while you’re recovering from the injury.

So how does it work?

Do you qualify for a worker’s compensation claim?

This is the most important thing to be aware of before filing the claim. This mostly depends on how a “worker” is defined by law in your living area.

To file a workers’ compensation claim, you have to be seen as a worker through the eyes of the law. You should do some research, or else seek some legal assistance at least. This will prevent you from wasting your time.

The other important factor to consider in getting the workers’ compensation is that your injury must be suffered at your workplace. It could be that you fell and injured yourself, developed a disease, or anything else, as long as it happened during your worktime you’ll be eligible for a compensation claim.

Source: Medium

Get into action immediately

Once the injury occurs, the first thing you need to do is, of course, get yourself adequate medical assistance. Your doctor will provide you with important documentation necessary for filing your claim. Also, make sure to notify your employer as promptly as possible.

Time is the most crucial factor when it comes to successfully getting your compensation. Wherever you live, filing your claim during a specific timeframe defined by law is of utmost importance. It could mean the difference between your claim getting accepted or rejected.

The first step is filling out the official workers’ compensation form, and giving it to your employer together with your medical documents. Your employer will then have to fill out their section of the claim.

What happens after you file your claim?

Well, three different scenarios could take place after you’ve filed your claim. The first and the best scenario is your claim getting accepted, which means that you’ll now receive your compensation. This compensation should cover all of the expenses you suffered due to your injury.

The second scenario is your claim gets disputed. This means you’ll get no compensation. Be aware that you need to be given a valid reason and explanation if this happens. If you disagree, you can ask for a revaluation. If this doesn’t resolve your situation, you still have a variety of legal tools to get the compensation you deserve.

The third and the last scenario is your claim being pended. This means that the insurer needs additional information to make a decision. You have the option to approach the insurer and demanding an answer. If a certain amount of time passes and you don’t get your answer, it means your claim has been rejected.

Source: Gordon & Partners

What if my claim gets rejected?

If this happens, don’t worry. It’s actually much more common than you may think. The best course of action is to appeal and ask for a re-assessment of your case. Before you do that, it’s very important to understand why your claim got rejected in the first place. You should consult a legal professional like the Foyle Legal Perth who deals with workers’ compensation claims in Perth, Australia. Legal companies like this one can help you get your compensation while making sure you’re getting the best possible outcome.

Always remember to collect important documentation and proof, and also to closely follow the legal advice your attorneys gave to you.

Returning to work

Your return to work mainly depends on the medical assessment of your injuries and the documentation your doctor provides you with. If you suffered only some light injuries and your doctor deems you capable of returning to work immediately, then that’s what’s going to happen.

If your doctor decides you’re only partially capable of returning to your daily working responsibilities, then you’ll need to consult your employer so you can find the right solution.

If you are deemed completely unable to get back to work, then getting your claim accepted is even more important. You’ll need to be able to provide for your daily needs somehow.

Source: Burge & Burge, PC

Other important things to know

Don’t feel anxious to file a compensation claim. Many people think this will give them a „bad reputation“ or put them in some kind of conflict with their employers. This is not true at all. Even if, for some reason, your employer tries to discriminate against you because of your claim, the law is on your side. These claims are meant and designed to protect you, so don’t feel hesitant to use them. Recovering from your injuries is extremely important, and your health should always come first.

Remember that, in most cases, your employer is required by law to have some kind of insurance for potential injuries their employees might face at the workplace. So your compensation doesn’t come directly from their pockets. Filling this complaint doesn’t mean you blame your employer for your injury, it just means you got hurt and need some time to recover.

Otherwise, if your employer was negligent, and refused to provide necessary protection at the workplace, you could also be eligible for filing a Personal Injury lawsuit. This especially goes if you and your colleagues complained or brought up these issues with your employer and they refused to acknowledge it.

The takeaway

If you suffer an injury while at work, the best way to protect yourself and get the compensation you deserve is by filing a worker’s compensation claim. It is a pretty straightforward process, but the best way to ensure you get the best possible outcome is to consult a legal professional from
The most important thing is to take action as quickly as possible, collect required documentation, and also to be aware of your rights. Even if your claim gets rejected, you can still appeal and get the results you deserve.

Source: Saffren & Weinberg

Don’t be afraid to do it though, as your employer is required by law to have insurance. These claims will never work against you as they’re designed to help you and protect you.

The post What is the Process of Workers Compensation Claim? appeared first on Along the Boards.

Suing For Wrongful Death Due To Defective Products Tue, 04 Aug 2020 18:06:07 +0000 Losing your loved one can be hard enough already. Throw in the fact that a product might have caused it, and the entire situation can be extremely overwhelming. Every product that comes into the market needs to be 100% safe for all the consumers to use, no matter what kind of an item it is. […]

The post Suing For Wrongful Death Due To Defective Products appeared first on Along the Boards.

Losing your loved one can be hard enough already. Throw in the fact that a product might have caused it, and the entire situation can be extremely overwhelming.

Every product that comes into the market needs to be 100% safe for all the consumers to use, no matter what kind of an item it is. That is why you might have a wrongful death claim if a product was defective because of its design, assembly, marketing, or another area.

Even though most of the products that people generally file this claim may be technology related, this category includes almost everything.

What Is Product Liability?

This particular area of the law deals with all cases that involve a defective or unsafe product of any nature. That can be food, tech, health care, legal drugs, or anything else.

Under the law, any party that had even the smallest involvement in any stage can be held liable. That is why it can often be challenging to find out who to sue.

However, the involved parties generally include designers, manufacturers, wholesalers, retailers, marketers, and advertisers.

If the product causes illness or injuries, then you can file a product liability lawsuit. But for the death of a loved one, you can file for wrongful death under the product liability law.

Source: It Business mind

Filing a Wrongful Death Due To Product Liability Lawsuit

Generally, there are many different ways for a defective product to cause death. That is why the cases in this category of the law are divided into three separate sections.

But to properly understand your case and go through it, you will need the help of an experienced legal firm like the likes of

1. Negligence

Under the negligence theory, a party could be held responsible for the wrongful death if they didn’t act as a reasonable party should have in that situation.

For instance, the manufacturer of a product used a material that saves them money instead of using the best item for that function.

But you will still need to provide evidence that shows the party is guilty of negligence, which is not easy without a good lawyer.


2. Strict Liability

In the case of strict liability, you can sue a party that was involved in selling the defective product, regardless of how aware they were of its flawed nature. That basically means they should’ve known better.

For instance, if there is a fault in the designs of a product and the designers claim that it’s the best one they could have come up with, they can still be sued. Why? Because safer designs were available, they were just not aware of them.

3. Breach of Warranty

Breach of warranty applies when a party misguides the consumers on the use of the product, or they are misrepresenting their items.

For instance, your loved one bought something that an ad said it would be perfect for. But when they tried it, the product caused their death.

Source: Money Crashers

Dangers Connected with Defective Products

We are sure that explanations from the above don’t say the full story. Because of that, we would like to give you some additional pieces of information. The product defects can come in different shapes and sizes. We will highlight some most common dangers related to the product defects that can cause injury or even death.

Toy as a Defective product

Toys are one of the most common items that can cause certain injuries. It happens many times that toys break up in smaller parts. Those small parts suddenly become a choking hazard. The defect of that type might seem not too dangerous. Unfortunately, it happened many times they caused injuries that required immediate medical attention.

Before purchasing a toy, parents should check the current warnings. More precisely, they will easily see in the instructions that certain toys are inappropriate for certain age groups. The purpose of purchasing a toy is to improve the education of your child and making his free time more entertaining. Because of that, we recommend you be careful and keep your child safe.

Source: Liddon Law Firm

Household Appliances as Defective Products

We all watch TV or read news blogs on the Internet. You can hear many times that electrical appliances caused damage in certain neighborhoods. In most cases, the wiring caused a fire and the scenario like that usually doesn’t end as we hope.

Logically, living without household appliances is not possible. Because of that, we would like to highlight some of them that can potentially cause the accident. For instance, toasters, toaster ovens, and hair dryers are usually the reason why this sort of accident happens. We recommend you carefully read the features of the products that you purchase. Despite that, you must find a reliable shop when deciding to purchase those items.

Medicines as Defective Products

The environment we all live in is unhealthy. Many internal and external factors negatively influence our overall health. Because of that, older people usually consume some medicines that are keeping their health under control.

As you know, buying medicines without a prescription can be dangerous. Only a small group of medicines can be sold without a prescription. However, those medicines went through strict testing that confirmed their safeness.

Source: Zevan Davidson

Drug manufacturers mustn’t ignore the side effects of the products they are producing. Because of that, they have to inform potential consumers about the side effects the particular medicine can cause. If that is not the case, then you have a legal right to sue the medical company.

The post Suing For Wrongful Death Due To Defective Products appeared first on Along the Boards.
